YEAR ______

PARCEL NO. ______


***** Confidential Information *****


Name ______Date of Birth ______

Phone Number: Daytime: ( )______Evening: ( )______

Cell Phone: ( )______

Property Address for Which Relief is Being Sought: Marital Status No. of Years

______[ ] Married ______

[ ] Divorced ______

______[ ] Widowed ______

[ ] Separated ______

______[ ] Single ______


[ ] Disabled – No of years ______[ ] Disabled – No of years ______

[ ] Do you qualify for disability benefits? [ ] Yes [ ] No[ ] Do you qualify for disability benefits? [ ] Yes [ ]No

[ ] Employed Full-time[ ] Employed Full-time

[ ] Employed Part-time[ ] Employed Part-time

[ ] Retired – No of Years ______[ ] Retired – No of Years ______

[ ] Unemployed – No of Years ______[ ] Unemployed – No of Years ______

[ ] Laid-off – No of Years ______[ ] Laid-off – No of Years ______

[ ] Other ______[ ] Other ______

Occupation: ______Occupation: ______

(If employed) (If employed)

Employer: ______Employer: ______

Address: ______Address: ______

Telephone: (____)______Telephone: (___)______

Describe any disability or health problems:Describe any disability or health problems:








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  1. Purchase Date: ______Amount Paid: ______
  2. Mortgage/Land Contract Balance: ______
  3. Monthly Payment: ______Does this payment include taxes? [ ] Yes [ ] No
  4. Number of Years Remaining on the mortgage/land contract: ______
  5. Are your property taxes paid? [ ] Yes [ ] No
  6. Did you apply for a poverty exemption last year? [ ] Yes [ ] No
  7. Do you have an ownership interest in any other real estate in Michigan or anywhere else?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

If yes, please list:

Location: ______Tax I.D. No: ______

Current State Equalized Value: ______Estimated Current Value: ______

Purchase Date: ______Purchase Price: ______

Attach additional sheet if necessary

I. Are you and/or your spouse the sole owners of the subject property? [ ] Yes [ ] No

If no, list all owners and their percentage of ownership:



  1. Have any improvements, changes or additions been made to the property in the last two (2) years?

[] Yes [ ] No If yes, please explain: ______

  1. Do you anticipate selling the homestead property for which relief is sought in the next year?

[ ] Yes [ ] No Explain: ______

  1. Does anyone contribute to your support? [ ] Yes-Amount $ ______

[ ] No, Explain:


M. Is anyone able to contribute to your support? [ ] Yes [ ] No, Explain:


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Please list ALL people currently living in your household other than yourself and spouse:

1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Annual Income
Claimed as Dependent / [ ] Yes [ ] No / [ ] Yes [ ] No / [ ] Yes [ ] No / [ ] Yes [ ] No
Heir to Estate? / [ ] Yes [ ] No / [ ] Yes [ ] No / [ ] Yes [ ] No / [ ] Yes [ ] No

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What are your current assets in addition to the real estate noted previously?

Cash $ ______

Savings Accounts/Certificates & Money Markets$ ______

Checking Accounts$ ______

Stocks/Bonds/Treasury Bills$ ______

Insurance$ ______

Other$ ______

Investments$ ______

IRA, Keogh, Annuities, Deferred Compensation$ ______

Personal property held as an investment$ ______

(i.e. gems, jewelry, coin collection, antiques cars etc)$ ______

TOTAL:$ ______

Vehicles, Cars, Trucks, Boats, Trailers, etc.

#1 / #2 / #3
Balance Owed

Do you have other loans or land contracts outstanding? (attach additional sheet if necessary)

To Whom / To Whom
Address / Address
Monthly Payment / Monthly Payment
Current Balance / Current Balance

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Average M-o-n-t-h-l-yExpenses: MONTHLY AMOUNT

Rent/House Payment (Principal & Interest)$ ______

Life Insurance$ ______

Health Insurance$ ______

Home Insurance$ ______

Auto Insurance$ ______

Taxes (Principal Residence)$ ______

Taxes on other property$ ______

Car Payment$ ______

Special Assessment$ ______


Gas/Oil$ ______

Electricity$ ______

Telephone$ ______

Water/Sewer$ ______

Child Care$ ______

Food/Clothing$ ______

Other Loans$ ______

Medical$ ______

Lawn care/snow removal$ ______

Cable/Dish$ ______

Other (Specify) Examples: Newspaper, Gasoline$ ______

Disposal Service, Water Softener, Pet Food,

License Plates, Church, Christmas Giving



Do you have any major or unusual expenses? [ ] Yes [ ] No

If yes, please explain:






(Attach additional sheet if necessary)

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Please list all sources of your personal income. Please indicate the amount from each source on an A-n-n-u-a-lbasis.


Wages, salaries, tips, sick, strike and subpay, etc.$ ______

All interest and dividend income (including non-taxable interest)$ ______

Net rent, business or royalty income$ ______

Retirement pension and annuity benefits$ ______

Name of Payer ______

Net farm income $ ______

Capital gains less capital losses$ ______

Alimony and other taxable income$ ______

Social Security, SSI or railroad retirement benefits$ ______

Child support, WIC$ ______

Unemployment compensation and TRA benefits$ ______

Workers’ compensation, veterans’ disability compensation$ ______

ADC and GA benefits$ ______

All other public assistance payments$ ______

Describe ______

Other Non-taxable income$ ______

Describe ______


What was the total income from all sources of everyone living in your household for the past two (2) years?

Last Year ______Prior Year ______

Do you anticipate any major changes in income for the coming year: [ ] Yes [ ] No

If yes, please explain: ______


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I/We, am/are unable to pay the full property taxes on the above described property and hereby make application for property tax relief in accordance with Section 211.7u Michigan Compiled Laws.

I/We have read this application and fully understand the contents thereof. I/We declare that the statements made herein are complete, true, and correct to the best of my/our knowledge. I/We further understand that if any information contained herein is found to be false or incomplete, any and all relief granted by this application will be forfeited and placed back on the assessment roll with penalties and interest occurring on the additional tax liability in accordance with Section 211.119 Michigan Compiled Laws.

Petitioner’s Signature:______

Spouse’s Signature:______

Subscribed and sworn to before me this ______day of ______, 20______.


Notary Public/Assessing Office Staff


My Commission Expires: ______

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