Supplementary Information Survey 2011/2012

Please return this with your pupillage registration form to: Rachel Reeves, Bar Standards Board, 289-293 High Holborn, London, WC1V 7HZ. Please complete only one supplementary information survey in any pupillage year (1/9 to 31/8)

Information obtained will be used to draw up an anonymised analysis so that the BSB can monitor access to the profession, progression into practice and drop-out rates in accordance with its legislative duties and good equal opportunities practice. Please refer to our Subject Information Statement for further information on how we will protect your data. You are not obliged to answer any of these questions but we encourage you to do so.

Q1. When will you commence your pupillage?

Please write the month and year you

commence your pupillage below.


Q2. Which period of pupillage are you starting (whether full or reduced period of pupillage)?

Non-practising only. Practising only...


Q3. Where is your pupillage located?

London...... Outside London...

Q4. Is your pupillage in chambers or employment?

Chambers...... Employment......

Q5. If Employment please specify where:

Solicitor’s firm......

Other private sector organisation......

Charitable/voluntary/third sector organisation..

Professional/membership/regulatory body

Public sector: GLS/CPS

Other public sector

Q6a. Did you complete a mini pupillage or work experience with the chambers or organisation in which you are now a pupil?

Yes – Mini Pupillage......

Yes – Work Experience......

No...... (Please go to Q6)

Q6b. If yes, was your work experience or mini pupillage formally assessed?

Yes...... No......

Q7. What is your main area of practice in pupillage? (tick one box only)

Chancery...... Commercial......

Crime...... Other Civil......

Family...... Other......

If Other, write in......

Q8. Are you a BVC/BPTC graduate?

Yes...... (Please go to Q9)

No...... (Please go to Q8)

Q9. What was your route into pupillage?

International (Non EU) lawyer......

Transferring Solicitor......

Legal Academic......

(Please go straight to Question 17)

Q10. Did you obtain pupillage prior to commencing the BVC/BPTC?

Yes...... No......

Q11. If you have obtained pupillage please provide details of any financial assistance provided to you by your pupillage provider or Inn during the BVC/BPTC year:


Q12. Where did you do your BVC/BPTC?

BPP London...... BPP Leeds......

Nottingham...... Northumbria......

Cardiff...... City Law School......

UWE Bristol...... Manchester Met......

CoL London...... CoL Birmingham..

Kaplan Law School......

Q13. What grade were you awarded?

Outstanding...... Very Competent......


Q14. Did you study the BVC/BPTC full-time or part-time?

Full-time...... Part-time......

Q15. In which year did you pass the BVC/BPTC?


Q16. If you studied on the BVC/BPTC were you a home, EU or International student?

Home...... EU......


Q17. When on the BVC/BPTC please state the occupation of the highest earner of your parents’/guardians’ household (if unemployed then last job held) or your last job if you came to the Bar after a previous career?

Job title: (eg Lecturer)......

Nature of business......

(eg Higher Education, University)

Q18. Did you mainly attend a state or fee paying school between the ages of 11-18?

State...... Fee paying......

Q19. If you attended a fee paying school did you receive any kind of financial reward that covered 50% or more of the school fees?

Yes...... No......

Q20. Did either or both of your parents obtain a degree from a higher education establishment?

Yes...... No......

Q21. Which University did you attend as an undergraduate?


Q22. Was this to study a qualifying law degree?

Yes...... No......

Q.23. What class of degree were you awarded?

First...... Upper Second..

Lower Second... Third......


Q24. CPE/PgDL students only: what grade were you awarded?

Distinction...... Commendation..


Q25. How did you find out about this pupillage position?

OLPAS / Pupillage Portal......

Previous work experience/mini pupillage..

Word of mouth......

Speculative application......

Advertisement on chambers /

employers website......

Careers event......

Other (please specify)......

Q26. Did you obtain this pupillage through OLPAS/Pupillage portal?

Yes...... No......

Q27. What is the total size of your pupillage award (including any guaranteed earnings/receipts in 2nd 6 if applicable)?

Award £......

Earnings/Receipts £......

Q28. Please indicate your approximate anticipated level of debt, if any on completion of pupillage

No Debt...... Less than £1000......

£1000-£4999...... £5000-£9999......

£10,000-£14,999...... £15,000-£19,999.....

£20,000-£29,999...... £30,000-£39,999.....

£40,000-£49,999...... £50,000-£59,999...


Q29. Are you:

Male...... Female......

Q30. What is your age?

Under 25...... 25-34......

35-44...... 45-54......

55-64...... 65+......

Q31. Is your gender identity the same gender as you were assigned at birth?

Yes...... No......

Prefer not to say....

Q32. What is your sexual orientation?


Gay Man......

Gay Woman/Lesbian......



Q33. Choose one of the groups below to indicate your ethnic group (tick one box only)

  1. White

English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British......


Gypsy or Irish Traveller

Any Other White background, write in


  1. Mixed/multiple ethnic groups

White & Black Caribbean......

White & Black African......

White & Asian......

Any other Mixed/multiple ethnic background,

write in......

  1. Asian/Asian British

Asian Indian......

Asian Pakistani......

Asian Bangladeshi......


Any other Asian background, write in


  1. Black/African/Caribbean/Black British

Black African......

Black Caribbean......

Any other Black background, write in


  1. Other ethnic group


Any other ethnic group, write in


Q34a. Do you consider yourself to have a disability as described in The Equality Act 2010?

“The Equality Act protects people with a disability who have ‘a physical or mental impairment, which has a substantial long-term adverse effect on [their] ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities’. Long term means 12 months or more.

Yes...... No......

Q34b. If yes, please specify the nature of the disability



Q34c. If yes, have you requested any adjustments for your pupillage from chambers or your employer?

Yes...... No......

Q35. What is your civil partnership/marital status?

Single...... Divorced......

Married...... Separated......

In a civil partnership. Widowed......

Q36a. Do you have a child or children under 18 years of age?

Yes...... No......

Q36b. If yes, are you the primary carer of your children?

Yes...... No......

Q.37a. Do you look after a family member(s) because of either:

Ill health or disability?

Yes...... No......

Problems relating to old age?

Yes...... No......

Q.37b If yes, are you the primary or main carer?

Yes...... No......

Q.38 What is your religion or belief?

No religion......

Christian (including Church of England, Catholic,

Protestant and all other Christian denominations).






Any other religion, write in


Meeting your needs

We can provide our literature in different formats, such as Braille, large print or on audio tape or compact disc. If you would like this form in a different format, please contact us on 020 7611 1444.