George Washington’s Memoir

40 points possible

Periods 2 and 3


mem·oir(P)Pronunciation Key(mmwär, -wôr)

  1. An account of the personal experiences of an author.
  2. An autobiography. Often used in the plural.
  3. A biography or biographical sketch.

Accelerated classes will write a one page (front and back) memoir from the perspective of George Washington. The following must be included in your writing:

How he feels about his early life and his current political career ( you can choose either term or both)

How his views changed about slavery

What he feels (felt) about Hamilton’s plan to rebuild the nation (federal aid to states, taking care of the federal debt, and the formation of a national bank)

The split escalating between Hamilton and Jefferson

End with what he would like his legacy to be after he is gone

You will be graded on the following:

Historic Content 20 points

Language Mechanics 5 points

Appearance/length of paper 5 points

Creativity 10 points

Total 40 points Use Chapter 10 sections 1-3 to help you as well as the Creating America text and various history books I have in the room.

This assignment is due at the end of the period. If you are not done, then turn in a rough draft for me to view and the final copy will be due on Tuesday.

George Washington’s Memoir

Periods 1, 6 and 7

40 points possible

mem·oir(P)Pronunciation Key(mmwär, -wôr)

  1. An account of the personal experiences of an author.
  2. An autobiography. Often used in the plural.
  3. A biography or biographical sketch.

Expanded classes will complete a one page paper (front only ) of a memoir from the perspective of George Washington. The following must be included in your writing:

Remember, when perspective writing you are writing from that time period as if you are George Washington.

Your first paragraph should discuss what he did in his early career and what he has to deal with as President.

Your second paragraph should discuss how he has changed his views of slavery and why he is changing

Your third paragraph should discuss what his Secretary of the Treasure, Alexander Hamilton, is doing to rebuild the nation. Discuss the payment of bonds, state debts, and the formation of a national bank

Be sure to also discuss how Jefferson reacted to these changes

In fourth paragraph discuss how he feels about the split starting between Hamilton and Jefferson

In your last paragraph write about things he would like to be remembered for

You will be graded on the following:

Historic Content 20 points

Language Mechanics 5 points

Appearance/length of paper 5 points

Creativity 10 points

Total 40 points Use Chapter 10 sections 1-3 to help you as well as the Creating America text and various history books I have in the room.