ENGLISH 9Fall 2003

September 16 – October 1: The Modern Short Story, cont. (Rev.)

Tuesday, September 16.

Your first essays are due today, on your summer reading.

Discussion of “Everyday Use.” More on character and point of view.

For Monday, September 22, read “A Pair of Tickets, pp. 136-151. As you read, compare this story of “Everyday Use.” What themes do these two stories have in common? Answer questions 1, 2, 3, 4. Also read on Setting, pp. 109-111. Think about family relationships in all three stories: “Sonny’s Blues,” “Everyday Use,” and “A Pair of Tickets.” What are the strengths of family? What are its conflicts?

Monday, September 22.

Return of your first compositions and review of what to do to revise.

Bring Pingry Manual of Style to class with you. This week work on revising your essay for a higher grade. See me during CP to go over your essays with me.

Discussion of “A Pair of Tickets” and “Everyday Use.”

For Tuesday, read “GreasyLake,” pp. 128-136, answering questions 2, 3, 5. Think about our theme for the year: Coming of Age. In what ways does the protagonist of “A Pair of Tickets” come of Age? What ways does the protagonist of “GreasyLake”? How do we know each character has changed? What events have caused the change?

Tuesday, September 23.

Discussion of “Greasy Lake.” This is a strong story, full of violence and potential violence. Yet it is a story in which a young man moves into a real awareness of what it is to be an adult.

For Wednesday, read “The Story of an Hour,” pp. 573-5. and read on Tone and Style, pp. 154-56. This story is very short, but its ending may confuse you. Take a minute to reread it, noting the way the author gets you ready for the surprise ending. How is the story ironic?

Wednesday, September 24.

Bring Vocabulary books to class for review of Lesson 2.

Discussion of “The Story of an Hour.” Irony.

Assignment for Thursday: Read on Theme, pp. 195-97, and then read Carver’s “Cathedral,” p. 448.

Study for vocabulary quiz on Lesson 2 and review week’s stories.

Thursday, September 25

Quiz on Lesson 2 and week’s stories.

Discussion of “Cathedral.”

For Monday, read on Symbol, pp. 243-45, and Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery,” pp. 254-61. Begin to review terms and stories for test. Revise your essays, due on Monday.

Monday, September 29.

Your revised essays are due today.

Discussion of “The Lottery.” Symbol.

Assignment: Review for test on short story.

Tuesday, September 30.

We will review for test: themes, content, elements of the modern short story. Bring books and notes to class.

Wednesday, October 1.

Full period test on t he modern short story: themes, content, elements of the modern short story.

Right after the short story test, we will begin a review of punctuation and sentence errors as we move into our study of Homer’s Odyssey.