Unit 10 /Uned 10

Caring for Children /Gofalu am Blant

The purpose of this unit is to enable you to consider the type of care provided to children who may need to be looked after. You will be able to gain an understanding of the risks to children and young people of abusive and exploitative behaviour and the strategies used to safeguard then from this behaviour.
In this unit you will consider the care available for children and young people who need to be looked after. You will explore the different types ofcare available and the roles of a range of relevant people and organisations involved in safeguarding and caring for children and young people. You will explore the systems and procedures used to look after and safeguard children and young people when their parents are unable to do so. You will gain an understanding of the risks to the children and young people of abusive and exploitative behaviour and strategies used to safeguard them from this behaviour.
On completion of this unit you should
-Know why children and young people might need to be looked after
-Know how care is provided for looked after children and young people
-Understand the risks to children and young people of abusive and exploitative behaviour
-Understand the strategies used to safeguard children and young people from abusive and exploitative behaviour.
Assignment Task one
Submission date22 Nov2012
Criteria to be assessed
P1 Outline why children and young people may need to be looked after away from their families
Why do some children and young people need to be looked afteraway from home? (P1)
As a care student it is important to understand the different reasons why children may need to be looked after away from home. This task involves you creating a simple booklet highlighting the various family and child related reasons. You should carry out your own research and ensure that this is referenced in your booklet.
You should include the:
  • Different definitions of a looked after child
  • Potential reasons why children may need to be looked after. You should consider family related as well as
childor young person related reasons.
Assignment task 2
Submission date 7 Feb 2013
What services are available for children and young people and families in your local area.
Criteria to be assessed
P2Outline the arrangements for providing quality care for looked after children and young people
M1Discuss how policies and procedures help children, young people and their families whilst the child is being looked after.
M2Explain the roles and responsibilities of two members of the children’s worksforce in relation to looked after children and young people.
D1Evaluate the regulation of care provision for looked after children and young people.
You are a newly qualified worker in a local community centre which works with a range of families who are experiencing a variety of difficulties. You have been asked by your manager to put together a pack of information which could be used by the families in the centre. The pack would be useful to families, but also to stduents who may spend time on placement at the centre.
You should consider the local area and develop a pack of information .
  • Introduce the local area which you are going to be working in.
  • Outline the different legislation which may affect children and young people in the chosen area. (P2)
  • Explain the different care available in the area (foster care, respite care, residential child care, adoption and planning for care in partnership) (P2)
  • Explain the different organisations supporting children (Local Authority, Health Trusts as well as third sector organisations e.g. Barnardos) as well as the different job roles in the different organisations (include those involved in comissioning, directing and managing Services as well as those involved directlywith children and families) (P2) You should also choose 2 members of the workforce who work with looked after children and young people and explain their roles and responsibilities (M2)
  • Explain the different types of Services (universal, specialist and targeted) (P2)
  • Explain how care provision is regulated for those working with children (CRB’s etc) and for organisations working with children (Care Council etc.) (P2) You should also include a separate section to support professionals which evalautes the regulation of care provision for looked after children and young people (D1)
Assignment task 3
Submission date 25 April 2013
This task will cover
P4 Explain appropriate responses when child maltreatment or abuse is suspected.
P5 Explain the strategies and methods which can be used to support children, young people and their families where abuse is suspected or confirmed
M3 Assess stratgies and methods used to minimise harm to children, young people and their families where abuse is confirmed
D2 justify responses where child maltreatment is suspected or confirmed, referring to curent legislation and policies.
Case Study
This is a fictional case study with fictional characters, but similar situations occur all over the UK each year
Colin aged 3, Michael aged 2 and Josie aged 6 live with their mother Anne in cramped temporary Bed and Breakfast accommodation, whilst they are waiting to be re-housed by the local authority. Until recently they all lived on a nearby housing estate with their father. Anne left the family home after contacting Women’s Aid due to considerable domestic abuse. Anne left the city and moved to this local area as her cousin lives nearby.
Anne has been very depressed and her relationship with the two boys has deteriorated. Anne has not known how to respond to the boys needs, forgetting to feed them, not spending time with them and sometimes leaving them in the room alone. Often Josie has been left alone to be the sole carer of the boys. Anne has not seemed concerned about them or their safety. Colin and Michael have made their own fun by climbing all over the room, ripping the wallpaper from the walls and throwing food and water around the room.
As the boys challenging behaviour has increased Anne has become more frustrated by the situation and has become verbally abusive to both boys stating that they, ‘are just like their father.’ The boys have responded to this by becoming more disruptive, kicking and biting Anne. Colin has begun hitting himself caused by the frustration he feels. Josie has become withdrawn and does not communicate with anyone.
Anne approached social services asking that the children be admitted into care. Instead social services initially agreed to support Anne by offering social work help and a place for the children at a local family centre where parents also attend to be helped to improve the relationship with their children. After two weeks of attending the centre Anne is still finding things difficult and asks for a meeting with the social worker. In the meantime members of staff at the local family centre have contacted social services as they are concerned about the emotional and physical well being of the children. Josie has also disclosed to one of the staff that her mum ‘smacks’ her and the boys when they don’t behave.
This task will require you to write a report relating to the above case study
Section One
Introduce the report and highlight what you intend to discuss
Section 2 of the report should draw on the case study and on other reading to explain the appropriate response when responding to suspected abuse. You should discuss
  • Types of maltreatment : abuse
(physical, emotional, intellectual, sexual);neglect; bullying and harassment (P4)
  • Risk of maltreatment; within family; outside family; in care settings;strangers (P4)
  • Indicators of maltreatment : physical and behaviour (P4)
  • Wider factors suggesting risk of maltreatment (dysfunctional family relationships, child or young person acting out abuse, family link to abuse, poor or impaired parenting skills, lack of attachment, risk of exploitation) (P4)
  • Theories of maltreatment (medical, sociological, psychological, feminist)
  • Issues affecting the family (cultural, social disadvantage, different concepts of discipline, cultural (P4)
Section 3 you should draw on the case study and on other reading and research to explain the strategies and methods that can be used to support children, young people and their families where abuse is suspected or confirmed. You will not be able to relate everything to the case study so you should also be able to give examples of other scenarios basedon your reading (P5)
You should explore the headings below- please ensure you cover all points between the brackets and use the points as a guide to direct your discussion.
  • Strategies with children and Young people (respectful, child centred approach, providing active support, empowering children and young people, support assertiveness and self confidenceand resilience)
  • Sharing information and not keeping secrets and giving children information according to their needs and abilities.
  • Strategies for working with parents and families (developing supportive partnership with parents and families, involving parents in the assessment of children’s needs, helping parents to recognise the values and significance of their contibutions, encourage the development of parenting skills)
  • Procedure where maltreatment is considered, suspected, confirmed or excluded (policies of the setting, implementing safe working practices, whistle blowing, reporting arrangements, security of records, sequence of events leading to registration on child protection register or care proceedings)
  • Roles and responsibilities ofthose involved(following the policies and procedures of setting, observation, responsibility for observing children and families in their interaction, recognising indicators of abuse, how to respond if maltreatment is suspected, what action to take following disclosure, maintaining confidentiality according to policies)
  • Responding to direct or indirect disclosure (listening carefully and attentively, communicating at the child/young persons pace and without undue pressure, taking the the child/young person seriously, reassuring and supporting the child/young person, providing unconditional acceptance, boundaries of confidentiality, promptly following the correct procedures of the setting, how to deal with own feelings and emotions)
  • Support for children who disclose (provide access to professional support, demonstrating unconditional acceptance of the child/young person, empowering children and young people to take control of their situation, awareness of the potential impact on the child/young person and the other family members, counteracting possible stereotyping)
  • Minimising the effect of abuse
(encouraging expression of feelings within acceptable boundaries, improving self-image, Building self esteem and confidence eg play therapy, counselling as well as the role of voluntary organisations)
In order to achieve M3 your report should ensure you assess strategies and methods used to minimise harm. In other words how effective are they and what problems or barriers may be encountered. You could choose to address M3 as a separate section or you could integrate your points throughout the other sections.
In order to achieve D2 you need to justify responses where child maltreatment or abuse is suspected or confirmed. You should be able to refer to curent legislation and policies / Pwrpas yr uned hon yw eich galluogi i ystyried y math o ofal a ddarperir i blant y gellid fod angen gofalu amdanynt. Byddwch yn ennill dealltwriaeth o’r risgiau i blant a phobl ifanc o ymddygiad camdriniol ac ecsbloetiol a’r strategaethau a ddefnyddir i’w diogelu rhag yr ymddygiad hwn.
Yn yr uned hon byddwch yn ystyried y gofal sydd ar gael ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc sydd angen gofalu amdanynt. Byddwch yn archwilio’r gwahanol fathau o ofal sydd ar gael a rolau ystod o bobl a sefydliadau perthnasol sy’n gysylltiedig â diogelu a gofalu am blant a phobl ifanc. Byddwch yn archwilio’r systemau a’r trefniadaethau a ddefnyddir i ofalu am a diogelu plant a phobl ifanc pan nad ydy eu rhieni yn medru gwneud hynny. Byddwch yn ennill dealltwriaeth o’r risgiau i’r plant a phobl ifanc o ymddygiad camdriniol ac ecsbloetiol a’r strategaethau a ddefnyddir i’w diogelu rhag yr ymddygiad hwn.
Wedi cwblhau’r uned hon dylech
-Wybod pam mae angen weithiau gofalu am blant a phobl ifanc
-Gwybod sut mae gofal yn cael ei ddarparu ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc y gofelir amdanynt
-Deall y risgiau i blant a phobl ifanc o ymddygiad camdriniol ac ecsbloetiol
-Deall y strategaethau a ddefnyddir i ddiogelu plant a phoblifanc rhag ymddygiad camdriniol ac ecsbloetiol.
Tasg aseiniad un
Dyddiad cyflwyno 22Tach 2012
Meini prawf i’w hasesu
LL1 Amlinellwch pam y gall fod angen gofalu amblant a phobl ifanc i ffwrdd o’u teuluoedd.
Pam fod yn rhaid gofalu am rai plant a phobl ifanc i ffwrdd oddi cartref?
Fel myfyriwr gofal mae’n bwysig i ddeall y gwahanol resymau pam fod angen gofalu am blant i ffwrdd oddi cartref. Mae’r dasg hon yn golygu eich bod yn credu llyfryn syml yn tynnu sylw at yr amrywiol resymau cysylltiedig â theulu ac â phlant. Dylech wneud eich ymchwil eich hun a sicrhau fod hyn yn cael ei gyfeirnodi yn eich llyfryn.
Dylech gynnwys y :
  • Gwahanol ddiffiniadau o blentyn a ofelir amdano
  • Rhesymau posib pam y gallai fod angen gofalu am blant. Dylech gynnwys rhesymau cysylltiedig â’r teulu yn ogystal â rhesymau yn ymwneud â phlant neu bobl ifanc
Tasg Aseiniad 2
Dyddiad cyflwyno 7 Chwef 2013
Pa wasanaethau sydd ar gael ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc yn eich ardal leol?
Meini prawf i’w hasesu
LL2 Amlinellwch y trefniadau ar gyfer darparu gofal o ansawdd ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc y gofelir amdanynt.
T1 Trafodwch sut mae polisïau a threfniadaethau yn helpu plant, pobl ifanc a’u teuluoedd tra gofelir am y plentyn.
T2 Esboniwch rolau a chyfrifoldebau dau aeldo o weithlu’r plant mewn perthynas âphlant a phobl ifanc y gofelir amdanynt.
A1 Gwerthuswch y rheoleiddio o’r ddarpariaeth gofal ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc.
Rydych yn weithiwr newydd gymhwyso mewn canolfan gymuned leol sydd yn gweithio gydag ystod o deuluoedd sydd yn profi amrywiaeth o anawsterau. Gofynnwyd i chi gan eich rheolwr i roi at ei gilydd becyn o wybodaeth y gellid ei ddefnyddio gan y teuluoedd yn y ganolfan. Byddair pecyn yn fuddiol i deuluoedd, ond hefyd i fyfyrwyr allai fod yn treulio amser ar leoliad yn y ganolfan. Dylech ystyried yr ardal leol a datblygu pecyn gwybodaeth.
  • Cyflwynwch yr ardal leol yr ydych yn mynd i weithio ynddi.
  • Amlinellwch y gwahanol ddeddfwriaeth a all effeithio ar blant a phobl ifanc yn yr ardal a ddewiswyd. (LL2)
  • Esboniwch y gwahanol fathau o ofal sydd ar gael yn yr ardal (gofal maeth, gofal ysbaid, gofal plant preswyl, mabwysiadu a chynllunio ar gyfer gofal mewn partneriaeth (LL2)
  • Esboniwch y gwahanol sefydliadau sydd yn cefnogi plant (Awdurdod Lleol, Ymddiriedolaethau Iechyd yn ogystal â sefydliadau'r trydydd sector ee Barnado) yn ogystal â’r gwahanol swyddogaethau gwaith yn y gwahanol sefydliadau. (Dylid cynnwys y rhai sy’n gysylltiedig â chomisiynu, cyfarwyddo a rheoli Gwasanaethau yn ogystal â’r rhai sydd yn uniongyrchol gysylltiedig â phlant a theuluoedd) (Ll2) Dylech hefyd ddewis 2 aelod o’r gweithlu sydd yn gweithio gyda plant a phobl ifanc y gofelir amdanynt ac esbonio eu swyddogaethau a’u cyfrifoldebau
( LL2)
  • Esboniwch y gwahanol fathau o Wasanaethau (cyffredinol, arbenigol ac wedi ei dargedu) ( LL2)
  • Esboniwch sut mae’r ddarpariaeth gofal yn cael ei reoleiddio ar gyfer y rhai sy’n gweithio gyda phlant
(CRB’s ac ati) ac ar gyfer sefydliadau
sy’n gweithio gyda phlant (Cyngor
Gofal ac ai). (Ll2) Dylech hefyd gynnwys adran ar wahân i bobl broffesiynol sy’n cefnogi i werthuso’r rheoleiddio o’r ddarpariaeth gofal ar
gyfer plant a phobl ifanc y gofelir amdanynt. (A1)
Tasg Aseiniad 3
Dyddiad cyflwyno 25 Ebrill 2013
Bydd y dasg hon yn cynnwys
LL4 Esbonwich ymatebion priodol pan amheuir camdriniaeth plant.
LL5 Esboniwch y strategaethau a’r dulliau y gellireu defnyddio i gefnogi plant, pobl ifanc a’u teuluoedd lle yr amheuir neu y cadarnheir camdriniaeth
T3 Aseswch strategaethau a dulliau a ddefnyddir i gadw niwed i blant, pobl ifanc a’u teuluoedd i leiafswm lle y cadarnheir camdriniaeth
A2 cyfiawnhewch ymatebion lle yr amheuir neu y cadarnheir camdriniaeth o blant, gan gyfeirio ar ddeddfwriaeth a pholisau cyfredol.
Astudiaeth Achos
Mae hwn yn astudiaeth achos dychmygol gyda chymeriadau dychmygol, ond mae sefyllfaoedd tebyg yn digwydd o gwmpas Prydain pob blwyddyn
Mae Colin 3 oed, Michael 2 oed a Josie 6 oed yn byw gyda'u mam Anne mewn llety Gwely a Brecwast tros dro heb fawr o le tra eu bod yn aros i gael eu hail-gartrefu gan yr awdurdod lleol. Hyd yn ddiweddar roeddent i gyd yn byw ar ystâd dai cyfagos gyda'u tad. Gadawodd Anne y cartref teuluol wedi cysylltu gyda Women’s Aid o ganlyniad i gamdriniaeth ddomestig sylweddol. Gadawodd Anne y ddinas gan symud i’r ardal leol hon gan fod ei chefnder yn byw yn ymyl.
Bu Anne yn isel iawn ei hysbryd ac mae ei pherthynas gyda’r ddau fachgen wedi dirywio. Nid yw Anne yn gwybod sut i ymateb i anghenion y bechgyn, gan anghofio eu bwydo, esgeuluso treulio amser gyda nhw ac weithiau mae’n eu gadael yn yr ystafell ar eu pennau eu hunain. Yn aml, gadawyd Josie ei hun fel unig ofalwr y bechgyn. Nid ymddengys fod Anne yn poeni amdanynt nag am eu diogelwch. Mae Colin a Michael wedi bod yn cael hwyl drwy ddringo dros yr ystafell i gyd, gan rwygo’r papur wal o’r waliau a thaflu bwyd a dŵr o gwmpas yr ystafell.
Wrth i ymddygiad gwael y bechgyn gynyddu mae Anne wedi dod yn fwy a mwy rhwystredig am y sefyllfa ac wedi dechrau cam-drin y bechgyn yn eiriol gan ddweud eu bod “ yn union fel eu tad”. Mae’r bechgyn wedi ymateb i hyn drwy darfu mwy a mwy, gan gicio a brathu Anne. Mae Colin wedi dechrau bwrw ei hun o ganlyniad i’r rhwystredigaeth mae’n ei deimlo. Mae Josie wedi mynd yn fewnblyg ac nid yw’n cyfathrebu â neb.
Aeth Anne at y gwasanaethau cymdeithasol gan ofyn i’r plant i gael eu rhoi mewn gofal. Yn lle cytunodd y gwasanaethau cymdeithasol i ddechrau i gefnogi Anne drwy gynnig cymorth gwaith cymdeithasol a lle ar gyfer y plant mewn canolfan deuluol leol lle mae rhieni hefyd yn mynychu i dderbyn cymorth ar sut i wella’r berthynas gyda'u plant. Wedi pythefnos o fynychu’r ganolfan mae Anne o hyd yn cael pethau’n anodd ac mae’n gofyn am gyfarfod gyda’r gweithiwr cymdeithasol. Yn y cyfamser mae aelodau o staff yn y ganolfan deuluol leol wedi cysylltu â’r gwasanaethau cymdeithasol gan eu bod yn bryderus am les emosiynol a chorfforol y plant. Mae Josie hefyd wedi datgelu i un o’r staff fod ei mam yn ei tharo hi a’r bechgyn pan nad ydynt yn ymddwyn.