These are excerpts from the founder Dr. H. C. Kinley about the “Soul” taken from the white, black and gray transcript books compiled by New YorkState and from the Elohim textbook and segments from tapes. Most page numbers have been checked. Wording has only been spot-checked for accuracy. Bolding of the word “soul” has been added. See also scriptures cited. Quotation numbers related to certain topics of interest are as follows:
A) Spirit, Soul, Body - identity, composition & relationship: 4, 5, 12, 14, 20, 21, 22, 24, 34, 45, 62, 64, 65, 66, 67
B) Men’s Souls can be lost, destroyed or die: 2, 5, 10, 15, 17, 18, 19, 30, 36, 39, 40, 47
C) Men’s Souls can be saved: 7, 8, 11, 14, 16, 19, 23, 26, 27, 29, 33, 35, 41, 42, 52, 53, 55, 58, 60, 61, 68
D) Men’s Souls can be rescued, raised, healed, regenerated, or converted: 13, 25, 32, 43, 48, 49, 50, 51, 54, 56, 69
E) Men’s Souls are or were satanic spirits or demons: No references found
F) Men’s Souls must be cast out, replaced or disposed of : No references found
G) New Soul or heart is made up of different stuff, substance or spirit: No references found
1.White Trans.2 Pg. 10
Let's clear this slate, let's clean this slate and depend on God for success in this venture here in L.A. and in Hollywood. Let's hope that some souls, somewhere will see the light. That as the Apostle Paul said. `that I might find words of speech and that I might speak as I ought;' that I might find words and speak under the influence of the Holy Spirit that some soul out there might comprehend, some who might understand.
2.White Trans. 2 Pg. 11-12
Now evidently, I must have made some financial blunders somewhere. I ain't got nothing. There, so that by itself tells you I've made some financial blunders, don't it? Yes indeed I've made them. I ain't trying, I ain't trying to stay ahead of you. But the greatest mistake that a person could ever make is to not be concerned and lose your soul. I never intend to make a mistake like that. You see what I'm talking about? Some of my mistakes along the lines has been due to carelessness, some of them I didn't care about, and I didn't even investigate too well before I went and done something damned bedeviled for money or wasted some money, never looked into it thoroughly. If I had just stopped and thought and first one thing and another, and I'm sure that all of us at one time or the other have made some of them kinda mistakes, haven't you? But foolish mistakes I'm talking about. I mean, you and I don't wanna make the mistake of finding God and knowing him for our own selves. And let's not make the mistake and the blunder of staggering on through life carelessly and lose our souls. That is the most important thing of it all.
3.White Trans. 2 Pg.14
That's the honest truth. As I say, I call God for a record upon my soul I am speaking the truth.
4.White Trans 3 Pg.4
Now if I'll take and.., and let's say analyze this man. I'm using the cloud as universal substance then this man has a soul the comprehensive part of you, the conscience. He has a body. Is that right? And spirit functions through... So he's spirit, soul, and body. He's made in the likeness and image of the godhead. Is that right? Now remember I said spirit, God is spirit. That's the god part of you. His soul, that's the conscious part of it. And body, and it's manifested in there so you can see. He's made in the likeness and image of God.
5.White Trans 3 Pg.5
Dr. Kinley: God told him not to touch of that. And he done what God told him not to do. Now Paul put it this way, `by one man's disobedience death was passed upon all.' Now that, no sooner he touched it, his conscience is condemned. Now Ezekiel, Isaiah (now are you listening?) said, `the soul that sinneth, he shall die.' Are you listening? Every sin, so says Paul, that a man commits is without the body. The body is under the supervision and influence of the mind. Is that right?
Man: How about his soul doc.
Dr. Kinley: How's that?
Man: What about his soul. What's the difference between a mind and soul?
Dr. Kinley: The difference between a mind and a soul, they are one and the same. Now I didn't say spirit and mind were the same thing.
Man: Yeah, you did.
Dr. Kinley: No, I didn't say that. Spirit is so far above mind. ___ that part, that thing is almost incomprehensible because now if you notice, if you look, most all attitudes and dispositions... Paul said, `when I would do good, then evil was present, and the good thing that he really would do that was the very thing that he didn't do.' Ain't that right? Now, I'm showing you this: now God is spirit. Now I say that God as a man was spirit, that's the standard of righteousness and it never changes. The man's mind is subject is change. Mind is subject to change, but spirit isn't.
6.White Trans 3 Pg. 6Pg 2
Dr. Kinley: Well, now Ronnie just.., mind is invisible substance. Spirit is invisible substance.
7.White Trans 4 Pg. 15
But if ever he's caught up in the spirit or the thing has been revealed to him then he's embarrassed and he must come back and say, `say look, I'm sorry, I taught you wrong, I'm mistaken about it.' You see the point? Get it? Now it'd be better to do that and save your soul than it would be for you to keep on going on with your hard head cause you're gonna ram into it anyhow.
8.White Trans 4 Pg. 21
Children I know what I'm talking about, I'm not guessing, I'm not speculating and if you hear me you'll save your soul.
9.White Trans. 6 Pg. 4
And you recall I told you (now it's your soul) I'm not down here to argue with nobody, I'm not down here to agree with anybody either.
10.White Trans 8 Pg.17
Dr. Kinley: Now here is the Apostle Paul. Now that's them devils in the flesh there that's pulling them triggers and up there in the government pulling them triggers, that's them devils that's standing in the pulpit telling you to die to defend their rights to be there, and to destroy those souls with their destructive doctrine, I'm talking about the deceptive Roman Catholic priests and when the thing got real big here not too long ago a Roman Catholic priest stepped out and said, `unless you Buddhists stop advocating and siding in with the communists I will call troops in myself unless you stop it.' Was that in the paper?
11.White Trans 9 Pg.19
Now listen, I've been preaching 35 years till most of you were setting around under my feet. You know me, did you ever hear of me at any time get up here and beg you for a dime since you been with me, knowing me ______before he come down here and preach and tell you the truth and help you save your soul, then you close the thing down, go on home and set down and go to hell, get a free ride. Rise and let us go hence.
12.White Trans.11 Pg.4
We found out too that the name of that which we call the Holy Ghost is Elohim or spirit. Now those 3 constitute all that there is, those 3 are one. How do you get like that? Look at the man and you see he's composed of soul, body and spirit: that's a perfect description of Yahweh that cannot be improved upon.
13.White Trans 11 Pg.14
This school was incorporated as a school not a church, to go back in there and to tell you the reality of things and tell you the truth about it. Well now that, just like Messiah, listen at me close, you pay attention to everything I say because I'm not mincing words. I'm not trying to do what you call preach a good sermon. I'm trying to teach, I'm trying to impart to you some understanding, I'm trying to show you the errors and mistakes of mankind that's been imposed on them by the devil. I'm trying to rescue your soul. That's more important than anything else. Now that's how those things got in the world, all those different doctrines.
14.White Trans 14 Pg.9
Now in the beginning God called light day and the darkness He called night. Now He divided the light from the darkness. Now if you were out here and the sun was rising and it was coming out of, of, of night, it would look like it would be blended, the dawn. You couldn't divide in between that to save your life. Now, less you begin flexible, said the word of God, the apostle said is quick and powerful. How quick and how powerful? And it's sharp, sharper than a 2 edged sword, piercing even to the dividing of asunder, and the reason why it said the dividing of asunder, see how there's divisions in here, looking right at that, of the soul and spirit, and is the discerner of the thoughts and the intents of the mind.
15.White Trans 16 Pg.6Pg 3
Dr. Kinley: Such as was not. Now here's why that is. There never has been no time that since the beginning of the age that Yahweh poured out His spirit out on everybody. He has, that's His chosen vessels back there. And then nobody else had it but them. Moses, and Enoch, and Abraham and, and Melchizedek. Now listen, now here comes up another one now and he's trying to be something, he's that false. Now what do people on this earth plane have to do, now you have to do this, He's given you at, in this last age an opportunity together, now you, you have an opportunity to be, to , here you come along and now you have to accept the spirit. Now if you don't do it since it's free and since He's in that vessel doing the preaching, if you don't accept the way he preaches and you're gonna accept it the way the devil do it, then you just done lost your soul.
16.White Trans. 17 Pg.4
Now sometime you can get to just talking to people and say, `so and so died and went to heaven,' talking about Dives and Lazarus, the rich man and Lazarus and the gulf between `em. And I say to somebody, now look if you wanna save your soul or got to hell, but you're already in that. That's the reality of it. But the carnal mind, the confused mind and the contemptuous mind, you're already in hell in this body.
17.White Trans 17 Pg.5
And here's something else while we're on that. I want to get you to see. Now the devil is obedient to Yahweh. He's serving the purpose for which he is, was created for and he's doing a good job of it. Now, let's put it like this, that you might understand what I'm talking to you, as the case might.., stand he's lost and you can't convert him, he's got, he's got his job to fulfill but he will be compensated for doing his job. Now, what I'm trying to say now is hard to say. Yahweh will make him for doing.., look, let's put it like this, now here he's out there doing everything to, to make you deny and cause you to lose your soul. Now Yahweh told him to do that. He's not.., now to him the opposition is righteousness. You understand what I'm talking about? Now, I mean this, the devil is right. That's what he was created for to be.., he was created wrong to be right. What kind of talk is that? Or, he was created right to be wrong. Just change it visa versa and hope that we'll get some understanding. He can't be otherwise. That's it. And he just has to be what he is, if he will not lose his reward. And he is doing a good job. Now, here's what I'm talking about: now Yahweh'll make him all over again for doing a swell job that he's doing now. He won't be permitted to exist as he is. You understand?
18.White Trans 18 Pg.7
Dr. Kinley: So now what I am saying to you is this: this is nothing else but a repetition of that in the close of this age. And everyone of you that have been blessed to come in direct contact with this school please recognize the responsibility is on your shoulder not to go out here and blaspheme the word of Yahweh. If you do you will lose your soul.
19.White Trans 18 Pg.7
But now you that do come and you have had an opportunity to learn, now the same thing going to, will either destroy you, destroy you or save you.
20.White Trans 21 Pg.7
You're pneuma, psyche, and soma - soul, body and spirit.
21.White Trans 22 Pg.31
Take you, you're soul, body, and spirit.
22.White Trans 23 Pg.30
Man, three departments, soul, body, and the spirit.
23.White Trans 23 Pg.51
Dr. Kinley: You see, that's the reason, that's the reason why, you see, that Yahweh just has, there ain't no need of arguein' about it, Yahweh just has to be in somebody, see. And then if He's not, you can't see to save your soul. Just ain't goin' to save it.
24.White Trans 23 Pg.57
Well, you're soul, body, and spirit.
25.White Trans 18 Pg,13Pg 4
Yahweh can raise a man from the dead. I mean physically so and spiritually. And we just want all of you to be conscious of it.
26.Gray Trans 13 Pg 6
And I told you this: it's possible for you to learn the truth and to save your souls. I told you plain. I told you clear. I told you the truth. Sometimes it hurts.
27.Gray Trans 36 Pg 1
Now what we try to do in this class is we try to help people. Help save their souls. Definitely they have been deceived. And they really don't know and understand what the Purpose of Yahweh is. And it is incumbent upon us that do know, to get up here and tell you the truth just like it is. It's tough. It's hard.
28.Gray Trans 36 Pg 8
Now look folks, people have, ah, men have went in this Bible and tried to figure it all out, see. And went around and posing as preachers and robbed people for years of their money and of their souls.
29.Gray Trans 37 Pg 6
Well, that ought to do for that. But now I want to tell you something, (it's your soul, ....see). You can't be, you can't be saved like that.
30.Gray Trans 37 Pg 20
Now I want to make another recommendation too. You read when you get home the (1st chapter of Romans) and you notice the tail end of it, see, how men with men (I'm talking about homosexuality) you see, and all like that (THAT'S WRONG). Men lying with men and women with women (women?), you see, you understand now, (THAT"S [THAT'S?] WRONG) see, YOU'LL LOOSE (LOSE?) YOUR SOUL IF YOU DO IT) you see. Now ah, I'll tell you some of the reasons why. First thing see, now Yahweh gave you these passions, see, and that spermatic fluid ushered in the womb, you see it forms a child, you understand. And now, you see, another man (you've never heard tell of a man having a child,did you)? See, you never heard _____* see. So you don't need to expect to come back here no more and bother me about that! (THAT'S WRONG, YOU'LL GO TO HELL FOR IT, YOU'LL LOOSE (LOSE?) YOUR SOUL!) you sn, .ee. Now that's the way that is, see.
31.Trans 04 Law Spt. Pg.This is inserted to point out that it is the spirit that influences what we do.
Dr. Kinley: See. I just want you to see, you understand. I want you to see and learn how to read this thing perfect. See he was made a quickening spirit. Where the spirit of the Lord is, (Paul said now the Lord is that spirit) and where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty, see. Now, Paul said this, with his mind he served the Lord because greater than your mind is the spirit and we live under the influence of the spirit. And now like I showed you all along, every time I went through this I went through it with accuracy and infallibility. Don't make no mistakes, see.
32.Black Transcript book 02 Faith Pg. 20
'Well I hope to overcome some day.' Just take the crutch out, just take the crutch out and straighten up and walk. Ain't that what Jesus did healing them people physically so, to let them know that He can heal their souls. Eternal life is far better and far greater. And as He said greater things than these shall you do because I go unto the Father. Why far greater of healing somebody's inner man than it is of his old corruptible body. Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, but he died again. And they were being raised from the dead before Jesus come. Elijah raised the widow's son, he died all over again. But it's a great thing to raise somebody from the dead sho-nuf INSIDE. That's why Jesus said that.
33.Black Transcript book B3 Ignor and Blas. Pg. 2
This gospel has got to be preached in all this age or all the world. Now, it's preached for a witness, and preached to deliver and to save your soul.
34.Black Transcript book B5 Fal. Pro. Pg. 3
…this physical body or this material body which you have it come from spirit. Now that’s just one part of it. Now, there's two other parts. Your intellectual capacities, your knowledge, and your wisdom, your understanding, your disposition, your attributes, your conduct, your behavior, your attitude, your disposition forms your soul.