No.15/13/2011-SSC (KKR) Dated, the 10th May, 2011.
Roll No. / Name of the CandidateSubject: Special Examination for Recruitment of SIs in CPOs, 2010 - Interview for the candidates who have been provisionally declared qualified in the written examination.
Dear Candidate,
With reference to your candidature for the above mentioned recruitment, I am to inform you that you have been provisionally declared qualified for appearing in the Interview. Accordingly you are advised to present yourself for the interview as per the following programme:-
Date of Interview: 01/02/03. 06. 2011
Reporting Time: 8.00 AM/11.00 AM - (Batch –I/II)
Venue: Office of the Regional Director, Staff Selection Commission (KKR), 1st Floor, “ E” Wing, Kendriya Sadan, Koramangala, Bangalore – 560 034.
2. You should bring this Call Letter ( in original) along with the following documents, in original and also the copies thereof, duly attested by a Gazetted Officer, for verification and record, respectively:-
(i) Matriculation / High School/Higher Secondary School/equivalent certificate, issued by the State/Central Education Board and NOT by the Principal/Headmaster of the School/Institution where studied, showing your date of birth (in Christian Era).
(ii) All other certificates i.e., Degree/Masters Degree/Diploma etc., in support of your educational /technical/professional qualifications and subjects studied at various levels and mark sheets pertaining to all the years of each course indicating the subjects studied in each year, as claimed in your application or the bio-data sheet.
(iii) In case you are appearing as a Departmental candidate, necessary certificate in support of qualifying period of service from the Department concerned.
(iv) Caste/Category certificates issued by the Competent Authorities in the format as prescribed in the Notice of Examination in support of your claim, viz., SC/ST/OBC/PH (if applicable). OBC Certificates should have been issued on or before 02.11.2010 and should not be older than 3 (three) years on that date. OBC / PH Certificates should be in the prescribed format as given in the Advertisement of the examination.
(v) Complete Discharge Certificate in support of your claim of being an Ex-Serviceman if you belong to that category. In case you are yet to be discharged, the date of discharge should be on or before 01.11.2011. Ex-Servicemen candidates should invariably give an undertaking to the effect that he has/has not so far availed the benefit of reservation available to Ex-servicemen.
(vi) In case your are disabled Defence/BSF Personnel, necessary Disability Certificate from the Competent Authority.
(vii) In case you are already in Government service/Department and your application has not been forwarded through proper channel, "No Objection Certificate" from your present employer should be produced.
(viii) Certificate in support of your claim regarding participation in extra-curricular activities/games/sports, etc.
(ix) Certificates in support of claim regarding experience, if any, indicating the nature of duties performed and the functions of the organization where such experience was gained.
(x) The enclosed Personal Bio-data and Attendance Sheet, duly filled in, with recent Passport size photograph affixed and signed by you.
(xi) Attestation Forms (Two more copies of the Form should be taken and all the three duly filled in and on the last page in each set of Attestation Form, attested by the Competent Authorities mentioned therein, in Original.
(xii) Two passport size photographs.
3. If you do not produce any of the above mentioned documents in original (along with their attested copies) which are required for determining your eligibility for the interview in question, except the documents mentioned against Nos. (viii) and (ix), you will not be admitted for the interview under any circumstances, whatsoever, and no further opportunity will be accorded to take the interview.
4. No Travel expenses or any other expenses will be paid by the Commission for attending the interview. However, eligible SC/ST candidates attending the interview will be reimbursed to and fro 2nd Class Railway fare or Bus fare chargeable by the shortest route, provided that the fare of the first 30kms in both cases is borne by the candidate. No extra charges, if any, incurred for reserving seats, sleeping berths in the train will, however, be reimbursed to the candidate. The candidate must furnish details like distance, mode of travel, ticket number, actual fare paid by the candidate etc. SC/ST candidates working in the Central /State Government, Corporations, Public Sector Undertakings, Local Government Institutions/ Panchayats will not, however, be eligible for such reimbursement.
5. Any change in your present postal address should be communicated to this office at once, showing your Roll Number, name of the examination and the post applied for and the changed address.
6. You have the option to converse either in Hindi or English in the interview. The interview/personality test is structured in such a manner that the candidates’ interests, knowledge, various traits, aptitude, suitability etc., are probed, among other things, through academic qualifications, extra-curricular activities, general awareness/knowledge, depth of knowledge of the subject studied (10+2 onwards), communicative skill, personality, etc.
7. Your candidature is PROVISIONAL. You must therefore ensure that you fulfill all the conditions of eligibility including the Essential Qualifications as laid down in the Advertisement/Notice of the examination. If at any stage it is found that you do not fulfill any of the conditions of eligibility, your candidature will be cancelled and no appeal against such cancellation will be entertained. The fact that you have been called for interview does not confer any right to be treated as eligible for appointment or to be considered for interview. To avoid any disappointment at a later stage, you are advised to recheck whether you meet all the eligibility criteria laid down on the crucial date prescribed for the post/examination in question.
8. Please note that date, time and venue of interview is final and no request for change will be entertained. In case you fail to attend the interview, it will be presumed that you are not interested in the post and your candidature will be treated as “CANCELLED”. No further correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
9. The Commission will not be responsible for late / non-receipt of this letter due to postal delay or any other reason beyond the control of the Commission.
10. Canvassing in any form will result in cancellation of your candidature.
Yours faithfully,
(C.Ravindranath Reddy)
Encls: ‘as above’ Assistant Director
Sl.No. / Roll No. / Name of the Candidate / Date of the Interview1. / 9211500378 / AJITH MOHAN M S / 01.06.2011
2. / 9001500454 / ANANDA RAO EJJADA / 01.06.2011
3. / 9211500280 / ANEESH KUMAR R A / 01.06.2011
4. / 9204000398 / ANEESH T JOSEPH / 01.06.2011
5. / 9204500268 / ANEESHMON M S / 01.06.2011
6. / 9211500023 / ANNIE P S / 01.06.2011
7. / 9211000536 / ANOOJ KUMAR P / 01.06.2011
8. / 9211000201 / ANOOP PG / 01.06.2011
9. / 9001500504 / ARATI KUMARI SHARMA / 01.06.2011
10. / 9211500258 / ASHIK A / 01.06.2011
11. / 9211500294 / ASHUTOSH KUMAR / 01.06.2011
12. / 9004000088 / AVINASH KAMBLE / 01.06.2011
13. / 9211000116 / BINA S / 01.06.2011
14. / 9211000175 / BINUKUMAR B / 01.06.2011
15. / 9204500225 / BIRAM RAM / 01.06.2011
16. / 9204500075 / BIRENDRA KUMAR / 01.06.2011
17. / 9211000009 / BRAJESH KUMAR ATAL / 01.06.2011
18. / 9211500310 / CHANDAN SINGH / 01.06.2011
19. / 9001000214 / DHARMENDRA KUMAR / 01.06.2011
20. / 9001500591 / DIBYA KUMAR ORAM / 01.06.2011
21. / 9001500177 / GELIO HIDAM / 01.06.2011
22. / 9204500196 / GEORGE VIJOY / 01.06.2011
23. / 9206000472 / GIRISH VIKRAM / 01.06.2011
24. / 9001500407 / GOPAL D S / 01.06.2011
25. / 9001500208 / HEM RAJ / 01.06.2011
26. / 9001500055 / HEMANTHA KUMAR R / 01.06.2011
27. / 9212500070 / JAYARAJ GOPAL / 01.06.2011
28. / 9206500156 / JISHA K J / 01.06.2011
29. / 9211000601 / JITHIKA REVINDRAN / 01.06.2011
30. / 9212000258 / JITHIN R / 01.06.2011
31. / 9001500655 / KISHOR / 01.06.2011
32. / 9204500185 / KRISHNAKUMAR M K / 01.06.2011
33. / 9001000849 / KULDEEP SINGH / 02.06.2011
34. / 9001500150 / KUMARA A / 02.06.2011
35. / 9001500195 / KUNAL / 02.06.2011
36. / 9211500065 / LALBURT SINGH P / 02.06.2011
37. / 9206500120 / LINEESH T / 02.06.2011
38. / 9211000250 / LOVELY DAVIS / 02.06.2011
39. / 9211000325 / MAHESH SAM S S / 02.06.2011
40. / 9206500075 / MAJEED C / 02.06.2011
41. / 9001500661 / MANIVEL H S / 02.06.2011
42. / 9206000204 / MANSOOR P K / 02.06.2011
43. / 9001500498 / MD IMRAN KHAN / 02.06.2011
44. / 9206500047 / MOHAMED ASLAM M / 02.06.2011
45. / 9001500270 / MOHAMMAD AQIB / 02.06.2011
46. / 9001000721 / NAIN SINGH / 02.06.2011
47. / 9001000472 / NITINESH KUMAR / 02.06.2011
48. / 9204500273 / OMPRAKASH SAMOTA / 02.06.2011
49. / 9001500277 / PAWAN KUMAR / 02.06.2011
50. / 9001000217 / PRADHAN NAYAK / 02.06.2011
51. / 9206500160 / PRAJEESH T / 02.06.2011
52. / 9001000331 / PRASANNA KJ / 02.06.2011
53. / 9001000272 / PRAVEEN G S / 02.06.2011
54. / 9206000198 / PREEJI K / 02.06.2011
55. / 9206000042 / PRINCE MATHEW P / 02.06.2011
56. / 9212000202 / PRINCY V / 02.06.2011
57. / 9211000090 / RAHUL VIJAY / 02.06.2011
58. / 9004500123 / RAJESH KATE / 02.06.2011
59. / 9001500531 / RAJESH KUMAR / 02.06.2011
60. / 9206000048 / RAJILAL A / 02.06.2011
61. / 9211000432 / RAJINDER SINGH MEENA / 02.06.2011
62. / 9005000018 / RAMESH / 02.06.2011
63. / 9206000093 / RANJITH M K / 02.06.2011
64. / 9212500182 / RATHEESH KUMAR KC / 02.06.2011
65. / 9001500344 / RAVINDRA P / 03.06.2011
66. / 9212500050 / REJU V R / 03.06.2011
67. / 9204000205 / RUBITHA CHAND / 03.06.2011
68. / 9211500217 / SANAL MIRANDA F / 03.06.2011
69. / 9001500373 / SANDEEP SINGH RANA / 03.06.2011
70. / 9001000845 / SANGEETH RAJ T / 03.06.2011
71. / 9211000504 / SANJU S / 03.06.2011
72. / 9004000216 / SANTOSH NIDAGUNDI / 03.06.2011
73. / 9206000339 / SARATH CHANDRAHAS K R / 03.06.2011
74. / 9001000007 / SHEESH PAL / 03.06.2011
75. / 9211500272 / SHIJU P / 03.06.2011
76. / 9206000327 / SHILPA T P / 03.06.2011
77. / 9001500252 / SHIMREINGAM AWUNGSHI / 03.06.2011
78. / 9001000418 / SHIVAKUMARA CN / 03.06.2011
79. / 9206500115 / SHIVRAJ BAIRWA / 03.06.2011
80. / 9211500101 / SHIYAS S / 03.06.2011
81. / 9004500144 / SHREEKANT CHINNUR / 03.06.2011
82. / 9211000045 / SHYMA S / 03.06.2011
83. / 9204500286 / SIJU A J / 03.06.2011
84. / 9204000373 / SIMIL MATHEW / 03.06.2011
85. / 9211500153 / SREEJITH S / 03.06.2011
86. / 9206500042 / SUJESH P K / 03.06.2011
87. / 9001500462 / SUJITH G / 03.06.2011
88. / 9211000538 / SUNIL KUMAR B / 03.06.2011
89. / 9211500017 / SUSHEEL KUMAR / 03.06.2011
90. / 9001000044 / UDAGI VITHAL SHIVARAYA / 03.06.2011
91. / 9211500439 / UMESH KUMAR RAWANI / 03.06.2011
92. / 9211500270 / VIPIN DAS Y / 03.06.2011
93. / 9211000388 / VISHNU P / 03.06.2011
94. / 9212000206 / VIVEK VIJAYAN P / 03.06.2011
95. / 9001500167 / YOGENDRA SINGH / 03.06.2011
96. / 9211000285 / SIVAKUMAR GS / 03.06.2011