Please read enclosed literature and pass along to each teacher team member.

To Whom It May Concern:

My sonchild name is going to be a student among your 7th grade team this year. I wanted to touch base with each of you to give you a bit of background information about child name.

Child name has a disorder called Tourette Syndrome. This is a neurobiological disorder which causes uncontrollable movements and vocalizations called tics. Because of this condition, child name has a 504 Plan in place with some accommodations available when needed.

I have enclosed some literature about TS, some writings about our family, and some outlines regarding past tics child name has experienced. Tics are cyclical and constantly change manifestations. Some tics will repeat and new ones will also occur. One of the most important accommodations that child name uses is the ability to step out of the classroom from time to time so that he can go into the hall and “release” his tics. This has been successful in the past by using a discreet signal that lets the teacher know he needs to step out. Another important accommodation is extended time for tests. He has some OCD symptoms you will read in the enclosed literature that can make test taking a lengthier task for him.

Please contact me when you have a moment and I can discuss this in further detail with you and answer any questions you may have about TS and how it affects and child namehow it will (if at all) affect you and his classmates.

Please note that child name is an excellent student, thoughtful, caring, and polite. Every teacher he has ever had has enjoyed having him as a student. He worked hard last year, remaining on the honor roll all year. He won various awards and he is a popular kid with his peers.

He will be a wonderful asset to your class and through his constant hard work, will be a studious student as well.

You may reach me evenings contact info. I look forward to child name’s 7th grade year at PCIS with you as his teachers.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Dawn Erickson