CG111 – Midterm Review
- Computer Graphics (CG) is the field of visual computing, where a computer is used to generate images.
- Your USB Flash Drive can be used on any computer. It does not matter whether you are using a PC or a Mac. You can save your work on the Flash Drive, preferablyby creating folders to organize your data.
- Your Personal Drive (or “Y” drive) on the campus can be used on both the PC and the Mac.
- Raster graphics, bitmap images or painting is a method of generating digital images as a series of picture elements (pixels).
- Sample raster graphics programs are Adobe Photoshop, Corel Painter,Adobe Fireworks and Microsoft Paint.
- A pixel is a dot on the screen or a square of color for paint programs.
- Scanner resolution of 72 dpi (dots per inch) or ppi (pixels per inch) is usually used on the Web.
- Scanner resolution of 300 ppi or higher is used for printing.
- JPEG (JPG), GIF, and PNG are the three main formats used on the Web. PSD (Photoshop’s native format) cannot be used on the Web.
- HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the underlying language for Web documents.
- An HTML document consists of two sections: Head and Body. Angle brackets (“<”, “>”) are used as delimiters for tags. Inside the HTML document, the first tag is <html> and the last tags is </html>.
- On a Web page you can insert an image, use text, and use a background color. You can also change the face, color, and size of a font.
- A bit is a binary digit. A byte is 8 bits.
- KB is kilobyte (1,000 bytes). MB is megabyte (1,000,000 bytes). GB is gigabyte (1,000,000,000 bytes). TB is terabyte (1,000,000,000,000 bytes). and PB is petabyte (1,000,000,000,000,000 bytes).
- The binary number system is based on two digits: 0 and 1.
- The decimal number system is based on 10 digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
- The hexadecimal number system (hex for short) is based on 16 digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, and F.
- Additive colors: source of light - Red, Green, and Blue (RGB) are the primary colors in a computer monitor and a TV. All Red, all Green and all Blue will produce white. The absence of light (no Red, no Green, and no Blue) produces Black.
- Complementary colors of the additive model are Cyan (C), Magenta (M), and Yellow (Y). Cyan is all Green mixed with all Blue. Magenta is all Red mixed with all Blue. Yellow is all Red mixed with all Green. These three colors, CMY, together with Black (K) are used in printing, such as an inkjet printer or laser printer. This is usually referred to as CMYK. This is also called the subtractive model (a reflection of light).
- Color can be expressed as a name such as “red” or as a number in hex triplet in the following format: “#rrggbb”. The first two hex digits “rr” is for red. The next two “gg” is for green. The last two “bb” is for blue. Thus “red” can be written in hex as “#ff0000”.
- Place values of binary numbers from right to left are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, etc. For example, the binary number 1101 is equivalent to 13 in decimal.
- Color depth (or bit depth or bits per pixel) is the number of bits used to represent color. A color depth of 1 produces 2 colors (called Monochrome Bitmap in MS Paint). A color depth of 4 produces 16 colors (called 16 Color Bitmap in MS Paint). A color depth of 8 produces 256 colors (called 256 Color Bitmap in MS Paint). A color depth of 24 produces 16,777,216 colors (called 24-bit Bitmap in MS Paint).
- The maximum number of colors in modern computers in 16,777,216 colors.
- You can download a picture from the Web by using a right-click and then choose “save picture as” or drag the picture to the desktop or a folder.
- Notepad is a small word processor that permits you to save your work in plain text format.
- A flatbed scanneris used to optically scan images, text or an object, and converts it to adigital image.
- Primitive shapes in Microsoft Paint are the rectangle, ellipse, and line. By using the constraint key, Shift, you can produce perfect shapes from these primitive shapes – a square for a rectangle, a circle for an ellipse, a horizontal, vertical or 45° line for a line.
- The text tool is used for typing, e.g., your name.
- The size of a file is the number of bytes needed to store a file.
- Useful keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl+A (select all), Ctrl+S (to save), Ctrl+Z (to undo), Ctrl+X (to cut), Ctrl+C (to copy), and Ctrl+V (to paste).
- In Microsoft Paint, you can use rectangular, free-form, and transparent selection. There are 20 preset colors in the color palette and 10 additional colors (at a time) can be added by going to Edit Colors and typing in decimal values for the Red, Green, and Blue components. For example: 200 for Red, 173 for Green, and 127 for Blue (#C8AD7F)would give you Beige.
- In Photoshop a picture can be rotated clockwise or counterclockwise. The smallest amount of rotation is 0.01°.
- Magnifying a photograph to 3200% in Photoshop will show pixels clearly. Each pixel has only one of the 16 million colors.
- A JPEG (JPG) can be reduced in size or enlarged. Every time you change the size of a picture in JPEG format and save it, you lose information. This is called a lossy format.
- Other formats, such a BMP and TIFF use compression algorithms that preserve the information when you change the size of a picture.
- The Quality of a JPEG (JPG) also determines its size. The higher the quality, the larger the size.
- The first Internet, called ARPAnet was born in 1969. WWW stands for the World Wide Web. It is part of the Internet.
- Internet Service Providers (ISPs) provide access to the Internet for a monthly fee. Example ISPs are Comcast, Time Warner Cable, Verizon, Cox, and AT&T.
- Some browsers are Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, and Opera.
- Some providers for free e-mail are Gmail, Hotmail, and Yahoo. They allow you to send messages, sound, photos, and documents via the Web.
- Examples of searchers or search engines in the U.S. are Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask, and AOL.
- A hyperlink or link is a jump to another website, another document, or another part of the same document.
- Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is the address of a web page on the World Wide Web.
- Bandwidth is the speed of data transmission in Kbps (Kilobits per second) or Mbps (Megabits per second).