2015/021 (CC) / PRESENT
CouncillorFletcher [Chair] and Councillors Dermondy, Firth, Archer, F Ahmed and Akhtar (from 6.50).
Observing – Councillor Westerman
Safia Kauser – ActingTown Clerk/RFO
Dianne Duckworth – Minute Secretary
2015/022 (CC) /


Apologies were accepted from Councillor Shaw.
2015/023 (CC) /


None were received.
2015/024 (CC) /


None were received.
2015/025 (CC) / MINUTES
To approve the minutes of the Civic Centre committee meeting held on 02 September 2015
Proposed by Councillor Fletcher and seconded by Councillor Firth, and
RESOLVED: - That the Minutes of the meeting of the Civic Centre Committee held on 02 September 2015 be confirmed as a true record of the proceedings and signed by the Chair.
2015/026.1 - To receive a report from the Clerk on the action taken in relation to the heating and boiler repair
An update was provided by the Clerk. The Clerk explained that the boiler has not been working for some time now and that complaints have been made by staff and users that the Civic Centre is cold. At times conditions have not been workable. The Civic Centre used to have a boiler maintenance contract but this was ended 2 years ago. In the absence of the Facilities Supervisor, the Clerk contacted a previous company that provided the boiler maintenance contract for the Council as they had dealing with boiler. The company who have knowledge of the boiler came out within the week and the Clerk had exercised her delegation to order the work on the boiler maintenance. An engineer came to assess the boiler but couldn’t access the control panel but managed to find an over-ride switch to manually turn on the boiler. The cost of the repair came to £631.35. There are two boilers, one a back up to the main boiler but this is broken. The Clerk was pleased to say that the building is now warm and that radiators have been manually turned off in rooms that are not in use. The company confirmed that they would send out the engineer and submit a health check report.
2015/026.2 - To receive an update on further quotations obtained on the boiler repair and consider any necessary action required (report enclosed)
The facilities supervisor had obtained quotes for repair and replacement boiler. The Committee decided to defer until the next meeting to obtain a further quote from the previous contractor once they have been in this week.
2015/026.3 - To consider boiler maintenance contracts for 2016/17
The last boiler maintenance contract was ended in 2013. A quote two years ago was in the region of £1,700 for a two year contract with two visits per year and any other costs needed. The committee agreed a contract would be the best way forward so no unexpected costs would accrue.
Proposed by Councillor Firth and seconded by Councillor Fletcher, and
RESOLVED: - That the Civic Centre Committee instructs the Facilities Supervisor to obtain three quotes for Boiler Maintenance Contracts to be brought back to the next Committee.
2015/027 (CC) / BUSINESS RATES
To receive an update from the Facilities Supervisor on the recent request for a review of business rates submitted to the Valuation agency in view of the reduced level of activity in the Civic Centre (Report enclosed).
A report from the Facilities Supervisor was circulated to committee members. It reported that the Valuation agency was contacted, in order to ascertain if the business rates could be re-valued. The Civic Centre is subject to business rates and the correct title is ‘none domestic rating list’. KTC is still operating from the building with offices in there. The business rate is for the whole building and the Council was liable to pay the business rates. It was discussed increasing charges to customers but a chance the Council could loose these customers. It was also suggested looking into ‘Charitable Status’.
To consider a full independent survey of the Civic Centre roof.
The Clerk reported that the initial documentation on the roof was no longer on the Council premiseswhen refurbishment works were carried out so basically no one has knowledge of what is going on with the roof as all information was contained within the refurbishment works file. Quotations were received at the last meeting. The area above the Clerk’s Officer has already been repaired at a cost of around £2,000. There is now a leak in the main hall and side guttering. Cllr Firth said the building does not have a ‘Programme of Works’ for the roof nor for the whole building. Insurance on the building was discussed.
Committee members agreed that the Facilities Supervisor be asked to look into building insurance for the roof and to come back with a report at the next meeting. It was also noted that £25,000 has been put aside for building maintenance.
2015/029.1 - To receive an update on the disposed catering/café stock and to update the stock lists
The Clerk reported that some food stocks have already been given away to charitable organisations. The fridges and freezers have now been switched off and cleaned. The out of date food has been disposed of and cleaned out by the cleaners. Value of the food stock balance recorded at 31 March 2015 was £254.17. This value is now recorded at zero due to the disposed stock.
2015/029.2 -To consider the Clerks recommendation for disposing the bar stock (value and stock recorded in the stock lists at 31 March 2015)
Note: Minute Reference 2014/202 (CCC) – RESOLVED - That the Civic Centre Committee instructs the Town Clerk and RFO to deal with all bar stocks with VAT implications and gives permission to dispose of any stock appropriately. To note that Museum stock is stored until further notice.
The Clerk reported that some of the bar stock is out of date along with some sealed barrels. Nothing has happened with the bar stock since Minute Reference 2014/202 (CC). The Clerk has received two requests for the out of date bar stock valued at £698.52. The stock cannot be sold but can be given away or disposed of. Once the stock is disposed, the value on the stock lists will be reduced to zero.
Proposed by Councillor F Ahmed and seconded by Councillor Dermondy, and
RESOLVED: - That the Civic Centre Committee agrees that the bar stock be split between the two requests made to the Clerk for the out of date stock with a donation to the Council. The Clerk to contact the suppliers to get money back on stock that is not out of date and to arrange for the barrels to be sent back and request a return on the deposit.
To consider the use of alcohol consumption for private parties and events at the Civic Centre. Committee members must have regards to all health and safety aspects and implications.
Committee members discussed this issue at length. It was reported that BMDC was contacted and that people can bring alcohol on site for personal consumption but cannot be sold. There was an incident in the past where a casual worker had to ring the police because an external event had became out of hand. Members discussed that there is no policy in place for room hire, consumption of alcohol and or any aspects for health and safety implications.
Committee members agreed that rooms are only available for hire between office hours and out of office hours is subject to the caretakers availability. In the meantime until a policy has been devised, the use of alcohol consumption for private parties and events at the Civic Centre is not permitted. It was suggested that should alcohol consumption should be considered once the policy is in place on the provisio that the two SIA officers are provided by the client.
Proposed by Councillor Dermondy and seconded by Councillor F Ahmed, and Cllr Archer abstained.
RECOMMENDED: - That the Civic Centre Committee refers the matter to P&G Committee to develop a ‘room or hall hire Policy’ including terms and conditions’ with the addition of alcohol consumption conditions to be included in the policy.
2015/031 (CC) / BUDGET 2016/17
To draft and submit a detailed committee budget in respect of revenue and capital income and expenditure for the following year to the Finance and Audit committee by 31 October. Month 6 financial committee report will be tabled to committee members.
The RFO circulated a month 6 budget financial committee report. The RFO provided information on each individual budget heading.
Civic Centre / Budget 16/17
8000 Casual Workers / £3,000
8001 Loan Interest / £50,452
8002 Loan Principal Repayments / £6,6120
8006 Insurance / £4,500
8008 Utilities / £15,000
8010 Catering Equipment/Lease / Clerk
8011 Furniture/Lease charges / Clerk
8012 Lift maintenance / £1,500
8013 Cleaning supplies / £1,000
8018 Plants (indoor & outdoor) / £750 to consider indoor plants
8019 H&S Regs n Ass’Costs / £1,500
8020 Window cleaning / £600
8021 Advertising/Promotional CC / £5,000
8024 Trade waste services / £800
8025 Sanitary colle & low risk waste / £300
8026 Event Expenses CC / £500
8027 Business rates / £29,900 RFO to recommend budget based on this years charges
8029 Telephones / £5,500
8030 Cleaners / £7,500 - one cleaner been made redundant. Costs reduced to accommodate one cleaner
8031 Boiler maintenance / £2,000
8032 Chatsworth Trust / £2,000
8033 Alcohol license / £300
8034 Music license / £1,000
8035 General maint/repair CC / £5,000
8036 Volunteer expenses / £250
8038 Conveyancing/Profes’legal fees / £2,000
8043 Legionella costs / £2,000
8044 Asbestos audit / £500
8045 Lightning protection / £300
8198 Claims paid / £0
8199 Miscellaneous expenses CC / £1,500
Income Expenditure
2873 Miscellaneous income / £1,000 (this year 1,500 apprenticeship fees received this year, donations from Keighley Play House, Fright Nights)
2877 Telephone equip TC contri / £0
2879 Furniture lease TC contri / £0
2880 Tenancy income / £2,500 (Cancer Support £140 per month)
2881 Banqueting hall hire / £3,000
2882 Meeting room hire / £7,000
2015/032.1 -To approve the Civic Centre committee payments for August 2015
Proposed by Councillor Firth and seconded by Councillor Fletcher, and
RESOLVED: - That the Civic Centre Committee approves payments for August 2015
2015/032.2 - To approve the Civic Centre committee payments for September 2015 (to be tabled)
The Committee agreed to defer until the next meeting.
2015/032.3 - To receive the monthly Civic Centre financial committee report
The financial committee report was received and noted by members.
2015/033.1 -To consider the recommendations from the Civic Centre strategy committee meeting held on 17 September - RECOMMENDED - That the Civic Centre Committee looks at energy consumption within the Civic Centre.
This was discussed by committee members. The heating has now been turned down in areas not used. The cell area does not need to be cleaned every day so the lights don’t need to be on. Solar panels have been suggested in the past.
The Committee asks the Clerk to send a memo to all staff to include: 1) ensure cleaner doesn’t leave lights on 2) turn heating off where not needed 3) ensure energy efficient bulbs are used 4) arrange for an inspection to be done 4) use common sense approach.
2015/033.2 - To consider the recommendations from the Civic Centre strategy committee meeting held on 17 September - RECOMMENDED - That the Civic Centre Committee to look at the arrangement with Keighley History Society.
The Clerk provided an update on Keighley and District Local History Society. Two minutes reference dating 30/6/14 and 29/9/14 were referred to relating to a number of documents that have not been signed and no agreement with KTC. Partnership draft agreement and Appendix C was circulated to committee members that the arrangement is benefits in kind to do work for KTC onquid pro quo but this is not happening. It was discussed drawing up an official rental agreement to charge and generate a monthly rental fee with a clause to give a months notice on either side.
Members agreed for the Clerk to contact the History Society in the first instance to seek their views and to bring back to the next meeting.
2015/034.1 -To investigate and consider the repair/maintenance of the broken latches on the Civic Centre external post box
Committee members discussed this and agreed for the Facilities Supervisor to arrange for the latch on the external post box to be fixed.
2015/034.2 - To review the contents of the display cabinet outside the Civic Centre
Committee members discussed this and agreed for the Clerk to instruct the Caretaker to action the repair on the outdoor display cabinet.
2015/035 (CC) / STAFFING
To receive a staffing update from the Human Resources committee and consider any necessary action
Proposed by Councillor Fletcher and seconded by Councillor Firth, and
RESOLVED –Public Bodies Admissions to Meetings Act 1960 - That in view of the (confidential) nature of the business about to be transacted, it is advisable in the public interest that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw for reasons and matters appertaining to staff are of a confidential nature.
Cllr Westerman left at this point.
An update was received from the Human Resources Committee in relation to Civic Centre Reception and that no action has been taken. Committee members agreed that as the Civic Centre is not trading a reception budget is no longer needed at present.
Proposed by Councillor Firth and seconded by Councillor Fletcher, and
RESOLVED: - That the Civic CentreReception budget be removed for 2015/2016 on the basis of the reduced level of activity due to the lack of trading and that the position is no longer required in it’s current format. It is recommended that the Human Resources committee deals with the employment implications.
  • Update on Keighley and District Local History Society
  • Civic Centre ‘Room / Hall hire Policy’
  • Update on building insurance for Civic Centre Roof
  • Update on boiler maintenance contract
  • To approve the Civic Centre committee payments for September 2015
  • Petition to Secretary of State to dissolve the loan

To note the date of the next committee meeting – Wednesday 04 November 2015, 6.00pm in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Keighley.
There being no other issues raised therefore Councillor Fletcher closed the meeting at 8.10pm.

Certified as a true copy:1
