Health and Physical Education

It is a pleasure to teach your child HPE at White Oak High School. We are looking forward to a great semester. We would like to take a few minutes to explain what will be expected of your child in class.

1.  This class is broken into two parts: 1. Health 2. Physical Education. Their Health grade will be made up of classwork (25%), and Major assessments (25%) PE will be made up of class dress (10%), run and participation (15%) and fitness/sport testing (25%).

2.  All students will be expected to bring the following items with them to class on a daily basis: binder/notebook, pencil & pen, shorts ( 5 inch inseam-mid thigh- and no Soffe shorts), t-shirt, sneakers and sweats. We will be doing fitness conditioning throughout the semester so your child will need to be aware of the weather and what type of clothing to bring to school that day. Each student is expected to come to school each day prepared for class. Your child will still be expected to participate in PE even if not dressed out (they will lose dress out points). Refusal to participate will be turned over to administration.

3.  A reminder that this class is a requirement for graduation. Please be on time to class. Tardiness will result in detention after school.

4.  HPE does have a final exam for all students that will count for 25% of your overall grade.

5.  Your child will be changing in the locker rooms for PE. It is your child’s responsibility to lock up ALL of their items in individual lockers. The doors to the locker rooms are locked during class, but from time to time items get lost or stolen. That is why we insist that your child lock up their personal items in a locker. Neither White Oak High School nor the teacher is responsible for any items lost or stolen from the locker room that have not been locked in individual personal lockers. Females will be issued a locker with a school lock in the girl’s locker room. It is your daughter’s responsibility to keep their items locked up during class. They are also responsible to keep the lock on the locker in the locked position when not using the locker. The cost of a damaged or lost lock is $7.00.

6.  Your child is expected to participate in HPE to meet graduation requirements. Only a Doctor’s note will excuse your child from activity and must have a Doctor’s note to return to activity. All missed assignments must be made up after Doctor’s release back to activity. If for some medical reason your child can not do physical education during their regular scheduled HPE class, they will be rescheduled to take HPE the following year.

It is our goal in Health and Physical Education not only to make your child more mentally and physically fit but more importantly to build a work ethic where a student assumes full responsibility for their actions. We look forward to a great semester.

Carolyn Ashdown, Chris Grimes, Deborah Lausterer

Student name______Student Signature: ______

Parent name______Parent Signature: ______