St Dominic Faith Formation

Student written responses regarding Confirmation

NAME ______

Welcome! Thank you for signing up to prepare for Confirmation at St Dominic Church. Please complete this questionnaire. This will help us get to know you better, understand your schedule, and learn of your hopes and expectations for Confirmation.

  1. What extra-curricular activities do you participate in? Please name them below.

For school related activities, please note what time of year you are involved in them, and what day of the week games are usually held.

For example, Girls’ Swimming – fall sport, Tuesday and Thursday swim meets.

School Sports Activities –

School Academic Organizations–

School Musical Groups (choir, band, orchestra)–

Do you work a part-time a job? If so, how many hours per week do you work?

2. Did you attend St Dominic grade school? What grades?

3. Did you attend St Dominic Faith Formation? What grades?

4. Have you participated at St Dominic Vacation Bible Camp? As a participant in a small group?

Or as a Volunteer? If so, when?

5. Have you participated at a bible camp, retreat, or another religious event at other churches?

What did you do?

6. What day/time of the week are you most available to attend Confirmation small group meetings?

7. Name two people that you would enjoy having in your Confirmation small group.

8. Name an adult that you feel would be a good Confirmation small group leader.

9. Part of Confirmation preparation is to select a sponsor and to choose a saint name. In this way, you invite both your sponsor and a saint along in your journey to receive this sacrament.


Grade 9 students select his/her sponsor by October, 2016

The sponsor assists you in preparing for Confirmation through practicing the “Take 5” (see study sheet) Keep in mind, this is just the beginning of a lifetime relationship. At the end of the two year preparation, you both will be able to appreciate a strong spiritual relationship that will carry on into the future.

Saint Name

Confirmation students study saints in the Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth.

Through research and prayer, students select a particular saint for their Confirmation name.

Do you have anyone in mind for your sponsor?

Do you have a saint in mind to select as a Confirmation name?

10. St Dominic Faith Formation for Confirmation offers small group learning, large group presentations, social activities, community service activities, and chapel time. We are always open to new ideas.

For example, what would you suggest for a service project? What opportunity would you offer to experience the Catholic faith in action? What social activities would you like to attend?

Thank You for participating in St Dominic Church Confirmation preparation 2016-18.