Study Hall Disclosure


School phone: 476-5220

Parents and students, I am looking forward to working with you in meeting your goals for learning. Students are expected to work hard every day. There will be guidance, but the majority of the work will be done by the student. The goal of this class is to give students extra time to study and stay caught up with assignments in other core classes.This class also helps to fill the accommodation of extended time in some cases. Anyone choosing not to work or use this time for learning may be transferred out.

Parents, it is essential that you send me a reply by email that you have read this disclosure top to bottom and will support the learning environment that is needed in this classroom setting. I would like to have a way we can communicate on your student’s successes and areas we need to work on. Please email me that you have read this disclosure and you are willing to communicate with me and will support your student in his/her quest for learning. (If you do not have email please send a note, or call at school and leave a number where I can reach you during the day)

The school has a universal behavior plan. Our theme is R.O.A.R. which stands for:

R- Respect

O- On time and Prepared

A- Actively involved in learning

R- Responsibility


Students will be expected to Respect Self, Peers, Teacher, and Property. That means they are quiet in class so others can work.

1st offense- Warning, Name will be written down

2nd offense- Think Time which will require a conference with me/ Parent notified

3rd offense-Student will be transferred to another class

An offense could be included as misbehavior, Tardies, disrespect, refusing to work, not bringing work, abusing privilege of extra study time or hall passes, etc.


On time means you are in your seat and ready to work when the bell rings. For classroom work each student will need to bring the following items:


Paper and pencils will be required everyday, work from other classes, and a book to read.

We will be reinforcing organization skills, following directions, communication with teachers, responsibility, and other important life skills. Students are expected to be on time and prepared every day with supplies, assignments, and a good attitude. Please be aware of the attendance policy that the State and District have put into place.

TARDIES- if a student has 3 Tardies, s/he will get an automatic N, 5 Tardies, and it’s an automatic U.. If a student is sent to ‘Think Time’ that will be an automatic U and a transfer into another class. Citizenship cannot be worked off, it is a consequence.


Students are expected to come to class with a desire to learn and work. Students are expected to participate appropriately. Being prepared to work on other class assignments and having a book to read when work is finished is a way of participating appropriately.


This is a time to get a start on homework from your school classes, you may still have to finish assignments and study at home.


Life is not about finding yourself but about creating who you want to be, and we want to be responsible citizens. Students are to communicate with their teachers from other classes, along with me, to ensure they are doing what is expected for success.

Grading and Citizenship

Students are graded on participation and behavior in class through a daily On Task Documentation sheet. They keep their points when they are working and behaving appropriately. They lose their points when they come unprepared to work, use hall passes, and misbehave. There are 10 points available each day. If a student is absent they are exempt from losing points but are responsible for finishing all make-up work in their other classes.

If a student receives an F in another class, that grade will affect their grade in this class. For example: if they have earned an A in Study Hall but get an F in science then the grade in Study Hall will drop half a grade. This is a consequence by not using the extended time to work on the science homework. This does not happen if the student is using their time in class appropriately and getting all work completed and turned in the other classes.

A=93-100%A- =90-92%B+ = 87-89%

B=83-86%B- = 80-82%C+ = 77-79%

C=73-76%C- =70-72%D+ =67-69%

D=63-66%D- =60-62%F =59-0%

Remember, success is a choice!

PARENTS: Please email me at as soon as you read this disclosure so we can communicate on a regular basis.

If access to a computer is unavailable then sign and send back with a daytime phone number where I can contact you if needed.

Student Name ______Student Signature ______

Parent Name, Printed ______

Parent Signature ______Phone # ______email ______