To: Janeal Kohler, Executive Director, HADCO

From: Carene Villegas, Resident Advisory Board President

Date: October 24, 2017

RE: RAB Public Comment on HADCO’s 2018 HUD Annual Policy and Budget Submission Report

  1. HADCO employees and contractor’s employees should not park in or block handicap parking and/or handicap dipped curb areas.
  2. Fences (with gates) for all units. (Do not have to be 6’ high.)
  3. Painted parking lines on the streets.
  4. Handicapped spaces painted
  5. Paint the corner curbs red (for no parking)
  6. Inform residents of trash pickup process by HADCO
  7. When maintenance staff is working in unit other staff members should not use this as an opportunity for an “unannounced” inspection.
  8. Remodel old Admin. Building into an ADA unit. First resident should be current tenant at 932

W. Stanton, Roseburg. Or if HUD does not allow the addition of a new rental unit, remodel a 3 bedroom unit into a true ADA unit for the above tenant with the Admin building ADA remodel rented under the rules discussed for outside HUD assistance.

9. Enforce current rules, such as:

Cleaning up ALL dog poop tenant is responsible for.

Residence must stop putting out food for cats, dogs, birds and any other animals. Feed their animals indoors.

Put out traps etc. for any animals that are running loose in the area.

  1. When letters of notification are sent to residents stating that on a certain day or days their unit will be entered by HADCO staff between the hours of say 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. residents should be allowed to make specific time appointments. Include this information in the letter of notice.
  2. Portable fire pits should be allowed under the following rules:

(a)Approved by the Fire Marshal (b) set up rules for location, i.e. not within 5 feet of building, (c) screen on fire pit, (d) set up on bricks to avoid lawn damage, then remove the bricks and put the fire pit away. (e) Keep a large container of water and/or a water hose (with running water) with the lit fire pit(f) adult supervision, (g) do not leave pit unattended.

P22: Good Record Requirement for Transfers

Unless the transfer …

(second bullet point). A resident with a pattern of housekeeping…


  1. No vicious or intimidating animals… (replace intimidating with aggressive)
  2. All pets will remain … on a leash under direct control of … Remove “owner” replace with “responsible person”

5. Pets shall not interfere with the peaceful enjoyment… Please, on a regular basis, send notices

regarding this rule.

P29: IX. Interim Rent Adjustments

Adjusting Rent …

Residents are required … (doesn’t seem right that resident can be charged retroactively but cannot be reimbursed retroactively)

P31: Abandonment

Numbers 1, 2 and 3 should be removed.

P35 Items not included in Annual Income. Seems very wrong that children under 18 can earn money that is not considered income, however a totally disabled child’s SSD payments are considered income.


P. 3: V. Selecting the Hearing Officer or Hearing Panel

Board of Commissioners should have the final say to pay increases or firing with regards to Hearing Officer.

P. 4: VIII. Procedures governing the hearing, (bottom of page) The complainant should have the right to a copy of the hearing transcript without a charge.


The RAB still has the same concerns regarding the last budget, especially the delay in installing the new heaters.