Year Planner / Agenda2016-17

Autumn 1 / Autumn 2
Academy specific area identified at last MSCG(LT)
Written report:
Termly calendar of key dates (HOA)
Finance overview (EHT/ CD)
Staffing overview (EHT)
*Outcomes / exams report (HOA)
*SEF/AIP overview (HOA)
*Curriculum & Assessment overview (HOA)
Contextual data summer (EHT) / Written report:
SEN board term summary (DHT)
Academic board term summary (HOA)
Forum (staff, parent, pupils) summary (CEO)
Web site overview report (Trustee)
Trustee report suggested web site T,L and A
*Quality Assurance Report – Behaviour (ELT)
Pupil outcomes/ pupil targets(presentation and approval) HOA
*AIP (presentation and approval)(HOA)
Appraisal / PM (presentation and approval)(EHT/HOA)
Review of annual planner / agenda / Presentation
AIP update T,L and A (ink Ascent QA report) (HOA)
*Pupil premium/ sports funding / yr 7 catch up plans summary & impact (LT)
*Staff wellbeing (CEO/EHT)
Trustee report suggested area wellbeing
Spring 1 / Spring 2
Written report:
Termly calendar of key dates (HOA)
*AIP – Autumn termly work plan evaluated(HOA)
Finance overview (EHT/ CD)
*Contextual data Autumn (EHT) / Written report:
SEN board term summary (DHT)
Pupil progress mid-year update (HOA)
Academic board term summary (HOA)
*Forum (staff, parent, pupils) summary (CEO)
Trustee report suggested area EYFS/6th Form
*Quality Assurance Report – (ELT)
Subject action plans Eng and Maths (rota over three year cycle for other subjects)
EYFS/Sixth form SEF and AIP (HOA)
Academy specific area identified at last MSCG (LT) / Presentation:
AIP update Pupil behaviour, wellbeing and safety (inc Ascent QA report) (HOA)
Appraisal / PM update (HOA)
Staff development (AIL)
Projected pupil numbers (EHT)
Transition (DHT)
Summer 1 / Summer 2
Written report:
Termly calendar of key dates (HOA)
AIP – Spring termly work plan evaluated (HOA)
Finance overview (EHT/ CD)
*Contextual data Spring (EHT) / Written report:
SEN board term summary (DHT)
Academic board term summary (HOA)
Forum (staff, parent, pupils) summary (CEO)
*Quality Assurance Report – (ELT)
AIP update on outcomes and leadership (HOA)
Pupil and staff absence management (HOA)
Summary of AIP and exploration of potential areas for improvement in the following year (EHT/HOA)
Academy specific area identified at last MSCG (LT)
Evaluation of impact of additional funding –evaluation against outcomes / result of Reviews. / Presentation:
Resource allocation for next Academic year buildings/ staffing/ curriculum (EHT)
Strategic plan 3-5 years (EHT)
Summary of forum / stakeholder (CEO)
Review of overall effectiveness (CEO /Trustee)

* Standards Committee Meetings

N.B. Wherever possible the written reports would be the working documents used by the Academy

Q:\Corporate Services\Governance 2\MCSG\2016-2017\2016 Annual MCSG year planner.docx
