OCTOBER 28, 2014

7:30 P.M.

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Mike Wegescheide, with the following board members answering to roll call: Mike Wegescheide, Ron Krick, Wayne Muskopf, Dave Graf, Charlie Butzinger and Mike Capell. Ken Harres was absent. Steve Muskopf, the Zoning Administrator, was present. Randy Burk, the Village Engineer, was present.

A motion was made by Wayne Muskopf and seconded by Charlie Butzinger to approve the August 26th minutes. The motion carried unanimously.

Mike Wegescheide announced that there was one hearing on the agenda.

Hearing SU-38 for a special use permit in the 1st block of East Madison Street (parcel # 12100305003 & #12100305004).

Crissy Pipik swore in all citizens wishing to speak.

ST. CLAIR COUNTY 911 HEARING: Bill Gamblin, representative from St. Clair County 911, stated that they are looking to put up a monopole radio tower to support the 800 radio system that is currently on top of the old water tower. Due to the structural and paint issues with the old water tower, and that the county radio technicians are skeptical about climbing the old water tower to inspect the antennas, St. Clair County feels this is their best option. Mr. Gamblin stated he’s talked with the Village about leasing the ground to put up the monopole tower. It will support the system used by the Fire Department and EMS. He has also been contacted by Harrisonville Telephone Company because they may want to put their equipment on the monopole tower. Mr. Gamblin stated the main reason for the new tower is the 800 system for the Fire Department and EMS. The County does not want to put funds into the abandoned water tower. Mike Wegescheide clarified the area they are looking at is on the Southwest corner of the property at East Madison Street and South Breese Street. Mr. Gamblin answered yes. There is a little building there currently that holds the electronics for their system. The new tower would be built next to that. Resident Betty Keller Timmer asked how close to the old water tower would the new monopole tower be built. Mr. Gamblin answered it would be no greater than fifty feet from the old water tower. Ms. Timmer asked how close it could be. Mr. Gamblin answered it could be as close as twenty feet. He explained that the County is trying to keep it as close as they can to the preexisting building that holds their electronics so it would be between twenty and fifty feet away from the old water tower. Discussion followed about which corner of the property the monopole tower would be built on. Randy Burk clarified that it would be on the Southwest corner of the property at South Breese Street and East Madison Street. Resident Melva Way asked if the County would need to know exactly where they are putting the monopole tower. Mr. Gamblin answered it could be put anywhere on that parcel, as long as it meets the Village requirements. They decided on the proposed location by working with the Village. They also don’t want to disturb the little walking park that is currently there. Ms. Way clarified that it would be at least twenty feet away from the old water tower. Mr. Gamblin answered probably. Ms. Timmer asked if the County would own the lot the new tower would be built on. Mr. Gamblin answered no; the County will be leasing that property from the Village and the Fire Department. Ms. Timmer asked if the new tower would partially be built on any other lot. Mr. Gamblin answered that it should not because of how the pole is structured; it is wider on the bottom and narrower at the top. Resident Linda Lehr clarified that engineer Scott O’Neill has climbed the old water tower a few times and claims it to be structurally sound. Mr. Gamblin asked if the tank was full or empty when the claims were made. Ms. Lehr answered empty; it was done in 2013. Mr. Gamblin stated because they are dealing with emergency services, the County does not want to have to rehab the old water tower in the future to be able to keep their equipment there. Mike Wegescheide asked if the ordinance states how far away from another structure the new structure has to be. Steve Muskopf answered the ordinance only states how far away from the property line new structures need to be, not how far from other structures. Ms. Way stated the group that is trying to save the old water tower is planning on having it painted. However, she thinks that the new tower being at least twenty feet away from the base of the old water tower should be enough room. Resident Marianne Schaefer stated she received a letter from the St. Clair County Historical Society stating they received a letter from JMT Contracting. Mr. Gamblin stated that is not the company the County will be using. Ms. Schaefer stated the letter stated the County will be removing the old water tower. Mr. Gamblin answered the County will only be putting up a new tower, not removing a tower. The only things they will be moving are the antennas and the cabling. Frank Butterfield, Director of Springfield Field Office for Landmarks of Illinois stated his whole group is paying attention to this site. He discussed what his office does and stated the cultural resources in this area are to be taken into account. Resident Robert Timmer asked how much estimated radio frequency radiation will be produced by the new equipment and what the long term effects are. Mr. Gamblin answered that he did not have that information on him but could provide it to him at a later date. He also stated that the equipment is checked routinely and there should be less radiation than what is produced by the current antennas partially because the new equipment will be higher off the ground. Ms. Way asked if the existing antennas would be removed. Mr. Gamblin answered that the plan is to have a crane brought in that will take the equipment off of the old water tower, including the antennas and cabling. Ms. Lehr asked if the equipment on the new monopole tower will have microwave antennas. Mr. Gamblin answered that any system currently uses microwaves. It will use an 800MHz system. He clarified that anything that transmits has radiation, including cell phones. The equipment that Harrisonville Telephone Company may want to use would probably be more of an internet system than a microwave system. Ms. Lehr clarified that HTC would be adding more equipment, not taking their current equipment off of the new water tower. Mr. Gamblin answered they had just asked if they could use the new 911 tower if they could no longer use the old water tower. Ms. Way asked how tall the monopole tower would be. Mr. Gamblin answered it would be 180 feet tall. Ms. Lehr asked what the cost would be for the new tower as opposed to keeping the equipment on the old water tower. Mr. Gamblin explained that they are currently building two new towers. The cost for the one in Millstadt would probably be between $250,000 and $300,000 which is less than the cost to rehab the old water tower. Randy Burk added that the last bid that was received to sandblast and repaint the old water tower was $360,000. Mr. Butterfield asked if cost was the only reason to build the new monopole tower. Mr. Gamblin answered that if in the future, the old water tower was sold or no longer usable, the County would no longer have a place for their equipment. They are looking into the future and finding a place for a long term lease on the ground so that in the future, they won’t have to worry about the location of their equipment. Ms. Timmer asked where the other tower was being built. Mike Wegescheide answered that the Zoning Board is only looking at zoning for this particular tower and the other tower plays no role in what they are to be deciding on. Mike Capell made a motion to approve the Special Usage permit for St. Clair County 911. Wayne Muskopf seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Mike Wegescheide explained that it is the recommendation of the Zoning Board to approve the permit. The Village Board will make the final decision at their meeting on Monday, November 3rd at 7pm at the Village Hall.



A motion was made by Dave Graff and seconded by Charlie Butzinger to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried unanimously.


Crissy Pipik, Clerk Mike Wegescheide, President