PG NR 14

ROK SZK.2004/2005

Opracowanie testu: mgr Jolanta Dzierań

Zadanie 1

Zakreśl właściwą odpowiedz.

  1. Football is more interesting ………………… tennis.

a. than b. as c. when

  1. He lives ………………… away from school.

a. further b. the furthest c. far

3. There will be problems if we ………………. more renewable energy.

a. won’t use b. don’t use c. use

4.I think I ……………….. an umbrella with me.

a. take b. not take c. ll’ take

5. The capital of Germany is Berlin, ……………..?

a. isn’t it b. doesn’t it c. hasn’t it

6. What do English people eat ………….. Christmas?

a. to b. under c. at

7. Tom’s parents have lived in Spain ………….. a long time.

a. for b. since c. science

8. You look nice in that jacket, but you hardly ever wear it. …………it more often.

a. You should wear b. You shouldn’t wear c. You ought wear

9. We went shopping and spent ………………………. money.

a. many b. a lot of c. any

10. What’s the name of the man ……………………………?

a. whose car you borrowed b. his car you borrowed c. whose car you lend

11. I don’t like stories ………….. have unhappy endings.

a. they b. who c. which

12. I asked two people the way to the station, but …………………of them could help me.

a. none b. either c. both

13. She is interested …………… languages.

a. by b. in c. at

14. London is ………………. than Prague.

a. dirty b. most dirty c. dirtier

15. I’m not very good …… History.

a. at b. in c. of

16. I prefer tea …….. coffee.

a. then b. over c. to

17. They haven’t washed the car ………

a. still b. yet c. already

18. These days, cars …………….. with the help of computers.

a. is produced b. am produced c. are produced

19. We haven’t got ……………. food for everybody.

a. too much b. not enough c. enough

20. I think the key is ……………………….. in my room.

a. somewhere b. nowhere c. everywhere

21. If Mary found that book, she ……………………

a. ‘d buy b. bought c. ‘ll buy

22. David would like that joke if he …………… here.

a. was b. would be c. is

23. These pens are …………. .

a. my b. mine c. me

24. What’s the weather ………… in England?

a. like b. likely c. similar

25. My bag …………… two days ago. But my passport was.

a. has been stolen b. was stolen c. wasn’t stolen

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Zadanie 2

Zakreśl słowo stanowiące najlepszą odpowiedz.

  1. What is the word for your brother or sister’s daughter?

a. cousin b. niece c. aunt

  1. What does this mean? You have to change trains in London.

a. This train is not working b. You can get abetter train.

c. You cannot travel on only one train.

3. Which of the words describes a type of wind?

a. breeze b. thunder c. flood

4.Which institution is for children aged 6 -12 years?

a. nursery school b. primary school c. comprehensive school

5. Here is a group of words which can all be used to talk about the same topic:

Shoot edit direct star in review

What is the topic?

a. newspapers b. film c. theatre

  1. Which of these words is not a piece of clothes?

a. leggings b. tie c. badge

  1. Which of these words is not associated with the universe?

a. black hole b. comet c. blizzard

  1. What is the abbreviation for “Unidentified Flying Object?’

a. UFO b. BBC c. WTC

  1. Which of these activities usually takes place in a museum?

a. performance b. concert c. exhibition

10. Which person is responsible for making a soundtrack to accompany the pictures of cartoons?

a. cameraman b. sound engineer c. composer

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Zadanie 3.

Podkreśl poprawną formę czasownika.

  1. Mr and Mrs Hill are on holiday now. They travel / are travelling in Greece.
  2. Frank never comes /is coming late.
  3. Did you meet / are you meeting Alice on a train to Leeds last Monday?
  4. The Titanic sinks/ sank on 14 April 1912.
  5. At 2 p.m. last Thursday, the football team were practising / practised.
  6. Barbara made /was making sandwiches for everybody yesterday.
  7. When I saw him in the supermarket, Bill talked / was talking with a manager.
  8. While the singer recorded / was recording her new song, she lost her voice.
  9. Have you listened / Do you listen to music in your free time?
  10. Who taught/did teach you English last year?
  11. Since when do they live / have they lived together?
  12. Tina has been writing / has written four letters so far.
  13. I promise, I will never forget / am never forgetting you.
  14. If he does his best, he will win / is winning the competition.
  15. If they won the prize they would give/ will give the money to the charity.
  16. ‘Why have you invited all these people to your party?’

‘Because I am going to make/ willmake friends with them.’

  1. I met / have met Susan five years ago.
  2. Tomorrow I play / am playing football with my classmates.
  3. If she doesn’t hurry up / will hurry up, we will be late for a concert.
  4. I know / have known Peter since 1998.
pkt 20/ ………

Zadanie 4

Przeczytaj tekst, a następnie wykonaj polecenia 4.1, 4.2 I 4.3.

What do your clothes say about you?


Fashion is part of our everyday lives. When you get dressed every morning, your choice of clothes says a lot about you, your personality, your lifestyle, your social group and even how you feel.


Fashion is a language, a means of communication. Clothes separate people into groups.

There are lots of different groups based on age, occupation, political and religious beliefs and groups based on current trends and interests, such as hip hop, skinheads and surfers. Styles identify you, but they can also create stereotypes and division between groups. An example of this is an older person who looks at a teenager with blue hair and body piercing and considers him a rebel. However, to another person in the same group, the teenager is a conformist.


Popular fashion comes and goes – and sometimes comes back again! New fashion trends reflect the times and often come from social change and popular culture as seen in music, cinema, magazines, television or sport. In the 1950s teenagers all over the world dressed like the rock and roll star Elvis Presley. ‘Elvis mania’ was the beginning of the teenage non-conformity. In the 1960s, the Beatles changed hair styles everywhere. Social and political discontent in the 1970s resulted in the hippie movement when young people wore ethnic clothes and flowers in their hair. The consumerism of the 1980s began the culture of individualism – you can be what you want to be – and the ‘material girl’, Madonna, changed her image regularly. Even urban hip hop singers wore expensive trainers and designer labels. In the 1990s groups like Nirvana began the grunge look and at the end of decade, there was a return to the ethnic look – a hippie revival and body piercing.

4 ……..

However, fashion is also one of the biggest global industries and people in the fashion business make millions of pounds a year by changing fashion. Advertisements and the image they create influence our choice of clothes. So think about what you are wearing today – are you making a statement about you, about your times, or are you a fashion victim?

Polecenie 4.1.

Przyporządkuj nagłówki A-E do odpowiednich paragrafów (akapitów). Jeden z nagłówków nie pasuje do żadnego paragrafu.

A How does fashion change?

B Who decides what to wear?

C How do clothes define people?

D What is fashion?

E What is in fashion now?

Polecenie 4.2

Po ponownym przeczytaniu tekstu, określ które z poniższych zdań są prawdziwe (T-true), a które są nieprawdziwe (F-false). Zakreśl kółkiem odpowiednią literę.

1. People’s clothes give us a lot information about them. T/F

2. Clothes show what social group you belong to. T/F

3. Pop stars are the only influence on fashion. T/F

4. The hippie movement was the result of consumerism. T/F

5. In the 1990s people wore hippie clothes again. T/F

6. People in fashion business change styles to make money. T/F

Polecenie 4.3

Odszukaj w tekście podane poniżej słówka i połącz je z definicjami. Wpisz odpowiednią literę obok numeru. Dwie definicje pozostaną nie wykorzystane.

1. ....…get dressed a. return to something which already existed

2. ……means b. ten years

3. ……beliefs c. ideas that you think are true

4. …… decade d. put on clothes

5. ……revival e. popular culture

f. method

g. a way of living

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Zadanie 5

Połącz ze sobą dwie części krótkich dialogów. Wpisz odpowiednie litery A-G do drugiej kolumny. Dwie odpowiedzi są niepotrzebne.

1. / Sorry I’m late. I got stuck in traffic. / A No problem. It’s stuffy in here.
2. / How long did it take you to do the homework? / B White or black?
3. / Let’s go for a run in the park! / C Me? Run? You must be joking!
4. / Bye, Mum! I’m off to school now. / D Ages! How about you?
5. / Would you mind opening the window? / E Never mind. You’re here now. Come in and sit down.
F Take care my love. Have a nice day!
G Just looking, thanks.

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Zadanie 6

Zdecyduj czy podane zdania są fałszywe czy prawdziwe, a następnie zakreśl kółkiem odpowiednią literę: fałszywe – F, prawdziwe – T

1. / The British flag is called the Stars and Stripes. / T / F
2. / Independence Day is celebrated on 5th July. / T / F
3. / The national emblem of Scotland is a thistle. / T / F
4. / A traditional Scottish dish is called haggis. / T / F
5. / The Tower of London used to be a prison. / T / F

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