CADI Systems of Care Meeting Minutes



Attendance in person: Hanna Kelley, T.J. Smithey, Danielle Patterson, and Lanet Owen.

Attendance by phone: Linda Bailey, Greg Poe, Ruth Rench, Shadreck Kamwendo, and Rose Flinchum.

Staff: Temi Ekiran

1.  Introduction and welcome

a.  Members in the room introduced themselves and Temi took phone attendance.

2.  Last meeting minutes

a.  The group went over the last meeting munities and decided to continue the discussion on recruiting members as they discussed during the last meeting in February.

3.  Recruiting more members

a.  Danielle Patterson suggested we find retired physicians and/ or nurses to attend this group since it might be difficult for physicians to attend the workgroup meeting. She also noted to get the Cardiology Care Association involved.

i.  CADI currently has a member from this association, but will also reach out to more members and maybe get retired physicians or nurses involved.

b.  Temi asked members to indicate organizations that might be potential members to CADI. The following are some the organizations committee members listed;

i.  CCA- Cardiology Care Associates

1.  T.J said he might be able to look into getting touch with someone from CCA.

ii.  Danielle suggested we reach out to the EMS community (Indianapolis EMS).

1.  Lanet said she will get in touch with the EMS community in Jasper Indiana- Temi will follow up with Lanet.

2.  Ruth thinks it might be difficulty to get the whole EMS system in involved in CADI. She explained to the group that the EMS community is massive and thinks we should not get them involved yet because it will be hard to get an EMS representative form every county around the state.

3.  Danielle suggested we discuss more on this issue at a later date.

iii.  Rehabilitation ( Indiana Rehab Hospital )

iv.  The American Association of Pharmacist

v. Indiana Chapter Cardiac Rehab

vi.  Insurance

vii.  St. Frances Hospital

viii.  Memorial Hospital – South Bend

ix.  Stroke Coordinator for Hospital in Munster, IN - Jennifer Ewing – Nurse. ( Temi will get in touch with Jennifer)

x. Specialties

1.  Pharmacist

2.  Medicaid agent

3.  Occupational therapist and physical therapist

c.  Ruth suggested creating exposure for CADI at conferences; this will help increase awareness for CADI and create an opportunity to recruit potential members.

4.  Goals and objectives

a.  Danielle said we might want to wait till when CADI has it goals and objective for the coalition ready before creating on for the goals and objective for workgroup.

b.  Danielle suggested getting the full coalition involved in a strategic planning session to create CADI’s goals and objectives. Danielle suggested we could have a strategic planning session during the next quarterly coalition meeting. Ruth supported this idea so did Lanet.

c.  Danielle suggested we have a strategic session to develop goals and objective from short, medium, and long term goals. Lanet suggested we discuss issues/ topics we might want to include in the strategic plan, issues on

i.  Obesity

ii.  Hypertension

iii.  Diabetes

d.  Danielle suggested CADI shouldn’t focus on goals that other coalitions are working on.

5.  Leadership

a.  Temi reminder the group the need for a chair and co-chair for the workgroup.

b.  T.J volunteered to chair the systems of care workgroup and Hanna volunteered to co-chair.

c.  Temi asked if members in the room and on the phone if they agree with the individuals that have nominated themselves for chair and co-chair, members in the room and on the phone agreed.

d.  Temi will send T.J and Hanna the chair’s responsibilities

6.  New focus-

a.  T.J suggested this workgroup wait till CADI has its goals and objectives.

b.  Danielle suggested we look at other state wide coalition’s goals and objectives, mostly state wide coalitions that are tied to the Indiana State Health Department. Some of the coalitions named during the meeting are;

i.  The four chronic disease coalitions

ii.  Indiana parental network

iii.  Health care implementation workgroup- looking at health care reform in Indiana.

iv.  Indiana minority coalition

c.  We can also have the Coalition Coordinators come to our strategic planning to discuss their goals and objectives

7.  Next meeting date

a.  Temi asked if we will want to meet next month or to wait till after the next coalition meeting since we will be having the strategic planning session and discussing CADI’s goals and objectives.

b.  T.J suggested we met next month to discuss / give update on recruitment we might only meet for an hour. Temi will send out meeting request.

8.  Meeting was adjourned at 3:40pm