Explanatory Essay Guide

In this essay, you will be explaining how to do something.

Start with this: What is the writing process?






Good. Now let’s start with number one.

You need to know what you’re going to explain. I’m going to explain how to hard boil eggs using the same process. Let’s get it organized.

Topic: How to Hard Boil Eggs

Materials Needed: Pot, stove, water, eggs, timer

Process: (use the graphic organizer below)

Now, obviously there is more I can say about boiling eggs. But that is for the rough draft.

You should make sure that your whole essay is at least three (3) paragraphs long. Your organization should look something like this:

I. Introduction

A. Explain materials needed (Eggs, water, pot, stove, timer)

B. Describe the final product (Hard boiled eggs)

II. Explain the process.

A. Step One

1. Tell the step. (Put the eggs in water.)

2. Explain how to do it right. (Make sure the water covers the eggs.)

3. Give details and explanations. (This way the whole egg gets cooked.)

B. Step Two

1. Tell the step. (Turn the stove onto high until the water boils.)

2. Explain how to do it right. (Let the water boil for ten minutes.)

3. Give details and explanations. (If you boil it too long it will burn the eggs.)

C. Step Three

1. Tell the step. (Cool down the eggs.)

2. Explain how to do it right. (Put the eggs in the refrigerator for a while.)

3. Give details and explanations. (The eggs are easier to peel when cold.)

III. Conclusion

A. Describe your final product (Hard boiled eggs)

B. Explain what to do with it (Now you’re ready to eat!)

Now make your own outline!

From here, you can go on to write your first draft. Have fun with it!