Subject to their acceptance at the next meeting
Gloucestershire Local Access Forum
MINUTES of meeting for the Gloucestershire Local Access Forum held on Thursday 4 February 2016, Shire Hall
Users of Rights of Way / Owner/Occupiers of LandSheila Millichap / P / Earl Bathurst / P
Graham Bocking / A / John Burcher / A
Gerald Stewart / P / Alan Shelley / P
Richard Holmes / P / British Horse Driving
Charlie Morriss / P / Stephanie Dale / P
Jacky German / A / Councillors
Alison Williamson* / P / Robert Vines / P
Paul Lockley / P / Paul McMahon / A
Officers / Other
John Lane / P / Patricia Barber – NE / P
Claire Hutchings / P
Jude Lathan / P
1. Apologies for absence
Alison Williamson thanked everyone for attending the meeting and welcomed the members of the public. Apologies for absence were reported by John Lane and Alison Williamson.
2. Minutes of last meeting- to approve as correct
Alison Williamson thanked Claire for taking the minutes. Paul Lockley brought up amendments from the minutes of October 2015 as follows:
Site Visit
The purpose of the site visit was to consider opening up the cycle path to horse riders and turning it into a multi-user trail. John Lane circulated a 15 page document to this effect yet this has not been mentioned in the minutes.
The last sentence of this section says “The GLAF members agreed to support Gloucestershire County Council” which is meaningless and incorrect.
What I proposed was “That the GLAF advise Gloucestershire County Council to support the multi-user trail”. This was agreed by the GLAF members.
DMMO Progress Update
The fifth paragraph should say John Lane on behalf of GLAF will pass Andrew Houldey the following requests and update at the next meeting:”
(The three bulleted items are the actions the GLAF wanted taken, not questions.)
Bicycles on Footpath
The title of this item is misleading as it specifically refers to pushing bicycles on footpaths as I have explained (‘Bicycles on Footpath’ could refer cycling or even fly tipping). Indeed it is very difficult if not impossible to understand from these minutes that the actual matter under discussion was pushing bicycles on footpaths.
The minutes say “See the hand outs and maps from Paul” but these have not been attached to the minutes. Similarly John Lane’s response to my comments has not been attached to the minutes.
The legality of cycling on footpaths and footways are largely irrelevant to the discussion. I asked what primary legislation or case law prevented a walker pushing a bicycle along a footpath and didn’t receive an answer except that it was a suggestion in the Rambler’s ‘Blue Book’. This is not mentioned in the minutes.
I specifically made the point that if there was an alleged problem with cycling on the footpath then the ‘no bicycles’ sign should say ‘no cycling’. Horses were not mentioned during the entire discussion and to add “or horse riding” is pure invention!
Disability Access
The second paragraph says “See attached article for more information”, however this article has not been attached to the minutes.
3. Natural England Update – Pat Barber
See attached Notes from Pat.
4. Gloucestershire County Council (GCC) Travellers – Paul Kenyon
Paul Kenyon introduced himself as the Principal Traveller Services Officer. Paul Kenyon has been employed at GCC for 8 years.
Paul manages the 4 county owned sites- Sandhurst, Elmstone, Showborough and Culkerton.
80 plots are provided.
The travelers are all Romany English. The structure is family based. The sites are permanently residential.
Legislation of 1960 – Caravan Site.
There are currently no duties for the County Council to provide a site – looking into having a partner organization to run sites..
Paul also deals with unauthorized travelers. His main duty is to check their welfare, health and education needs.
The ethnic status is English Romany. There are also Irish travelers moving through the county. New age travellers is a lifestyle choice not a an ethnic group.
Unauthorised Camping
Paul deals with those on County Council land. There are guidelines on how this is approached.
The current policy errs towards toleration. The County Council Protocol is in the process of being updated. Those who cause nuisance will be dealt with ‘robustly’. Paul is the first port of call. He visits as soon as he can and takes note/report and also welfare enquires. The information is passed on to the Legal Department.
It is the Legal Department responsibility to make a decision to take forward – civil procedure. Travellers will leave 99% of the time. A Possession order lasts for 3 months.
Section 45 – Registered Common Land.
Criminal Damage – there needs to be proof of criminal damage.
What happens to repeat offenders – injunction.
Paul Kenyon and John Lane have worked together with travellers.
Paul Kenyon is the only traveller representative. Delphine Butler deals with housing issues.
There are more “travelers” in houses than caravans – numbers are reducing. In summer the numbers increase.
Paul Kenyon gets involved in planning issues.
Debris left behind by travellers is down to the owner of the land.
Paul Kenyon stated the Culkerton sitecauses no issues.
5% of travelers are responsible for trouble.
What responsibilities do ‘we’ have – travellers have same rights as any other person. They are very resilient and for the most part look after themselves.
5. Update on work at Cotswold
Richard confirmed there was no update.
6. DMMO Progress Update – John Lane
GLAF asked John Lane for an update of how many orders have been made since the last meeting. There was no report available. John Lane to update GLAF at the next meeting. JL
7. Pushing Cycles on Public Footpaths
Paul Lockley updated GLAF on progress including the Freedom of Information (FOI) request on 11 November 2015 asking the following questions:-
· Who initiated the complaint or request that resulted in these notices being placed on the footpath?
· What lawful authority does the Public Rights of Way team have to put up notices that deter walkers from pushing or even carrying bicycles along this footpath?
· Who took the decision to put up these notices and when was it taken?
· Please supply the documentation relating to this decision.
· Who actually installed the notices on the footpath and when was this done?
· If there was an allegation of cyclists using this footpath why didn’t the Public Rights of Way team erect ‘No Cycling’ signs as is usual in other parts of Gloucestershire?
Paul Lockley received a response from Freedom of Information on 7 December 2015. Paul Lockley handed out copies to GLAF in the meeting.
Paul Lockley brought up a number of concerns to GLAF in the meeting including the Stroud Footpath and wording of signs. Paul Lockley handed out copies of the pictures of the signs to GLAF.
Alison Williamson asked Paul Lockley what he would like GLAF to do on his behalf. After further discussion GLAF agreed not to write to Gloucestershire County Council re keeping records.
8. Disability Access – Richard Holmes
The next meeting is being held in 2 weeks time.
All to update Richard Holmes on groups within towns and villages via email. GLAF
A representative is needed for landowners and disabled ramblers.
A future discussion for GLAF – to discuss access issues.
Richard Holmes will be speaking at the next Local Access Forum Conference about disabled access.
9. Paralympics – Stephanie Dale
Alison Williamson has thanked Wiltshire LAF for their support.
John Lane to thank Malmesbury Transport Group. John will also write to Council. JL
The question of whether it was possible to put up a no overtaking sign was raised and was it worth progressing – John Lane stated it may not meet the criteria.
GLAF agreed this item could now be closed.
10. Recruitment – Jacky German and Stephanie Dale
Jacky German has tried unsuccessfully to contact a representative from Bigfoot. Jacky has now given John Lane the contact details. JL
Jacky German to contact a representative from the Wildlife Trust before the next meeting. JG
Jacky German is also hoping to recruit a representative for the Ethnic Minority Group. JG
A discussion took place regarding different groups and recruitment.
Gerry Stewart contacted Steven Moreton to join GLAF however he was put off by the application form. John Lane confirmed that he had sent out a pack including GLAF background information.
Claire to check the form on the GLAF website is not only the up to date and simplified version. CAH
11. Consultations – Richard Holmes
Richard Holmes read out a response from the Forestry Commission.
Hudl Issues - there are anomalies with the CROW act regarding caving. The landowner can restrict access.
Consultations – English Coastal Path DEFRA Guidance.
12. Correspondence – John Lane
John Lane confirmed that LAF news has been circulated.
13. Future Site Visits
A discussion took place between GLAF members regarding future site visits.
· Expiring Permissive Sites.
· Tetbury Cycle Route.
· Fairford & Lechlade.
GLAF agreed the next meeting would take place at Crickley Hill with the Trampers. Please see the leaflets handed out at the meeting.
14. Question Time
Claire to highlight actions. CAH
Dog Issue Code of Practice to be added to agenda for the next meeting. Hudl - leaflet will not be published however in Wales they have produced a Dogs in Countryside leaflet.
Next Meeting
· Thursday 9 June 2016 – Cleeve Hill/Trampers – to be confirmed.
DMMO Definitive Map Modification Order
CWP/T Cotswold Water Park/Trust
BHS British Horse Society
ROWIP Rights of Way Improvement Plan