Volunteers In Service to America

In Partnership with Habitat for Humanity of Minnesota

Quarterly Project Progress Report (PPR)

Narrative Report Worksheet

Please type all responses.
Use this worksheet as a guide for completing the PPR. You will be asked to submit your responses in an online form, however we strongly recommend that you compose your written responses on this document and then cut and paste them into the online form. VISTAs and Supervisors should meet to complete and discuss the answers on this worksheet prior to submitting the online form.


Name of VISTA: ______VISTA Email:______

Affiliate Name: ______

VISTA Supervisor’s Name: ______

VISTA Supervisor’s Email:______

Place a check next to the reporting period:

_____ 1st QuarterDue: November 15th* Covering: August 1st – October 31st

_____ 2nd QuarterDue: February 15th * Covering: November 1st – January 31st

_____ 3rd QuarterDue: May 15th* Covering: February 1st- April 30th

_____ 4th QuarterDue: August 1st * Covering: May 1st - July 31st


Review the VISTA workplan and insert brief descriptions of progress made to date on workplan goals and objectives (i.e., complete, in process, behind schedule, etc.) as well as indicators and outcomes (e.g., 1 of 4 committee members recruited). VISTA, you will be asked to submit a copy of your workplan with comments on progress in the online PPR form.


VISTA, please respond to questions 1-5 below.

1. Summarize and describe your major accomplishments this quarter. Include activities in your work plan as well as any special projects.

2. Describe your interaction with the community during this quarter. What new partnerships have been developed? Please include information on any collaboration with other CNCS programs (i.e., other VISTAs, Summer VISTAs, RSVP volunteers, AmeriCorps*State or AmeriCorps*NCCC).

3. Describe any on-the-job, in-service, technical training or other training you participated in this quarter, including training provided by Habitat Minnesota.

4. What challenges, barriers, or obstacles have you faced this quarter? Please identifyany issues that the VISTA Program Manager should be aware ofas well asany additional resources or information you need to assist in your project.

5. Share a “human interest” story from this quarter that illustrates the direct or indirect impact of your work as a VISTA on an individual in poverty.


Please provide up to 2 examples of resources created by the VISTA member this quarter and/or any news articles or press releases highlighting projects involving the VISTA. VISTAs, please upload documents or post links foryour resources directly to the Wiggio website If you need assistance with the Wiggio site please contact the VISTA Program Manager.


VISTA Supervisors please respond to questions 6-9 below.

6. Provide an assessment of the progress being made on the goals/objectives/tasks in the VISTA workplan. Explain if workplan objectives/tasks are on-track, ahead of schedule or behind schedule for the quarter.

7. Share an example of how your VISTA’s capacity building efforts arehelping the affiliate work toward building more houses and/or serving more families through new home construction, A Brush With Kindness, critical home repair or other programs.

8. List specific challenges that have arisen in the last quarter. Be sure to include whether challenges have been resolved, or, if they remain unresolved, the plans to address them. What types of assistance can HFH-MN and/or CNCS provide to help the VISTA member successfully complete the project?

9. Are any changes or adjustments to the VISTA workplan are needed at this time? If so, please provide a description of the changes the affiliate would like to make and contact the VISTA Program Manager to discuss next steps.


Supervisors will be asked to upload scanned copies of the VISTA’s monthly timesheets for the quarterin their online PPR form.Record the cumulative totals below. Timesheets must be signed by both the VISTA and Supervisor.

Sick days taken: August ______September ______October______

Sick Days taken Year-to-Date______

Vacation /Personal days taken: August ______September ______October______

Vacation/ Personal days taken Year-to-Date______

Submission Instructions

Please use the checklist below to ensure that all sections of the report have been completed and submitted.

VISTA Checklist

Meet with Supervisor to review Narrative Worksheet

Complete PPR Data Spreadsheet sections 1-5

Copy of VISTA workplan with comments on progress

Submit online VISTA PPR

Upload attachments to Wiggio as described in Part D

Supervisor Checklist

Meet with VISTA to review Narrative Worksheet

Review VISTA PPR Submission email

Submit online Supervisor PPR

VISTA’s monthly timesheets for the quarter signed by the VISTA and Supervisor

  • Uploaded to online PPR form OR
  • Mail to: Sara Wessling, VISTA Program Manager

Habitat for Humanity of Minnesota

2401 Lowry Ave. NE #210

Minneapolis, MN 55418


Revised 8/26/2014