Thursday, December 1, 2016


Board of Governors (BOG) Retreat

Board members present: Jenine Koziolek, Dustin Chapman, Lane Elmer,Mark Casagrande (left at 12:40pm), Jonathan Lofgren (left at 10am), Tina Silverness, Chuck Hilger, Lance Egley, Deb Wamsley, David Hartford (left at 10am and returned at 12:51pm)

Attending by phone:none

Management: Bob Rohret, Jason Accord (briefly), Bill Monn (briefly)

Newly Elected Board members: Karina Forrest-Perkins, Dean Gilbertson

Guests: Patrick Plemel

Not attending: Jose Duenes, Brian Teuber, Renata Bosek, Dan Gentile, Luther Talks (AIAC)

Casagrande called the meeting to order at 8:41am, a quorum was present.

Secretary Koziolek reported on election results.

Discussion: concerns expressed regarding the election process. Suggested MARRCH look at possible gaps in the bylaws and in the election process. Further suggested MARRCH identify “significant roles” for those not re-elected to the Board. Discussion also centered around a need for increased diversity on the Board and in other areas of MARRCH.

Wamsley made a motion to accept the secretary’s report on the election results. Hartford seconded the motion. Voice vote carried with one voice opposed.

Seating of Board Governors in Odd Numbered Regions: Incoming Board members were identified and welcomed: Karina Forrest-Perkins, Dean Gilbertson, Dan Gentileand Luther Talks (AIAC). “Thank you” to Past-President Casagrande and outgoing Board members!

Hartford continued with the agenda as the new President.

ACTION ITEM: Request made to initiate a Microsoft Outlook meeting invite for all 2017 board meeting dates and include dates in text of email request. Rohret to do this.

Nominations and election of Board Officers:

Vice President: Dean Gilbertson and Lane Elmer nominated for Vice-President. Elmer did not accept the nomination.

Motion made by Casagrande and seconded by Egley to accept Dean Gilbertson as the Vice President. Voice vote carried. No opposed votes.

Treasurer: Lance Egley and Lane Elmer were nominated for Treasurer

Paper ballots distributed by Rohret for private voting. Ballots counted by Casagrande and Rohret. Voting results: Egley receiving 1 and Elmer receiving 10. Elmer thereby winning the election.

Motion made by Cassagrande and seconded byHilger to accept the voting results as reported. Voice vote carried. No opposed votes. Elmer elected Treasurer

Secretary: JenineKoziolek, Karrina Forrest-Perkins (not accepted)

Motion made by Cassagrande and seconded by Wamsley for Koziolek to serve as Secretary. Voice vote carried, none opposed. Koziolek re-appointed as Secretary

BOG Meeting

Approval of Minutes

Silverness made a motion to approve the minutes from October Board meeting, seconded by Chapman. Voice vote carried.

Action Items from Board October Board Meeting: See attachment for follow-up report.

Financial Reports (September & October): Egley provided a verbal report; decreased expenses for fall conference, we will need to increase revenue for future profit, plan for an estimated $10-12,000 loss for the year on current trajectory.

Motion made by Silverness to approve the financial reports for September & October. Cassagrande seconded. Voice vote carried.

Executive Director & Committee reports:

Executive Director’s Report (Rohret):

  • Rohret attended National Council Board meeting in Washington, D.C.
  • Presentedat Metro State Univ.
  • Participating on MNCAMH Advisory Committee
  • Attending Safety Net Coalition Board meetings– will continue to assess value to MARRCH
  • Membership Reports (Acord)
  • Campaign to engage/grow agency membership
  • Growth has occurred since January despite a dip after the conference
  • MembershipCommittee met to discuss membership strategies and develop marketing materials
  • Identified need to better define“Associate” membership; possible creation of membership category specific to Universities/colleges

Committee Reports:

Education/Events: Fall conference participation was positive, despite slight decrease in attendance. Decrease in sponsorships was offset by increase in exhibitors. Spring conference planning is underway – request for board consideration of topics/speakers for Spring conference.

ACTION ITEM: Koziolek will draft Education Committee ideas for spring conference and put into a Googles Doc for Board members to review.

Ethics– Chair Lehman and Rohret are working on a 2017webinar series with Ethics as the main topic. Committee considering presentation(s) for Spring Conference.

Youth Section – Met on November 15th, currently meet quarterly.Participation has decreased in recent years as a result of fewer LADC’s in schools. Desire to expand beyond school system for broader focus on youth & substance use.

Public Health & Harm Reduction –Will begin meeting monthly. Focus on parity;considering request for additional funding for Narcan training from the legislature. A listserv was created for committee members to stay updated.

Policy Committee –Current members: Egley, Lobejko (Ewald), Paulson, Hartford, Rohret, Hilger, Bosek, Murphy, Elmer and TimWalsh. Developing partnerships & collaboration with other groups and organizations focused on similar priorities.

ACTION ITEM: Rohret and Hartford to meet with MACMHP in December and compare legislative priorities (Rohret to set meeting).

Recommendation from the policy committee to create a “paperwork simplification” survey via survey monkey to gather more feedback from membership.

Egley moved to develop a“paperwork simplification”and “rural caucus” survey through Survey Monkey. Seconded by Gilbertson. Voice vote carried.

Discussion: Koziolek identified the need to simplify the descriptors associated with the surveys

ACTION ITEM: Rohret to work with Ewald staff todevelop “Paperwork Simplification” survey through Survey Monkey by 12/9.

Presentation (Paul Hanscom – Ewald Consulting) – Sponsor/Exhibitor/Advertising Opportunities for MARRCH. This is a service provided to associations by Ewald Consulting. Currently support about 10 of the 40 associations managed by Ewald. Goal of “sales services” is to “diversify revenue” through different sponsorship and advertising strategies. Structure can be tailored to the organization: $500 per month with 10-50% commission; commission -only structure, or;flat fee for the sales support.

MARRCH Board Structure & Long-Term Strategic Plan

Discussion opened on current board structure: What’s working well, what’s not working well?

Suggestion to create a taskforce to examine Board structure and bring back recommendations to the Board. Focus should be on: election process; committee structure; regional governship, and; alignment with strategic plan andbylaws. Task Force volunteers:Wamsley, Silverness, Gilbertson, Forrest- Perkins, Rohret, Koziolek and Hilger. Group to communicate via email with the subject line: “Governance and Structure” and will report back at the January Board meeting.

Finalize the Strategic Plan goal objectives

This discussion identified the importance of weaving the diversity goal into each goal and objectives

Membership Goal:

  • Rework the measurable outcome to become more specific including a timeline
  • Some appear to be activities to meet the objective
  • Measures can be for this year, but the tactic may change next year
  • Baseline to compare it against

Advocacy/Public Policy:

  • Combine #2 objective with #1 and condense
  • Public Policy committee to consider relationship with LARRS and whether there is a deliverable
  • #3 is a subset to go under #4


  • #1 - missing a tactic, put in the marketing plan
  • #3 Take“technical assistance” out. Providing support is key. MARRCH would be a conduit for DHS to provide information in “provider language”

Cultural Diversity

  • #1 move to the taskforce that is working on governance and structure
  • Assign responsibility for goals differently than all membership committee

For purpose of time, Hartford moved to vote on prioritizing goals. The following were voted in order of priority:

#1 Advocacy

#2 Membership

#3 Training

#4 Cultural Diversity

#5 Regional Membership

#6 Financial

#7 HealthCare Integration

#8 Technology

Hartford moved to adjourn at 4:12pm.