To: All Parents & Teachers

From:Kevin Lagos

CC:D.Phillips; J. Heitmann


Re:Pull Out Music Lessons

I would like to take this opportunity to let everyone know about our pull out lesson program here at the HS. Each student in the 7-8grades that is a member of the concert band will be asked to come to one instrumental lesson a week. They will be pulled from either period 2, 5, or 6on a rotating basis. Later in the year, we add period 3 into the rotation as well. Students will be out of the class once every 3or 4 weeks. I have asked the students should report to class and tell their teacher they have a lesson as a courtesy, but you all received a schedule. I understand there is complicated material that is being taught and often the students do not want to be left behind. However, I do not want them to be left behind in Band class either. If the class is taking a test, or working on a group project the teacher may ask the student to remain in class. Sometimes you may want them to be in the class for the beginning of the period, but the second half of the period could be spent in their music lesson or vice versa. If the student has left in the middle of the period, please send them with a pass. I leave the decisions up to the students and their parents. Coming to lessons is not an option for the students unless they are struggling in the class or one of the above situations occurs. It is also the student’s responsibility to make up or hand in any work that was due the day of their lesson. If this policy is not successful in the first marking period, I will make necessary adjustments throughout the year but has really been very successful for several years now. I have included a copy of the lesson schedule and the lesson groups for the first marking period. If you will notice, the student exams are listed on this schedule. These are very important and the student should be allowed to come. The exam only takes a few minutes and I can send them back to class as soon as they are done. The lesson groups will change slightly as the year goes on, but I will make sure everyone is aware of any changes that do occur. If there are individual cases that need to be addressed, I will be happy to make arrangements. Communication with me about any issues with individual students is very important. Please talk with me if there is a problem. Please let me know of any questions or concerns as many have had trouble deciphering the schedule. My extension is 2250, and my email address is: . If we work together, the pull out program can work smoothly without the headaches for you, the students or me. Thank you for you time, feel free to contact me at any time.

Kevin Lagos

Band Director

GlenRidgeHigh School

973-429-8300 ext. 2250


Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
Amount of Time Practiced

Assignments to be completed:

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______

Please indicate the amount of time spent practicing in the correct box. The assignments will be checked at the next lesson, but any time spent playing your instrument outside of the school will count towards practice time. Do not forget to include due date as it will make record keeping more difficult!

Student Name: ______Group Letter: ______

Parent Signature: ______Next Lesson/Assignment Due: ______

7th & 8th Grade students must hand in a Practice Sheet at each of their lessons unless they had an exam the previous lesson. Above is a sample Lesson Sheet. Students should fill in the amount of time they play each night. Five days between lessons at 20 minutes each session will earn 10 out of 10 points. For each day less than 5 the student practices, they will lose a point. 4 days = 9 points, 3 days 8 points etc. A student will receive 5 points for a blank practice sheet WITH A PARENT SIGNITUREHANDED IN ON TIME! If there is no signature, I will not accept the sheet until there is a signature on it. If a student practices 60 minutes one day and 40 another, that will count as two days practiced. The amount of time practicing is not nearly as important as the consistency of playing each day on your own. 5 minutes each day is better than 35 minutes one day and that is it. They will have a practice sheet EVERY WEEK. If they do not ask you to sign one, please ask them for it. The schedule can be found at my website (listed above) in the files section.

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