Minutes of the East Hanney Parish Council–7th February 2018

  1. Attending: Cllr J Triffitt, Cllr S Scott, Cllr J Long, Cllr P Aram, Cllr S McKechnie, Cllr D Kirk.
    In attendance: G Langton (clerk), J Stagg (Hanney News), J Grose (designer and fabricator of the new benches opposite La Fontana) - part, M Carter (EH), P Iles (EH) - part, CCllr A

Fitzgerald-O’Connor - part.

  1. No members declared a pecuniary interest in any items on the agenda.
  2. To confirm:
  3. Minutes of the meetings held on3rd January 2018 and 24th January 2018.

The minutes were agreed by the Council, Cllr McKechnie (p), CllrKirk (s) (3rd Jan18) and

Cllr McKechnie (p), Cllr Long (s) (24th Jan18).

  1. Matters arising from the minutes.

Kings Leases lease agreement: Cllr McKechnie would be meeting with the landowners’

family in February 2018 and would take the opportunity to discuss the lease.

Meeting with District Cllr M Barber: Cllr Scott reported that the DCllr had met with representatives of the PC regarding the Neighbourhood Plan, the VWHDC Local Plan 2031 Pt 2 and the proposed development at Dews Meadow (the land North of Summertown, East Hanney). DCllr Barber had listened to the PC’s views on these matters and agreed to get clarity on the support that the PC could receive regarding its Neighbourhood Plan’s progress through VWHDC and on the planning officer’s current position with respect to Dews Meadow. Following that meeting, the PC had been allocated a named

Neighbourhood Plan contact at the DC, who would be meeting the PC in due course.

Council budget 2018-19: Cllr Scott reported that the budget for 2018-19 had been agreed at a special meeting in January 2018 and would be received at the later meeting in February


  1. To receive: Public Participation Period. Participants are restricted to 3 minutes each.

J Stagg asked if the PC has an official statement regarding the state of repair of the Snuggs Lane stile. Cllr Long reported that at her meeting with the landowner she had made it clear she was acting in her capacity as a Parish Cllr. Cllr Long reported that the landowner considered the stile not to be dangerous. The Council noted that the CC had suggested a kissing gate but that the landownerdid not wish to have such an item installed.

M Carter requested permission to undertake an initial metal-detecting survey of the PC’s land at Kings Farm on Ebbs Lane. The PC agreed that she could undertake this survey. The PC took that opportunity to thank her for her kind donation of field gates to the village, the location of which would be agreed in due course.

  1. To receive: an update on the circular benches opposite La Fontana from the blacksmith.

The artisan blacksmith, Julie Grose reported that the fabrication of the seating would be started in March 2018 and planned to have the seats in place in the summer 2018, with an initial showing during Art Week in May 2018 at her studios near Wallingford. Ms. Grose asked the PC’s permission to include representations of British native tree leaves in the design in durable galvanised steel. The PC agreed. The PC noted that the old benches would be removed in due course and asked Julie for a quote to potentially refurbish the current

benches. Action Clerk Cllr Scott.

  1. To receive: reports from District and County Councillors (if available).

DCllr M Barber did not attend the meeting. CCllr A Fitzgerald-O’Connor reported to the Council as appended to these minutes.

Cllr Kirk asked if CCllr Fitzgerald-O’Connor could ascertain why the PC’s request for a pedestrian crossing on the A338 between La Fontana and the northern village edge had not yet been approved. CCllr Fitzgerald-O’Connor agreed to follow this up. Action clerk to

provide the contact details of the people involved.
The Council thanked CCllr Fitzgerald-O’Connor for her work in securing grant funding for St

James school.

  1. To receive:
  2. P18/V0213/LDP: Proposed single-storey rear extension to detached house at 3 Dandridge Close East Hanney WANTAGE OX12 0FH.

The Clerk noted that this was an application under the permitted development regulations

and thus no response was required from the Council. The Council noted the application.

  1. P17/V3398/DIS: Discharge of conditions 3, 4 & 5 - materials on application refs. P17/V0658/HH & P17/V0659/LB Single storey rear extension to form rear entrance, garden room and bedroom suite. Jasmine Cottage Main Street East Hanney WANTAGE

The Council noted the discharges of the conditions placed upon this application. Cllr Long reported that she had been in communication with the Conservation Officer and he

accepted the details of the plans.

  1. To consider: response to the amendments to planning applications at ‘land north of Summertown (locally known as Dews Meadow):
  2. P17/V2904/RM: Approval of details for construction of 50 dwellings (Use Class C3) and associated parking, infrastructure and landscaping, and provision of public open space.
  3. P17/V2972/RM: Approval of details for construction of 55 dwellings (Use Class C3) andassociated parking, infrastructure and landscaping, and provision of public open space.
  4. P17/V2973/RM: Approval of details for construction of 45 dwellings (Use Class C3) and associated parking, infrastructure and landscaping, and provision of public open


All three items were considered together. The Chair reported that the Council had met with Adrian Butler (AB), the Case Officer for the Reserved Matters and amendments to applicationswho broadly concurred with the Council’s views on the progress of these applications. Cllr Kirk noted AB’s support for the Council’s position regarding detailsof the applications position on flood prevention and open/green space available in the development.It was noted that AB had not been back in touch with the Council since that meeting. The Council noted that it had until the 12th February 2018 to submit its response to most the recent wave of amendments.Cllr Triffitt noted that it was reassuring that VWHDC had confirmed that any applications going forward would have to be considered at the District’s planning committee.
The Council resolved to submit its comments again, with further detail regarding the siting and orientation of the proposed Barn Owl shelters and the effect of vibration on homes

close to the A338. Cllr Kirk (p), Cllr McKechine (s). Action Clerk.

  1. To receive: an update on the Deed of Easement at Flynn Cottage
  2. Meeting the costs of the work to prepare the deed
  3. The Chair noted that the Council had agreed to meet the costs of the deed out of the fees paid by for it, however the timing of meeting financial obligations meant that the Council had had to meet the costs of the Surveyor before receiving any funds. Repair of the road surface at Snuggs Lane

The Chair reported that other deeds of easement across Council land indicate 100% of the cost of repair and maintenance would be met by the holder of the deed. The PC resolved to obtain quotes and consider these at a future meeting. Cllr Kirk (p), Cllr Scott (s). Action


  1. To consider: the appointment of an internal auditor for the 2017-18 financial year.

The Council noted the contents of the paper and costs involved. The PC resolved to take up the quote. Cllr Long (p), Cllr Scott (s). Action Clerk
The meeting closed at 21.20

Guy Langton, Clerk to East Hanney Parish Council ()1