Advanced Placement Biology Class Syllabus

Science Department

Sprayberry High School

Instructor: Ms. Samantha Brown



Telephone: 770-578-3200 X 1304

Room: 304

Introduction: Welcome to AP Biology! I am looking forward to the challenge of teaching this course and excited about working with all of you this year. I hope that through our discussions and hard work you will leave this class with a better understanding of the constantly changing science of biology. We will meet five days a week for 90 minute class periods.

Course Description: The Advanced Placement (AP) Biology course is equivalent to a two-semester college biology course, which is traditionally offered during the first year of college. This course will provide a deep conceptual understanding of biological concepts based on the four big ideas in biology. These concepts are emphasized throughout the course during lectures, laboratory investigations, and inquiry-based activities.

Course Goal: The AP Biology course is designed to: 1) present an in-depth study of modern biology concepts, 2) challenge students to think critically, enhance analytical skills, and build responsible study habits, 3) become independent learners, 4) prepare for the AP Biology Exam and earn college credits.Each topic in the course is designed around the AP Biology Curriculum Framework, and is centered on the four big ideas:

Big idea 1: The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life.

Big idea 2: Biological systems utilize free energy and molecular building blocks to grow, to reproduce, and to maintain dynamic homeostasis.

Big idea 3: Living systems store, retrieve, transmit, and respond to information essential to life processes.

Big idea 4: Biological systems interact, and these systems and their interactions possess complex properties.

The AP Exam:The AP Biology exam will be administered on May 8, 2017. The format for the exam is as follows:

Question Type / Allotted Time / Description / Scoring
63 multiple choice
6 grid-in response / 90 minutes / Reading of paragraphs, diagrams, and data analysis
Integrate science and math skills
 Calculate correct answer and bubble in the grid
 Need a four-function calculator (with square root) to use on the exam / 50% of total score
Free response / 90 minutes
10 minute reading period
80 minute writing time /  2 Long Free Response questions (~20 mineach)
 6 Short Free Response questions (~6 mineach) / 50% of total score


Campbell, Neil A., and Janice B. Reece. (2008). Biology. 8th ed. Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc.


  1. A 5 subject notebook with a vinyl cover
  2. A three ring binder
  3. Sticky tabs/labels
  4. Pens/Pencils/Highlighters
  5. Index cards/Post-It notes
  6. Glue sticks
  7. 4 Function Calculator & USB memory stick
  8. CliffsNotes AP Biology 4th Edition or newer
  9. Skloot, Rebecca.The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. New York: Crown, 2010.

Student Evaluation/Grading:

Each student’s grade will be based on the following allocation of percentages:

Assignment Title / Percentage Value / Grading Scale
Tests / 35% / 90-100% A
Labs/Projects / 30% / 80-89% B
Reflective Responses/FRQ’s / 10% / 74-79% C
CW/HW/Quizzes / 10% / 73-70% D
Final Exam / 15% / 0-69% F

Classroom Rules:

  1. Be in your seat before the bell rings.
  2. Bring all books and materials to class.
  3. No eating or drinking in classroom.
  4. Ask for permission to speak or leave your seat,
  5. Respect yourself, your teacher, your classmates, and your school

Consequences of Breaking the Rules:

Offense / Consequence
1st / Verbal warning/Student conference
2nd / Parent contact
3rd / Lunch Detention
4th / Administrative referral


1. You should be in the classroom when the final bell rings. If you are late you should report to

the Attendance Office to obtain a late pass.

2.You are responsible for all missed assignments. Check Schoology, ask a classmate what

you missed, and take copies of handouts from the file box located at the back of the room.

3. Please refer to your student handbook for the schools policies on tardiness, attendance, and

make-up work.


All work is due the day after it is assigned, unless told otherwise. Please turn in all assignments to the bin that is designated for your class. I am NOT responsible for misplaced work.

Late Work:

No late work will be accepted. The only exception to this rule is with a project grade. The student

will lose 10% for each day the project is late.


Each unit of study is assessed by a unit exam. You will be given prior notice as to when these exams

will be given.If you are absent on the day of an exam, you will be expected to take the test when you

return to class. You must schedule an appointment to take your test before or after school. If a

test is not made up you will receivea zero in the grade book.

Honor Code:

If you are caught cheating, copying, plagiarizing or using any form of dishonesty to complete your

coursework, a grade of zero will be given for the work in question. Furthermore, your parents will be

contacted and additional disciplinary action may be taken.

Course Guidelines:

  1. Daily assignments will be based on the course syllabus, although changes may be made.
  1. You are required to be prepared each day for our class discussions. You should plan to study 1-2 hours outside of class for every hour in class.
  1. You are responsible for everything discussed in class, so take good notes. I will request to see your notebook without prior warning.
  1. If you require extra help, ask immediately do not wait.
  1. If you are absent it is your responsibility to obtain any missed assignments. LABS CANNOT BE MISSED.
  1. If you are absent on the day of a test, you must makeup the test the day you return. However, this will be done during your free time and not during class time.
  1. Form study groups, your peers are your best resources.
  1. I am available before and after school. DO NOT HESITATE TO ASK QUESTIONS.

Course Outline

-Water and the Environment
-Tour of the Cell
-Membrane Structure and Function / Chapters 3-7
Sections 3.1-3.3
Section 4.1-4.2
Sections 5.1-5.5
Sections 6.2-6.5
Sections 7.1-7.5 / Properties of Water Lab
Macromolecules Lab
Investigation 13-Enzyme Activity
Investigation 4-Diffusion and Osmosis
Cell Analogy Project
-Cellular Respiration
-Photosynthesis / Chapters 8-10
Sections 8.1-8.5
Sections 9.1-9.5
Sections 10.1-10.3 / Investigation 5–Photosynthesis
Investigation 6- Cellular Respiration
-The Cell Cycle
-Mendel and The Gene Idea
-The Chromosomal Basis of
Inheritance / Chapters 12-15
Sections 12.1-12.3
Sections 13.1-13.4
Sections 14.1-14.4
Sections 15.1-15.5 / Investigation 7-Cell Division
AP Lab 8- Population Genetics and Evolution
Genetic Disorder Project
-The Molecular Basis of Inheritance
-From Gene to Protein
-Regulation of Gene Expression
-Genomes and Their Evolution / Chapters 16-21
Sections 16.1-16.2
Sections 17.1-17.5
Sections 18.1-18.4
Sections 19.1-19.2
Section 20.2
Sections 21.2 & 21.5 / DNA Extraction Lab
Investigation 8-Biotechnology
-Descent With Modification
-The Evolution of Population
-The Origin of Species
-The History of Life on Earth
-Phylogeny and the Tree of Life
-Bacteria and Archaea / Chapters 22-27
Sections 22.2, 22.3
Sections 23.1-23.4
Sections 24.1, 24.2, 24.4
Sections 25.1, 25.3-25.5
Sections 26.1-26.3, 26.6
Sections 27.1, 27.2 / Investigation 1-Artificial Selection
Investigation 3- BLAST Lab
-Animal Form and Function
-Animal Development
-The Immune System
-Hormones and the Endocrine System
-Cell Communications
-Neurons, Synapses, and Signaling
-Nervous System / Chapter 40, 47, 43, 45, 11, 48, 49Sections 40.1-40.4
Section 47.3
Sections 43.1-43.4
Sections 45.1, 45.2
Sections 11.1-11.5
Sections 48.1-48.4
Section 49.2 / AP Lab 10- Physiology of the Circulatory System
Body Systems Project
-Angiosperm Reproduction
-Plant Responses to Internal and External Signals
-Animal Behavior
-Introduction to Ecology
-Population Ecology
-Community Ecology
-Conservation Biology and Global Change / Chapters 38, 39
Section 38.1
Sections 39.1-39.3, 39.5
Chapter 51
Sections 51.1-51.5
Chapters 52-56
Section 52.2
Sections 53.1-53.6
Sections 54.1-54.5
Sections 55.1-55.5
Sections 56.1, 56.4 / Investigation 11- Transpiration
AP Lab 11- Animal Behavior
AP Lab 12- Dissolved Oxygen and Aquatic Primary Productivity
Will begin in April and continue until the May AP Exam. Please check my blog for specific dates and times of review sessions. / Complete practice exams and free response essays. / On-line practice and review.



I have read and discussed the Lab Safety Contract and the AP Biology course syllabus with my student. I understand the rules of this class and accept full responsibility for my actions.


(Print Name) (Student signature) (Date)


(Print Name) (Parent signature) (Date)

Additional comments/concerns: