Course Outline – Spanish 2
Teacher: Mrs. Converso , room 133
¡BienvenidosaEspañol 2! I am looking forward to working with you this year. I hope you will find this experience interesting, enjoyable, and rewarding. The items below describe my expectations for this class. Please read carefully so that you will be successful as you begin this year’s journey into the study of the Spanish language and culture.
Course Objectives:
► Students will continue to develop skills in the areas of listening, speaking, reading, and writing according to the New York State Syllabus.
► Students will review and learn new grammar structures and verb tenses, along with vocabulary based on specific topics.
RULES:You are expected to…
- Respect your teacher, classmates, and classroom at all times. Misbehavior, disrespect, or disruption will not be tolerated.
- Observe all school rules.
- Raise your hand and wait your turn to participate.
- Give me your undivided attention.
- Use appropriate language and behavior at all times
RIGHTS: You have the right to…
- Learn in a positive, safe learning environment.
- Meet with me to discuss questions/concerns, or receive extra help.
RESPONSIBILITIES:You are responsible for…
- Arriving to class on time and being seated when the bell rings. The bell does not dismiss you, I do.
- Bringing all required materials to class daily.
- Participating often and being involved in class activities – your success depends on it!
- Completing all assignments on time and to the best of your ability.
- Making up missed or past due work.
- Putting forth your best effort in all that you do!
1.) Three ring binder (at least 1 ½ inch) with dividers labeled:
► Homework ► Notes/ Vocabulary ► Tests/Quizzes
2.) Pens/ pencils
3.) Agenda planner to record daily assignments
4.) 3x5 cards. Approx. one pack per marking period. Total 3-4 packs.
5.) Dry erase marker
6.) Optional : Box of tissues- I will give you one point extra credit for this.
GRADES: Grades are computed as follows:
Tests and quizzes > 30 %
Homework > 30%
Speaking > 20%
- Homework is assigned daily and is graded at 5 points.
- There is usually time in class to start your homework and ask questions.
- Homework is always due the next day and will be reviewed at the beginning of each class.
- If you are absent when homework is due, it is your responsibility to show it to me upon your return to class. Likewise, if you are absent when homework is given, it is your responsibility to obtain the work and complete it for the following day.
- All assignments are listed on the board. Please check daily.
- Excessive missed/late homework will result in parent notification.
1. Work is to be submitted upon the return to school after an absence.
2. Absences the day before a test still require the test to be taken on the originally scheduled day. Absences on test day require the test to be taken on the day of return since advance notice of test is always given.
3. Extra copies of handouts/assignments are found in the Spanish 2 bin.
- Teacher detention
- Parent phone call
- Referral to administration
This outline is provided to enable each student to maximize his/her learning experience. Kindly sign this sheet, acknowledging your understanding.
I have read and understand what is expected of me this year in Spanish class.
Student signature:______
Date: ______
Parent/guardian signature: ______
Date: ______