Solar Device Project (Task 2)
Your job will be to create a solar device to aide in the daily functions of life. Your device is to benefit your group by providing a sense of comfort or needs that are required. The device can be one of the ones listed, or another of your choice. (If you chose one not on this list it must be approved)
The following devices are ones that can be built:
· Solar oven
· Parabolic solar cooker
· Solar drier for fruits and vegetables
· Solar funnel
· Solar water heater
· Windmill to generate electricity or pump water
· Solar panels to generate electricity (if this is done you cannot just buy solar panels, you must show the process of making your own)
Research each of these to see what would be best for your camp. As you build your device you must keep a record of what you have been doing and complete the following requirements:
· What device did you first consider, and what design did you originally come up with?
· As you researched your project did you change your design?
· Why did you choose the final design you decided?
· Make a detailed log of hours spent on research and building.
· You must show a detailed plan of your project before you build it (This is a picture of the blue prints, they can be hand drawn or computer generated)
· Make an inventory list that list all of the things needed to build the device.
· Take pictures of you project as you are building it.
After your project is built you must put it to work. You will be graded on the following requirements:
· Does the project you built work effectively?
· How much time was spent building your device? (it should not look like your device was put together in 10 minutes)
· Was an inventory list included that listed all of the things needed to build the device?
· Did you keep detailed logs and take pictures of it being built. (The pictures will be presented on display day)
· Did you create blue prints before you started building your device? (They will also be displayed)
· You must also show the device in use and how it actually worked. For this you can film it being used and put it on a dvd, vhs, YouTube, media file or even pictures that keep track of it working. We will be looking to see if the device is working the way it should be. We want to see if your device actually was able to boil water, or cook an egg or other food item, and how long did it actually take. Or if you built a solar drier you can bring in samples of your dried fruit. You must have proof of your device in action.
On Display day you will bring in your device with your logs and pictures to show how it worked. You will be asked to show your logs and blueprints to Mr. Skaggs and Mrs. Patel before display day so they can keep track of your progress. Do not wait until display day to make sure your device works. It should already have been built and used before this day.