
Practices / Evidence to support practice is evident in SOPs / Practice is consistent with best evidence / Other / Grade / Strategies for improvement
YES/NO / YES/NO / Comments
  • Visitation is strictly prohibited from 2000-0800. Official visiting hours are 1000-2000---but we flex these to meet the needs and desires of the patients/families.
  • Due to therapy / school schedules the visitation on our unit is restricted but we work with families on an individual basis to bend the visitation hours as needed.
  • We have quiet time on our unit from 2pm-4pm although patients may still have visitors if they wish.
  • Family visitation may be limited in a pod if another patient is coding etc.
  • We have posted visitor hours but we are flexible when possible. Difficult to do all of this with double rooms.We can be much more flexible when they are in a private. Don't have many codes and we use our judgment on how family is doing when coding a patient. Would love to have families involved with rounds-there is not really resistance with this but rather the time of rounding and family being here at that same time.
  • Pediatric patients routinely have visitors in PACU. Adults generally do not because of privacy and space issues, but is allowed for extended stays or if individual circumstances would be improved by having family present.
  • quiet hour implemented on 4jpw from 14-1500 daily
/ C+ /
  1. Remove unilateral restrictions to visitation.
  1. Explore hospital wide EB visitation SOP for more consistency
  1. Consider expanding to family centered care ACC recommendations in SC article RE: participation in rounds, resuscitation, pet visitation.
  1. Add references to support evidence in existing SOP.
  1. Address family participation in care, rounds and bedside report.
  1. Add family presence to Code SOP- assign one person (e.g. Chaplin) to attend to family.

Visitation is open and flexible / N-CWS-OB-02.200*
N-MSS-RSCU-07.040* / 78% Routine
22% Occasional
0% Never
3 NA
27 Responses
Visitations schedules are individualized and collaborative / 67% Routine
30% Occasional
4% Never
3 NA
27 Responses
Family participates in care and rounds / Not evident in SOPs / 42% Routine
50% Occasional
8% Never
6 NA
24 Responses
Family may be present for resuscitation / 29% Routine**
58% Occasional**
13% Never
5 NA
24 Responses
Clean immunized pets are allowed to visit / N-13.080
*not allowed in SICU / 35% Routine
35% Occasional
31% Never
4 NA
26 Responses
Family visitation is restricted during certain hours / N-BHS-Adult-03.010
N-ISS-CVICU-03.040 / 28% Routine
12% Occasional
60% Never
5 NA
25 Responses
  • Generally speaking, visitation SOPs are flexible and collaborative but most still have restricted hours. Inconsistent across units. Quiet times may be impacting responses- unsure what the evidence is for that. No citations even where EBP in place.
  • *See examples of our most flexible, collaborative, family-centered SOPs
  • **Seems high compared to what APNs have seen in practice