CLASS TIME______SECTION # ______SEAT # ______


3 credits/units

Medisoft is a computer billing program and it runs in Windows 2010. This software program is used in medical offices for accounting functions. People who work at home and contract with physicians to do the office books often use this program. You will learn how to make appointments, bill patients, fill information sheets, etc. using and computer program.


Attendance is mandatory and will affect your grade.

Student Learning Outcome—Recognize and apply medical terms while using them with understanding when keyboarding medical documents under timed conditions with established accuracy standard and understand and us the software used in medical offices.


General Objectives

  1. To complete sections 1-11 accurately and efficiently.
  1. To learn the functions of the Medisoft Simulated Work Program.
  1. To learn how to setup and run a simulated medical office.

Performance Objectives

  1. Student will setup a simulated medical practice.
  1. Student will input patient data, appointments, billing and payment information, etc. using a simulated medical program.
  1. Student will complete chapter questions & exercises. Take a definition/spelling test and complete a simulation.


You will need to purchase Understanding Medisoft by Pearson Prentice Hall. You will also need a flash drive to save your chapter questions & exercise work.



Log in on the Attendance Computer and Sign the sign-in sheet.

Sit in your assigned seat. You must use the same computer each time for this class.

Place your syllabus and book on the document stand.

Your fingernails should be short, the proper technique is to key with your fingertips and you cannot do that if your nails are too long.

Cell Phones—Must be turned off or on vibration. If you need to answer your cell phone please do so in the hallway outside of the classroom. Cell phone must be put away and not out on the desk.

Food/Drinks—No food allowed in room. You may have a closed bottle of plain water only.

Breaks—Please take a break as needed.

WARNING: You are expected to complete your own assignments. You may not copy from others into your program. You will not receive a grade for any assignments copies from others and your grade could be lowered.


Fill out information that is applicable to your instructor

Instructor: ______

Phone: 707-864-7258

Instructor’s email: ______

Instructional Assistant’s email:

College Website: www.solano.edu


You will have one folder for turning in your work (ask instructor for folder). Your assignment/grade sheet will be stapled in the folder. You will print each document in the chapters as noted on the assignment sheet; you will also be required to show your instructor documents or parts of the Medisoft program on the computer.

Start by reading, studying, and completing the following in the Understanding Medisoft book:

Read Preface

Study Patient File Forms—Pages 200-203

Study Appendix A—Pages 206-216

Study Appendix B—Pages 218-236

Open Book Quiz on Preface and Appendix A & B—Check your answers with key & hand in. You must complete and hand in the quiz before beginning your chapter work.

Chapter 1.—Introduces you to the setup of your practice, instead of calling the practice Consolidated Health Services, you will name your practice (Your first & last name Health Services.) This chapter also introduces you to your medical staff, the formula for determining patient bills, HIPAA, and how to setup your office. We will not be setting up the office as explained in the chapter and we will not be keeping track of petty cash or deposits. In a real office you would probably be responsible for these tasks.

Complete Exercise 1-1 and “Chapter Review” questions, check your answers with key (ask instructor for location), make corrections, and hand in.

Chapter 2.—Introduces you to computer terminology, the main components of a computer and how to use them.

Complete “Chapter Review” questions, check your answers with key, make corrections, and hand in.

Chapter 3.—Explains how to access the Medisoft program and introduces you to the different menus in the Medisoft program and what they do. You will start Medisoft following directions below. Practice opening different menus and answer all questions in the chapter.


  1. Turn on the computer with the power button.
  2. Press enter times 2.
  3. Double click on Medisoft Patient Accounting Demo Icon.
  4. Make sure that you set the date each time you work in the Medisoft program.

Complete Chapter questions (pages 23-33) (Note—Sidebar options (page 31) is under the Windows Icon.) and “Chapter Review” questions, check your answers with key and hand in.

At this point you will start a *Chapter Procedure that will be extremely important to your success in completing your assignments.

For each chapter you should:

  1. Read the chapter carefully.
  1. Complete Chapter Exercises/Questions.
  1. Answer all the “Chapter Review” Questions.
  1. Complete the computer work required in the chapter (if any). You will check your work in the OT 059 Medisoft binder. The assignment sheet will tell you which computer exercises need to be printed. Make sure you are working in your medical program each time or your work will not be saved.

5.  Hand in your Chapter Exercises/Questions & Chapter Review Questions and any computer work you were required to print. You will turn in your work when all the work has been completed for each Chapter. Each time you complete a procedure in Medisoft, click save, and when finished for the day, click file, exit, exit program. You do not need to backup your program; all work is saved directly on the computer. If says to show exercise to instructor make sure you get instructor to initial your assignment/grade sheet.


You will be working from source documents in the back of your textbook, pages 148-184 and/or handouts from the instructor. It might be helpful to tear those out of your textbook and put them in a binder so you don’t have to flip back and forth or make copies of them.

Chapter 4—This Chapter shows you how to setup a practice, set program date, and enter new patient information. You will read about restoring data, purging unnecessary data, and rebuilding your data files, but will not be completing any of these tasks.

MediSoft is a date-sensitive program. That means the date you use will have a bearing on your ability to get correct reports and input further data. As you begin each exercise, you will be instructed to change the MediSoft Program Date.

In general MediSoft is not case-sensitive. The only place you want to be sure to use capital letters is at the beginning of proper names.

In most cases you should use the Tab key to move from box to box within a dialog box. The tab key does not select the city box, you must manually select it.

Complete *Chapter Procedure

Exercise 4-1—Make sure you change the date each time you begin the Medisoft program. Show your instructor how you change the date.

ASK FOR HANDOUT. Start, my computer, double click Local Disk (Q:), double click medidata, rt click, new, folder, name folder your first initial last name. Close folder.

Exercise 4-2—Name your practice your first name last name Health Services.

Directions for setting up practice: Click File, New Practice, Click in enter the path: Click browse, Click on folder you created; click ok, then click create, fill out information from book, click save.

After setting up the new practice make sure you open that practice each time before you start working in Medisoft. You must always work on the same computer in Room 502, either during class or lab.

Chapter 5—This Chapter shows you how to search for and delete entries, Enter information in the Insurance carrier List, Address List, Provider List, Referring Provider List, Electronic data interchangeable/electronic medical claims, Receivers List, Billing Code List, Procedure/Payment/Adjustment List, MultiLink List, and Diagnosis list. Check the key for your answers to all exercises in Chapter 5.

Printing Instructions: Go to Reports, Click Custom Report Lists, choose your report, click ok, leave the preview the report on the screen selected, click start, leave all fields blank, click ok, make sure the report is the one you want to print, click printer icon at the top of screen, click ok. You will come here to print most of your documents.

Turning in Document: Label all your documents with your name, chapter #, and exercise #.


Instructor Name

Chapter 5

Exercise 5-1

Complete *Chapter Procedure

VERY IMPORTANT---When completing the following exercises make sure you are completing only the information asked for and on the correct screen.

Exercise 5-1: In the List Menu you click on EDI Receivers (It is no longer listed as EDI/EMC Receivers). Leave the code blank, the program will fill it in.

Exercise 5-2: Go to Lists-Insurance Carriers to enter information. Use document 14 (pg. 169) for complete information on Winter Insurance Co. Also enter information on insurance carriers from documents 12 (pg 165) Ball Insurance Carriers and13 (pg 167) Rovers Insurers, Inc. Fill in form only if you have the information. Many lines will be left blank. Leave the code blank, the program will fill it in. Fill out the information from the document pages & table below, leave all other boxes blank.

Winter Insurance / Plan ID: 54321/WHI / Type: Other / Plan Name: Comprehensive Medical Benefits
Ball Insurance / Plan ID: 98135/BLUE / Type: Other / Plan Name: Basic/Major Medical Plan
Rover Insurers / Plan ID: 41935/RED / Type: Other / Plan Name: Comprehensive Medical Benefits

Exercise 5-3: Go to Lists-Address to enter information. Also enter information on employers from documents 6 (pg 155), 8 (pg 158), 11 (wife’s information pg 163), and 15 (pg 171). Leave the code blank, the program will fill it in.

Exercise 5-4: Go to Lists-Provider-Providers to enter information. Also enter information on providers from document 7 (pg 157). Leave the code blank, the program will fill it in.

For questions 1-3 you have a copy of the HCFA 1500 form in back of your book.

Exercise 5-5/5-6: Go to Lists-Procedure/Payment/Adjustment Codes to enter information. For this exercise you will be putting in the codes. Ask for the Procedure Code List (Use this list instead of Documents 3 &17)and enter information. Use the abbreviations that are listed on the page for the descriptions. Remember to differentiate between new patients and established patients when using the codes. If you don’t have the information leave blank.

Exercise 5-7: Enter information per instructions.

Exercise 5-8: Go to Lists-Diagnosis Codes to enter information. Ask for the Diagnoses Codes List (Use this list instead of Document 4) and enter information.

Chapter 6—This Chapter continues to show you how to enter information on patients, guarantors, and cases. You will also learn to demonstrate the patient recall list. The patient file forms at the back of the text/workbook (Section 6) will give you a realistic look at some patient information forms---the types of forms usually filled out by or for new patients the first time they visit a practice. Since patient information is the basis for all the billing and reports produced later on, make sure you carefully check all information on the screen before you save it. In the Patient/Guarantor dialog box, some text boxes do not have to be completed if they are not relevant. For example, if a patient has not yet retired, the Retirement Date box in the Other Information tab can be left blank. This is true throughout the text/workbook. All boxes within a tab or dialog box do not need to be completed if they are not relevant to a particular patient. Within the Name, Address tab is the Signature on File box. This box should be checked if the patient has signed a form authorizing the release of medical information necessary to process insurance claims. For Medicare claims to be processed, the patient must sign in Box 12 of the HCFA-1500 form and fill in the eight-digit date, unless the signature is already on file. Once the signature is on file, the authorization is indefinite unless the patient revokes the agreement.

Complete *Chapter Procedure

Exercise 6-1: Go to Lists-Patient/Guarantor & Cases to enter information. Also enter information on patients and dependents from documents 1 (pg 148-49), 6, (pg 155-56) 8 (pg 158-59), 10 (pg 161-62) , 11 (pg 163-64), 15 (pg 171-72), and 16 (pg 173-74). Make sure you enter information on a separate sheet for each family member.

On the Name & Address Tab: Let the program assign the chart number.

On the Other Info Tab: The assigned provider names are listed below for each family.

The Guarantor would be the person with the insurance (father/mother), everyone else would be a patient. Patient’s ID #2 would be their Member ID #. Look for emergency contact on the information sheet. Don’t forget to fill out employer information, if patient is employed.

O’Gen family—document 1 / Dr. Yu B. Sickman
Dunnitt family—document 5 / Dr. Yu B. Sickman
Pendent family—document 6 / Dr. Phil Goode
Attricks family—document 8 / Dr. Phil Goode
Knose family—document 10 / Dr. Phil Goode
Poole family—document 11 / Dr. Yu B. Sickman
Fever family—document 15 / Dr. Yu B. Sickman
Hart family—document 16 / Dr. Phil Goode

Print Patient List and hand in. Use the range Akenja-Nearing, Jeanette to Poole, Gene.

Printing Instructions: Go to Reports, Click Custom Report Lists, choose your report, click ok, leave the preview the report on the screen selected, click start, leave all fields blank, click ok, make sure the report is the one you want to print, click printer icon at the top of screen, click ok. You will come here to print most of your documents.

Chapter 7—This chapter shows you how to record charges, payments, and adjustments. Create, edit, print/reprint, and send claims for transactions that you have entered. The practice exercises in this chapter are very date-sensitive. Make sure you change the program date—the directions do not always remind you to do that. Be very careful when entering data because it is very hard to delete or edit.