Job Family: 25-0000 Education, Training and Library

Occupational Group: 25-4010 Librarians, Curators,

and Archivists






BROADBAND LEVELS:Level 2 – Pay Band 007

Level 3 – Pay Band 008


This is work administering the operations of a museum such as collections, exhibitions, and interpretation, and conducting research programs. Incumbents may also direct instructional, research, and public service activities of an institution.

Some positions in this occupation may be responsible for coordinating work and supervising employees.


Supervises employees by assigning work, reviewing progress and assessing performance.

Plans and organizes acquisition, storage, and exhibition of collections and related educational materials.

Develops and maintains institution's registration, cataloging, and basic record keeping systems.

Develops policy guidelines for collections management, incoming and outgoing loans, and access to collections.

Studies, examines, and tests acquisitions to authenticate their origin, composition, history, and current value.

Studies, examines, and select objects, works of art, or specimens for use in exhibitions.

Negotiates and authorizes purchase, sale, exchange, or loan of collections.

Directs and coordinates activities of curatorial, personnel, fiscal, technical, research, and clerical staff.

Confers with institution's governing authority or board of directors to formulate and interpret policies, determine budget requirements, and plan overall operations.

Arranges insurance coverage for objects on loan or special exhibits, and recommends changes in coverage for entire collection.

Plans and conducts special research projects.

Plans and directs preservation activities related to collections, exhibits, and facilities.

Writes and reviews exhibit text and labels, grant proposals, journal articles, institutional reports, and publicity materials.

Attends meetings, conventions, and civic events to promote use of institution's services, seek financing, and maintain community alliances.

Conducts or organizes tours, workshops, and instructional sessions to acquaint individuals with use of institution's facilities, and materials.

Develops and reviews policies and procedures for use of museum facilities within accepted professional guidelines.

Reserves facilities for group tours and social events and collects admission fees.

Inspects premises for evidence of deterioration and need for repair.

Reviews and schedules special events at facility and organizes details such as refreshment, entertainment, and decorations.

Consults with or advises individuals and organizations on collections and preservation issues.


Judging Qualities of Things, Services, and/or People / Making judgments about or assessing the value, importance, or quality of things or people.
Monitoring and Controlling Resources / Monitoring and controlling resources and overseeing the spending of money.
Establishing and Maintaining Relationships / Developing constructive and cooperative working relationships with others.
Communicating With Persons Outside of the Organization / Communicating with persons outside the organization, representing the organization to customers, the public, government, and other external sources. This information can be exchanged face-to-face, in writing, or via telephone/electronic transfer.
Getting Information Needed to Do the Job / Observing, receiving, and otherwise obtaining information from all relevant sources.
Organizing, Planning, and Prioritizing / Developing plans to accomplish work, and prioritizing and organizing one's own work.
Making Decisions and Solving Problems / Combining, evaluating, and reasoning with information and data to make decisions and solve problems. These processes involve making decisions about the relative importance of information and choosing the best solution.
Identifying Objects, Actions, and Events / Identifying information received by making estimates or categorizations, recognizing differences or similarities, or sensing changes in circumstances or events.
Selling or Influencing Others / Convincing others to buy merchandise/goods, or otherwise changing their minds or actions.
Developing Objectives and Strategies / Establishing long range objectives and specifying the strategies and actions to achieve these objectives.
Provide Consultation and Advice to Others / Providing consultation and expert advice to management or other groups on technical, systems-related, or process related topics.
Documenting/Recording Information / Entering, transcribing, recording, storing, or maintaining information in either written form or by electronic/magnetic recording.
Interpreting Meaning of Information to Others / Translating or explaining what information means and how it can be understood or used to support responses or feedback to others.
Handling and Moving Objects / Using one’s own hands and arms in handling, installing, forming, positioning, and moving materials, or in manipulating things, including the use of keyboards.
Implementing Ideas, Programs, etc. / Conducting or carrying out work procedures and activities in accord with one’s own ideas or information provided through directions/instructions for purposes of installing, modifying, preparing, delivering, constructing, integrating, finishing, or completing programs, systems, structures, or products.


Speaking / Talking to others to effectively convey information
Active Listening / Listening to what other people are saying and asking questions as appropriate
Judgment and Decision Making / Weighing the relative costs and benefits of a potential action
Coordination / Adjusting actions in relation to others' actions
Writing / Communicating effectively with others in writing as indicated by the needs of the audience
Reading Comprehension / Understanding written sentences and paragraphs in work related documents
Implementation Planning / Developing approaches for implementing an idea
Idea Evaluation / Evaluating the likely success of an idea in relation to the demands of the situation
Critical Thinking / Using logic and analysis to identify the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches
Management of Personnel Resources / Motivating, developing, and directing people as they work, identifying the best people for the job
Information Gathering / Knowing how to find information and identifying essential information
Information Organization / Finding ways to structure or classify multiple pieces of information
Synthesis/Reorganization / Reorganizing information to get a better approach to problems or tasks
History and Archeology / Knowledge of past historical events and their causes, indicators, and impact on particular civilizations and cultures
Administration and Management / Knowledge of principles and processes involved in business and organizational planning, coordination, and execution. This may include strategic planning, resource allocation, manpower modeling, leadership techniques, and production methods
English Language / Knowledge of the structure and content of the English language including the meaning and spelling of words, rules of composition, and grammar


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