Revised 09/12/11 - UPC 3

Criteria for Reviewing Proposals
for New or Revised Undergraduate Courses[1]

Course Title/Number: Faculty Sponsor:

c.____ / 1.  Are each of the required forms in the packet? These should include:
a.  New Undergraduate Course Proposal Form or
Undergraduate Course Change Form
b.  Departmental Syllabus (revised form from August 2010 – Attachment I)
c.  New College of Education Signature Page (revised 07/19/11)
2.  ___ / 2. Does the information on all the documents match? (e.g. same course name, description, etc.)
3.  ___ / 3.  Is an appropriate budget (department) account number listed? (This is a drop down menu now so there should not be an issue)
4.  ___ / 4.  In the case of a new course, has a new course prefix, number and name been obtained from Carol Didomenico or the State Catalog?
5.  ___ / 5.  If new or revised, does the abbreviated title for the course meet the 30 character maximum? (this is a built in feature on the form and should not be an issue now)
6.  ___ / 6.  If new or revised, is the course description under the 255 word maximum?
(this is a build in feature on the form now and should not be an issue)
7.  ___ / 7.  If listed, are the pre- or co-requisite courses appropriate?
8.____ / 8.  In section 3- Course Justification (New Course form), Section 4 of the Course Change form of the Undergraduate Course Proposal Form, are all sections completed adequately? (New Course, sections a-j, Course Change sections a-f)
9.____ / 9.  New Courses: is it clearly stated now this course will strengthen the undergraduate program? Or
Course change: is the nature of the change(s) clearly stated?
10.____ / 10.  Section 4 Other Course information (new courses) Section 5 (Course Changes) are all the sections completed adequately?
11.  Are course textbooks newer than 5 years old? If not, is there a justification why the text book is over 5 years old?
12.  (Course Changes only) Is this course certified to fulfill either the Gordon Rule, General Education or Exit Requirements?
13.  Section 6- Are the Goals and or objectives for the course clearly stated?
14.  Section 7 Content Outline – Is there a weekly agenda with course content clearly described for each week?
15. Section 8 Evaluation of Student Outcomes – What evaluation system is used in the course? What are the assignments requirements for the course?
16.  Section 10 – Textbooks and Readings - Are the required readings current in the topic area of the course and if not, is there a statement and/or justification if publications are over 5 years old
ATTACHMENT I (if applicable)
17.  Has the use of technology been addressed?
17. Has the issue of diversity been addressed in this course?
Do you feel this course needs to be reviewed and approval given by another department/area? Does this course cross areas of expertise?

Recommendations from the Sub-Committee review:

Sub-Committee Member: Date:

This form can be found online at:

[1] Non-substantive changes do not need to go to a subcommittee.