Kildare County Council
Minutes of the Clane Area Committee Meeting
held on Tuesday 13 February 2007 at 2.00 p.m.
in Áras Chill Dara, Naas.
Members Present: Councillor Liam Doyle (Cathaoirleach), Councillors Michael Fitzpatrick, Brendan Weld and Tony McEvoy.
Also in attendance: Messrs: Charlie Talbot (Meetings Administrator),
Eamon O’Sullivan (Acting Director of Services) Pat Whelan (Senior Executive Officer Transportation), Willie Hangman (Senior Executive Engineer), Simon Wallace (Parks Superintendent), Una Murphy(Clan Area Office), Des O’Connor(Senior Engineer), Mick Kane(Senior Technician ), Veronica Cooke (Administrative Officer), Bernie McDonnell (Committee Secretary) and other officials.
Matters Arising from Progress Report
Meeting to discuss maintenance and cleaning of river
Councillor Weld thanked the officials for organising a meeting with the National Parks and Wildlife Services on issues relating to the maintenance of the Slate River and cleaning of the Baltracey and Lyreen Rivers and stated that some progress had been made and asked for an update in six months.
Confirmation of Minutes
The committee considered the minutes of the monthly meeting held on 9 January 2007.
Resolved on the proposal of Councillor Weld, and seconded by Councillor Fitzpatrick, that the minutes be confirmed and taken as read.
Deputation from Little Way, Clane
Little Way are a Cancer Support Centre set up in October 2003 working voluntarily for the needs of cancer patients and their families in our County. They have 7 unpaid directors and volunteers trained by the Irish Cancer Society and The Irish Hospice Foundation and to date have received no state funding and depend solely on donations from the business community and their own fundraising events. At present their premises is far too small, with growing numbers a bigger premises is needed to accommodate this. Evelyn Mc Kee, a director of the organisation spoke to the committee and put forward a proposal on acquiring land from the Council to build bigger premises. The members thanked them for their tremendous work and said they were a very deserving cause. The administrator added his words of congratulations for their work and presentation and said the council would endeavour to respond as best they could.
Draft Alcohol bye-laws
Veronica Cooke put forward draft alcohol bye-laws for Kilcock and Robertstown to the members, and showed them maps of the areas. The members agreed that they should go forward for public consultation. The members also asked that alcohol bye-laws be drafted for the Prosperous area.
Taking in charge of Barrington Court, Prosperous
Willie Hannigan presented a report to the members on the taking in charge of Barrington Court, Prosperous. The members recommended that the estate be taken in charge and the matter to be presented to full Council for adoption.
Question – Councillor Fitzpatrick
What progress has been made by Council on the provision of a house or a site for ‘Little Way
Cancer Group’. This group is now experiencing a great need for caring, consulting and meeting facilities?
The administrator informed the members that Little Way had furnished the housing department with information regarding their accommodation requirement but added that as there is no residential element to the groups activities there is no mechanism available through the housing department to provide capital funding to build or acquire a suitable facility. But added that housing department would be happy to facilitate the group in making contact other sections of the Council who may be in a position to assist this organisation. The members requested a list from the planning department as to what land was available to the council for the Clane electoral area, and asked that this matter be re-visited in two months.
Resolved that the members be kept informed of progress
County Kildare Speed Limit Review
Mr Whelan presented a report on the speed limit review to the members. Various proposals were discussed and agreements were reached on the revision to the draft. The members recommended that the review be forwarded to full Council for adoption.
Question - Councillor Weld
What further proposals are to be put in place with regards to traffic calming measures outside Killahanroe National School, Carbury?
The administrator informed the members that in the context of the proposed R402 Enfield/Edenderry road improvement scheme, Roads Design are preparing a traffic management plan, including footpaths and signalized crossings for Kilshanroe village. On completion of the design, the traffic management scheme for the village will be submitted to the Department of Environment Heritage and Local Government for funding approval. The members requested copies of the traffic calming plans for this area.
Resolved that the members be kept informed of progress.
Question – Councillor McEvoy
Could we have continuous footpaths, from Gorretti Terrace and St. Joseph’s Terrace in Prosperous to the schools, along with speed ramps, resurfacing, road markings, including disability parking, and warning signs as a matter of urgency?
The administrator told the committee that it was intended in the next week to surface 38m of footpath from the Corner House to the tyre Depot which will leave a single missing link of 40m of footpaths between the traffic lights and the post primary school. He said the Roads department would like to complete this missing link but would note that this would take away parking space adjacent the post primary and in front of the primary school. It was noted that there is a serious issue of all day parking in the public road between the two schools which is causing difficulties for parents endeavoring to pick up/drop off children. Funds permitting they would like to address the issue of the road surface, missing footpaths, road markings, signage, disability parking and poor drainage in this road. We would also like to investigate the possibility of installing a turning bay and setdown area in the green spaces of Goretti Terrace or St Joseph’s terrace. We have undertaken to construct a bus pull in and setdown area on the main street to link up with the pedestrian/cycle entrance to the new post primary extension. These works will be in place prior the opening of the extension in September 2007. The members said the report was encouraging, but they were concerned at the parking difficulties for parents and requested that the schools be approached to ask the teachers to park inside the gates of the school in order to alleviate the problem. Councillor McEvoy wished it to be recorded that his preference was for a footpath to be instated in front of the secondary school.
Resolved that the members be kept informed of progress.
Question – Councillor McEvoy
Could we have a footpath, or added pedestrian bridge where the Millicent Road accesses the Street in Clane, and could this be tied in with a general upgrading of the footpaths leading to it?
The administrator reported that the footpath form the main street down the Millicent road warrants repair, and it would be investigated if these funds would also allow a second pedestrian bridge. Councillor McEvoy said he was confused by this report as there wasn’t a need for this. He suggested that a timber bridge or board walk as a possibility for the area.
Resolved that the members be kept informed of progress.
Motion – Councillor Fitzpatrick
That this Council identify sources of funding to undertake urgent essential repairs to roads in North West Kildare to make them safe for all road users.
It was reported by the administrator that a dilapidation survey of all roads in the North West Kildare area had been undertaken. Roads were measured, graded and costs of remediation were calculated. It was calculated that 230,000 sq m of road needs to be remediated to bring the entire network up to a fair standard and this will cost 2.854m. In 2006, 70,000sq of roads were remediated. The members requested a report for the next meeting on the amount of development levies and other sources of finance are available to undertake work on the roads in North West Kildare.
Resolved that the members be kept informed of progress.
Motion – Councillor Fitzpatrick/Weld
That officials up-date members on provision of road safety measures in Prosperous at Reillys Shop, St. Farnhams School and Scoil Leanbh Íosa in furtherance of their previous representations
The administrator informed the members that these issues were dealt with earlier in the report to item 7. the members noted the report and asked if disability funding could be secured for this work.
Resolved that the members be kept informed of progress.
Motion – Counicllor McGinley
That the Clane Area Committee hereby requests the Director of Services to include the following works in the 2007 Works Programme and that given the safety of children involved that the works be given priority;
a) to provide a new road surface with drainage at the primary school in Prosperous
b) to provide anti speed ramps and speed limit of 30 k.p.h. at the same location and associated road markings
c) to provide footpaths on each side of the road at this location and to upgrade the existing ones
d) to provide dedicated parking space for the mini-buses carrying special needs children at the school
e) to provide a safe crossing point in front of the school.
The administrator informed the members that these issues were dealt with earlier in the report to item 7.
Resolved that the report be noted.
Motion – Councillor Weld
That traffic calming measures be put in place between Broadford Village and Millrace Lawn
The members were in informed that traffic calming ramps had been put in place in the lower Broadford village, and then at the church and school. There are no plans to extend these ramps up to Mill Race Lawn. Councillor Weld expressed his disappointment and stated that the people wanted some form of traffic calming in the Mill Race Lawn area
Resolved that the report be noted.
Motion - Councillor Weld
That the area around the bus stop at Woodlands Park Estate, Coill Dubh be reinstated.
The members were informed that this work would be done during the road restoration season.
Resolved that the report be noted.
Question – Councillor Fitzpatrick
What effort is Council making to provide Carbury Village with a sewerage scheme or is Council aware of any developer proposing to do so?
The administrator reported that there are no current plans to provide Carbury with a sewerage scheme. Developers had not shown an interest in advancing a sewerage scheme in Carbury.
Resolved that the report be noted.
Question – Councillor Fitzpatrick
Why does the Council not become a member of Local Group Water Schemes, and have rented council houses, with only private water supply, serviced by the schemes such as a house in Timahoe East (details supplied), who lacks a proper water supply?
The members were informed that the council cannot become a member of group schemes. The Rural Water Programme is to facilitate the upgrade of water supply to private households.
Resolved that the members be kept informed of progress.
Adjourned Motion – Councillor Weld
That remedial action be taken with regard to the chimneys in Mooretown Drive, Rathcoffey
The administrator informed the committee that there was no report received for this item.
The members expressed their disappointment at not receiving a report on this item as people are living in unhealthy conditions. A report was requested for the next meeting.
Resolved that the members be kept informed of progress.
Parks Works Programme 2007
Mr Wallace gave an account of the breakdown of the Parks Works Programme 2007 and gave a copy to the members.
Motion – Councillor Fitzpatrick
That this Council supports the provision of a cycle path in Donadea Forest Park and will assist in the provision of same with a funding allocation.
The members were informed that Leisure Services section would investigate any possible way of helping establish cycle routes with Donadea Forest Park through engaging with all relevant agencies and identifying possible sources of funding.
Resolved that the report be noted.
Question – Councillor Weld
Could we have a progress report on new playground in Clane?
The members were informed that a meeting was held with the Clane Community Council and Clane Playground Committee regarding the proposal to locate the playground on the Mill Stream open space in Clane last week. It was agreed at the meeting to change some of the design t locate the playground to one side of the stream rather than two as originally proposed in the Part 8 advertised last year. It was also agreed that Clane Community Council would discuss this proposal and the leasing of the site to Kildare County Council at their next meeting. The playground committee agreed to also bring the new design proposal back to their members for approval. In the interim it is proposed to readvertise the Part 8 with changes. The members thanked the administrator for the report and asked that they be kept informed of progress as they felt there was a lack of communication.
Resolved that the members be kept informed of progress.
Question – Councillor Weld
Could the Council provide a playground in the Carbury/Derrinturn Area?
The administrator reported that consideration could be given to the location for a playground in this area. However, prior to this a suitable site and finance for the project needs to be identified. There are already existing commitments in the Capital Works Programme to provide a playground in Clane & Clogharinke as will as improvement works in Bawnogues. An assessment needs to be carried out as to whether all these commitments can be carried out in addition to providing a playground in Carbury/Derrinturn area with finance available in the Recreational Levies for the Clane electoral area. Councillor Weld asked if he could be informed as to how much levies was collected in the area for recreation.
Resolved that the members be kept informed of progress.
Any other business
Public Lighting Additional Public Lighting list.
Ms. Murphy presented the revised public lighting additional public lighting list for the Clane electoral area.