Shrewsbury Rural North & District
Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT)
About your team
Insp Edward Hancox PCSO Joe Bradley
Sgt Keith Steele PCSO Tim Griffiths
PC Jon Summerfield Police Volunteer Mr Arthur Jones
Safer Neighbourhood Teams work with local people and partners to identify, tackle and solve issues that matter to the community where you live.
Making neighbourhoods safer by cutting day to day crime and anti-social behaviour is at the heart of keeping people in West Mercia safe. Thanks to an investment in mobile tablet style computers, these will enable officers to spend more time on patrol on the street and in neighbourhoods.
Officers will continue to come to people when they need them and provide a high quality service however you contact us - in person (on the street, at community bases and at partners and communities together [PACT] meetings), on the phone or online.
Where we work
Shrewsbury Rural North & District is based at Pontesbury Police Station, Minsterley Road, Pontesbury, SY5 0QH. We work in the Parishes of Pontesbury, Minsterley, Great Hanwood, Longden, Westbury, Ford, Great Ness & Little Ness, Bicton, Alberbury, Montford Bridge, and Bomere Heath, we also cover the Shrewsbury Town council areas of Bowbrook, Gains Park and Bicton Heath including the Royal Shrewsbury and Redwood Hospitals.
How to get in touch
' 101 to talk to your local SNT or report a crime
ü www.westmercia.police.uk
/ @ShrewsburyCops
Only call 999 in an emergency, when a crime is in progress or life is in danger.
WEDNESDAY’S - 4 pm To 7 pm
The Police Station is staffed by volunteers. Sometimes due to circumstances beyond our control we may not be able to have the station open to the public. If the station is closed and you need to speak to a member of the team please contact us using the details above.
The Safer Neighbourhood Team will also hold Police Surgeries : https://westmercia.police.uk
Occasionally due to circumstances beyond our control we may not be able to get to the Surgery or Meeting. If officers are not at the location and you need to speak to the team please contact us using the details above.
Current Partner and communities TOGETHER Priorities (PACT)
The SNT team deal with a multitude of diverse issues and problems on a daily basis. It is currently agreed that the team will focus on the following issue as a matter of priority.
To see updates on our current priority please Visit :
Issue - Drivers, particularly in the mornings are reported to be travelling in excess of the 30 mph speed limit past the Co-Op shop on the Welshpool Road, Shrewsbury.
Suggestion - SNT along with other Colleagueswill carry out high profile patrols in the area to deter speeding drivers.
Action -
Update : Update : 24/12/16 - High Profile Patrols are being carried out, withvehicles being stop checked, and their drivers advised about their driving. Update : Update : 31/01/17 - High Profile Patrols continue to be carried out, withvehicles being stop checked, and their drivers advised about their driving.
Update : Update : 28/02/17 - Patrols continue to be carried out.
The Team have been busy as usual out in the community meeting as many of you as we can. Particularly focussing on the vulnerable and elderly in the area. We have had a few burglaries in February with power tools and bikes being stolen, we have also had a couple of houses burgled. Can we please remind people to be vigilant at all times and report any one or anything they feel is suspicious? The team have been working with local schools and in particular with Ford primary this month, helping them with their rocket project, with our speed device, unfortunately it was to quick !!! . A successful warrant was carried out in Montrose Place Gains Park, where bikes and an amount of drugs were seized and a male arrested. The team have attended a very successful training day with partner agencies looking at mental health in our communities and how we can support persons with our partners.. We took part in the rural day of action in Ford on the 21st Feb, great to see members of the public engaging with us and partners.
ASB / VIOLENCE / BURGLARY / VEHICLE CRIME / THEFT / CRIMINAL DAMAGE / DRUGS / No ASB reported this month, 1 theft enquiries on going, 1 theft of scrap metal. Monthly Police Surgeries take place at Alberbury Village Hall.0 / 1
ASB / VIOLENCE / BURGLARY / VEHICLE CRIME / THEFT / CRIMINAL DAMAGE / DRUGS / No ASB reported this month , 3burglary non dwelling power tools stolen. 1 theft of bicycle person identified. Monthly Police Surgeries take place at Ford Service Station. Excellent rural Action day on the 21st. SNT helped Ford Primary school with their Rocket project.0 / 3 / 1
ASB / VIOLENCE / BURGLARY / VEHICLE CRIME / THEFT / CRIMINAL DAMAGE / DRUGS / 3 ASB reports this month not youth related, 1 burglary other metal gates stolen. 1 assault no complaint. 1 vehicle interference enquiries on going. Monthly Police Surgeries take place at Hanwood Post Office. SNT have been visiting the residents of Vine Close this month listening to any worries or concerns.3 / 1 / 1 / 1
ASB / VIOLENCE / BURGLARY / VEHICLE CRIME / THEFT / CRIMINAL DAMAGE / DRUGS / 1 ASB reported this month, not youth related. 1 criminal damage person identified enquiries on going. Monthly Police Surgeries take place at Longden Post Office.1 / 1
ASB / VIOLENCE / BURGLARY / VEHICLE CRIME / THEFT / CRIMINAL DAMAGE / DRUGS / 4 ASB reported this month, 2 youth related SNT dealing. 1 assault no complaint. 2 x criminal damage to vehicles enquiries ongoing Weekly Police Surgeries take place at Pontesbury Police Station.4 / 1 / 2
ASB / VIOLENCE / BURGLARY / VEHICLE CRIME / THEFT / CRIMINAL DAMAGE / DRUGS / 1 ASB reported this month, not youth related. 1 criminal damage to fence enquiries on going. 4 x assault enquiries ongoing. 2 x assault detected. Monthly Police Surgeries take place at Minsterley Post Office.1 / 6 / 1 / 1
ASB / VIOLENCE / BURGLARY / VEHICLE CRIME / THEFT / CRIMINAL DAMAGE / DRUGS / 1 ASB reported this month, not youth related. 1 assault person identified enquiries on going. 1 burglary non dwelling power tools stolen. Monthly Police Surgeries take place at Westbury Post Office.1 / 1 / 1
ASB / VIOLENCE / BURGLARY / VEHICLE CRIME / THEFT / CRIMINAL DAMAGE / DRUGS / No ASB reported this month, 1 burglary dwelling enquiries on going. 2 burglary other bikes stolen and computer enquiries on going. 1 criminal damage to football pitch SNT dealing. 1 theft of wood. Monthly Police Surgeries take place at Bomere Heath Post Office. SNT have been visiting the residents of Vine Close this month listening to any worries or concerns.0 / 3 / 1 / 1
ASB / VIOLENCE / BURGLARY / VEHICLE CRIME / THEFT / CRIMINAL DAMAGE / DRUGS / No ASB reported this month, 1 assault no further action. Monthly Police Surgeries take place at Nesscliffe Post Office.0 / 1
ASB / VIOLENCE / BURGLARY / VEHICLE CRIME / THEFT / CRIMINAL DAMAGE / DRUGS / 0 ASB reported this month. 1 criminal damage to a fence enquiries on going.0 / 1
ASB / VIOLENCE / BURGLARY / VEHICLE CRIME / THEFT / CRIMINAL DAMAGE / DRUGS / No ASB reported this month. 1 criminal damage to a vehicle person identified. 1 burglary other bike p[arts stolen. 2 assaults person’s identified.0 / 2 / 1 / 1
ASB / VIOLENCE / BURGLARY / VEHICLE CRIME / THEFT / CRIMINAL DAMAGE / DRUGS / 3 ASB reports this month, not youth related. Enquiries ongoing with persons identified for offences. Monthly Police Surgeries take place at Bicton Heath Co-Op. Successful Warrant carried out in Montrose Place. Drugs and bicycles recovered.3 / 12 / 1 / 3 / 2 / 3 / 1
please note these are not official FIGURES and not all incidents or crimes are recorded. however, If you have any information in relation to any of the above incidents please contact the safer neighbourhood team.
ShrewsburyCops – Tweets
/ @ShrewsburyCops
Please have a look at a sample of Shrewsbury Cops tweets for February 2017, excellent source of information letting you know what is going on. Also see our facebook page
· Rural North Snt : Excellent training day discussing Mental Health issues, with partners. Rural Support highlighted @ShropshireRS
· One happy owner reunited with his stolen bike # TourDeShrewsburyPolice
· Rural North SNT: Positive result at Montrose 1 male helping with enquiries suspected stolen Bikes recovered with Drugs & Cash #CrimeStoppers
· Rural North SNT - Warrant Montrose Place - Bicycles believed to have been stolen recovered Drugs and money also seized. Male arrested
· Rural North SNT - Working with the community and colleagues this morning on the area keeping you safe dealing with crime #crimestoppers
· Male arrested for theft of cycles in the town. Many thanks to our partners @ShrewsburyTC @BTP & @ShropsCouncil for their help. #teamwork
· Rural North SNT at Trinity School Ford with speed gun - Bloodhound Rocket Car challenge - how fast will the car go?#BLOODHOUND_SCC
· Rural North SNT - Overcast morning- wet damp roads - put on your vehicle's lights and please drive carefully #roadsaftey
· Street pastors @shrewsburySP are out and about in town this evening #TakingCareOfYouAll
· Rural North SNT : 2 Burglaries to outbuildings Ford Parish, Power tools stolen, please be vigilant and report any suspicious activity to 101
· Rural North SNT: Burglary in Bomere Heath Village 23/02/17 btwn 1830 & 2030. Any information please call 101 quote ref 1070s 230217.
· Vehicle seized in the Monkmoor area #NoInsurance #NoMOT #SORN therefore now impounded
Gains Park - Montrose Place
You Said We Did !
Warrant carried out at Montrose Place
On Tuesday 28th February 2017, Officersexecuted a Search WarrantinMontrose Place, Bicton Heath.
Bicycles, a quantity of Drugsand an amount of Cash was seized from the Premises in question.
A male who was found at thelocation has been arrested and is currently helping Police with their enquiries.
Stop That Thief
Stop That Thief
The Rural North area has recently suffered someBurglariesto sheds and outbuildings.Burglariesare one of the main concerns amongstour Rural Community.
Although incidents remain low, we are continually looking for ways to work with Rural communities to helpthem protect their property and so reduce crime.
It is perhaps timely to remind members of our Rural Communities that West Mercia Police introduced a scheme called "Stop That Thief" last year. The scheme is aimed at helping Rural businesses and farms from becoming victims of crime.
Working in partnership with the National Farmers Union (NFU) throughyour Local Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT), the scheme offersvictims of Rural Burglary the chance to trial, technology to help protect their property before being offeredthe chance to buy the equipment.
To find out more about the scheme pleasecontactyourLocal SNT.
Ford - Rural Day Of Action
Communities in Ford invited to DAY OF ACTION
Families young and old in Ford, are being invited to take part in the Day of Action during half term on Tuesday 21st February.
The event organised by Team Shrewsbury, starts at 11am and will include a community litter pick, a home safety drop in session at the village hall and a community dog walk around the village.
The Day of Action is a Team Shrewsbury initiative which sees multiple public organisations working together in one particular area for a day to enhance community relationships. This year will see Shropshire Council Community Enablement Team working alongside West Mercia Police, Shropshire Fire & Rescue, Ford Parish Council, Shropshire Council Public Protection team and Severnside Housing.
Montford Bridge
Drink Driver Arrested
On Saturday 4th February 2017 at approximately 19:30 hrs, Officers had cause to stop a vehicle on theHolyhead roadat Montford Bridge.A female driver was breathalysed at the road side and was found to be over the prescribed limit. She was subsequently arrested and transported to Shrewsbury Custody Suite where she spent the night. TheFemale was later charged for driving whilst over the prescribed limit andbailed to court.
The aim of a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme is to bring together like minded neighbours who wish to create a strong friendly community where crime and anti-social behaviour is less likely to occur.
By being a member of a Watch scheme you will be a valued link between your community and the Police.
There is no lower or higher limit on how many members there can be in a scheme.
The police will not run the scheme, as to how that is done is up to the members, however the Police will provide help and advice.
You may decide to have regular meetings of your members; if so Police staff will do all they can to attend and support those meetings if requested.
Being a coordinator or a member can take as much or as little time as you wish; all we ask is that if you have a concern or become aware of any unusual or suspicious activity you report it to Police via the 101 number.
It has been proved that where there is a NHW scheme in place, crime and ASB decreases and the area becomes a safer and more pleasant place in which to live.
NHW members are valued by the Police for the time and work they do to lessen crime and help keep Shropshire a low crime area.