Meeting of September 30, 2016

North Campus Building, 1st Floor Public Meeting Room

1106 Clayton Lane, Austin, Texas

Summary of Minutes

Presiding Officer,Dr. Wayne Lee, called the meeting to order at 10:08a.m.

Presiding Officer,Dr. Wayne Lee, moved to roll calland Certification of Quorum. Board Members present were:Dr. Wayne Lee, Dr. Manuel Gonzalez, Dr. Randolph Taylor, Dr. Richard Schram, Chris Reed, Kerry Hatley and Blane Sibille. Board members Mike Battah and Mick Maynard were absent. Presiding Officer Lee made a motion, seconded by Chris Reed, to excuse the absences of Board members Battah and Maynard. Motion passed by unanimous vote. Roll call verified that a quorum was present.

Presiding Officer, Dr. Wayne Lee, moved to agenda item C, Training for Board Members -Open Meetings Act, Public Information Act, Administrative Procedures Act. Charles Johnson, Assistant General Counsel, presented the Administrative Procedures Act, Public Information Act and the Open Meetings Act,and answered questions from the board.

Presiding Officer, Dr. Wayne Lee, moved to agenda item D.,Public Comment. There were nopublic comments.

Presiding Officer, Dr. WayneLee, moved to agenda itemE., StaffReports. Executive Director,Brian Francispresented the Executive Office Staff Report along with Mary Winston and George Ferrie. Lee Parham, Compliance Division Manager,presented the Compliance Division staff reportand statistics along with Greg Alvarez, Program Manager. Charlotte Melder, Senior Prosecutor, presented the Enforcement Division staff report. Dede McEachern, Division Director, and Chloe Adkins, Program Supervisor, presented the Licensing Division report and statistics.

Presiding Officer, Dr. Wayne Lee,moved to agenda item F.,Discussion and possible action to recommend changes to the following penalty matrices in the Combative Sports program: Referees, Promoters, Amateur Combative Sports Associations, Seconds, Matchmakers, Judges, Event Coordinators, Managers, and Contestants. Charlotte Melder, Senior Prosecutor, presented an overview of the current Enforcement Plan and the need for revisions. Ms. Melder outlined the proposed changes based on rule changes and new license types. Board member Dr. Taylor, seconded by Dr. Gonzales, made a motion to approve the Penalty Matrices. The motion passed by unanimous vote. Board memberChris Redd, seconded by Dr. Gonzales, made a recommendation to recommend the approved penalty matrices be presented to the Commission for approval. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

Presiding Officer,Dr. Wayne Lee, moved to agenda item G.,Discussion and possible recommendations to appoint workgroups.

  1. Study and work with department staff on matters related to medical protocols;

Presiding Officer,Dr. Wayne Lee,assigned the following issues to this workgroup:

A. Review and modify medical forms

B. Concussion evaluations pre and post fights

C. Lead physicians’ responsibilities and appropriate specialties

Presiding Officer,Dr. Wayne Lee appointed: Dr. Manual Gonzales, Dr. Randolph Taylor, Dr. Ricard Schram, and Kerry Hatley to the workgroup

  1. Promote the health and safety of contestants:

Presiding Officer,Dr. Wayne Lee,assigned the following issues to this workgroup:

A. Education of contestants on weightcutting

B. Education of contestants on insurance

C. General education of fighters including decisions made onOptometry v. Ophthalmology

D. License review of skill level and process to review skill sets

Presiding Officer,Dr. Wayne Lee,appointed: Mike Battah, Mick Maynard, Dr. Manual Gonzales, and Dr. Wayne Lee to the workgroup

  1. Study or promote other industry related issues deemed necessary by the board

Presiding Officer,Dr. Wayne Lee,assigned the following issues to this board:

A.Discussion of protocols for out of state physicians practicing in Texas

B.Any needed rule review

C.Physicians’ malpractice insurance coverage

Presiding Officer,Dr. Wayne Lee,appointed: Dr. Wayne Lee, Dr. Randolph Taylor, Blane Sibille, and Chris Reed to this workgroup

Presiding Officer,Dr. Wayne Lee, moved to agenda item H, Recommendations for agenda items for the next meeting:workgroup reports and action items resulting from the workgroups.

Presiding Officer,Dr. Wayne Lee, moved to agenda item I, Discussion of date, time, and location of next meeting. The next meeting date will be December 2, 2016, at 10:00 a.m.

Presiding Officer,Dr. Wayne Lee,moved to agenda item J, Adjournment. The meetingwas adjourned at 12:41p.m.

Dr. Wayne Lee, Presiding Officer

Combative Sports Advisory Board