The FA Charter Standard

Club Programme

Child Protection Policy

Crewe Alexandra Ladies FC

1: Crewe Alexandra LFC acknowledges its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of every child and young person who has been entrusted to its care and is committed to working to provide a safeenvironment for all members. A child or young person is anyone under the age of 18engaged in any club football activity. We subscribe to The Football Association’s child protection and best practice policy and procedures and endorse and adopt the policy statement contained in that document.

2:The key principles of The FA Child Protection Policy are that:

The child’s welfare is, and must always be, the paramount consideration.

All children and young people have a right to be protected from abuse regardless of

their age, gender, disability, culture, language, racial origin, religious beliefs or sexual orientation.

All suspicions and allegations of abuse willbe taken seriously and responded to

swiftly and appropriately.

Working in partnership with otherorganisations, children and young people

and their parents or carers is essential.

We acknowledge that every child or youngperson who plays or participates in football shouldbe able to take part in an enjoyable and safeenvironment and be protected from poor practiceand abuse. CALFCrecognises that this is theresponsibility of everyadult involved in our club.

3:CALFChas arole to play in safeguarding the welfare of allchildren and young people by protectingthem from physical, sexual or emotional harmand from neglect or bullying. It is noted andaccepted that The Football Association’s childprotection regulation (see The FA Handbook)applies to everyone in football whether in apaid or voluntary capacity. This includesthose who are a volunteer, match official,helper on club tours, football coach, clubofficial or medical staff.

4: We endorse and adopt The FA’s ChildProtection and Best Practice Guidelines for

Recruiting Volunteers and will:

Develop a role profile.

Request identification documents

As a minimum meet and chat with theapplicant(s) and where possible conduct

Interviews before appointing.

Request and follow up with two referencesbefore appointing.

Require an FA CRB Unit EnhancedDisclosure where appropriate in line with

FA guidelines.

All current CALFCmembers with direct access to childrenand young people will be required tocomplete a CRB Enhanced Disclosure via The

FA CRB Unit. If there are concerns regardingthe appropriateness of an individual who is

already involved or who has approached us tobecome part ofCALFCguidance will be sought fromThe Football Association.It is noted andaccepted that The FA will consider therelevance and significance of the informationobtained via The FA CRB Unit Enhanced CRBDisclosure and that all decisions will be madein the best interests of children and youngpeople.

It is accepted that The FA aims to preventpeople with a history of relevant and significant

offending from having contact with childrenor young people and the opportunity toinfluence policies or practice with children oryoung people. This is to prevent direct sexualor physical harm to children and to minimisethe risk of ‘grooming’ within football.

5:CALFCsupportsThe FA’s ‘whistle blowing’ policy. Any adultor young person with concerns about acolleague can ‘whistle blow’ by writing to The FA Child Protection Manager at The Football Association,25 Soho Square, London W1D 4FA or bygoing direct to social services orthe NSPCC.

CALFCencourages everyone to know about itand utilise it if necessary.

6:CALFChasappointed a Club Welfare Officer (CWO) inline with The FA’s role profile and requiredcompletion of the child protection and bestpractice workshop. The post holder will beinvolved with designated person’s training

provided by The FA. The CWO is the firstpoint of contact for all club members and

parents or guardians regarding concerns forthe welfare of any child or young person.

They will liaise directly with the Cheshire FACPO andwill be familiar with the procedures forreferring any concerns. They will also play aproactive role in increasing an awareness ofpoor practice and abuse amongst club members.

7: We acknowledge and endorse The FA’sidentification of bullying as a category of

abuse. Bullying of any kind is not acceptableat our club. If bullying does occur, all players,

parents or guardians should be able to tell andknow that incidents will be dealt withpromptly. Incidents need to be reported to the CWO, amember of the committee or, in cases ofserious bullying contact the Cheshire FA CPO.

8: Codes of conduct for players, parents orspectators, officials and coaches have beenimplemented by CALFC

In order to validate these codes of conductthe club has clear sanctions to deal with any

misconduct at club level and acknowledgesthe possibility of potential sanctions which

may be implemented by leagues or the CheshireFAin more serious circumstances. All prospectivemembers will be informed of these codes.

9: Further advice on child protection matters canbe obtained from:


The Football Association/NSPCC ChildProtection24-Hour Helpline 0808 800 5000

The FA child protection team on0207 745 4649.