Social Media Campaign: 31 Days of National Disability Employment Awareness

/ ~ October 2014 ~ /
Sun / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat /
*You can also highlight Down Syndrome Awareness Month and Disability History Month in October / 1
Encourage followers to promote NDEAM in their community using ODEP’s Resource Toolbox.
Post the poster. / 2
Video: On the Job / 3
Ask followers to consider participating in Disability Mentoring Day (Oct. 15) / 4
5 / 6
Take Your Legislator to Work Campaign / 7
Video: Worker with Disabilities / 8
Video: “Because” PSA (ODEP) / 9
Employer testimonials
(from WA Initiative for Supported Employment) / 10
Video: Hire Me / 11
12 / 13
On the Job: Stories from youth with disabilities on employment success (PDF) / 14
Real People, Real Jobs: Stories from the front line / 15
Today is Disability Mentoring Day! / 16
Ask JAN about workplace accommodations / 17
Talent Knows No Limits/WE Include videos / 18
19 / 20
Video: Work Works / 21
The Untapped Talent Pool of People with Disabilities / 22
Employment First Across the Nation (map) / 23
Video: Ticket to Work Success Stories / 24
Video: Robert’s Story (Our Thrift Store) / 25
26 / 27
TN Employment Idol 2014: Joel Brenner / 28
Project SEARCH in Texas / 29
Entrepreneurship is the answer for some people with autism / 30
Video: Meet Ben! An Introduction to Ticket to Work / 31
Video: My Transition Story


•  Schedule all of your posts for the entire month now! Just use Facebook’s scheduling tool or TweetDeck for Twitter. Or utilize a social media management tool (e.g., HootSuite) to post to various social media platforms simultaneously.

•  Use #NDEAM in your posts and tweets.

•  See some sample social media posts from ODEP and also check out their Social Media Accessibility Tips.