Yair Hoffman


A. Books

(1) Monographs

  1. Y. Hoffman, The Prophecies Against Foreign Nations in the Bible [Heb.], (Tel-Aviv: TAU School of Jewish Studies and Am-Oved, 1971; 331 pp.)
  2. Y. Hoffman, The Doctrine of the Exodus in the Bible, [Heb.], (Tel-Aviv: TAU School of Jewish Studies and University Publishing Projects, 1983; 234 pp.)
  3. Y. Hoffman, A Blemished Perfection: The Book of Job in Context, (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1996. 360 pp. A Hebrew version: שלמות פגומה, ירושלים, מוסד ביאליק 1995)
  1. Y. Hoffman, Aspects of Modern Biblical Criticism [Heb.], (Tel-Aviv: Ministry of Defense Publishers, 1997; 99 pp.)

(2) Commentaries

  1. Y. Hoffman, The Book of Jeremiah [Heb.], Olam Hatanach

vol. 11, (Ramat- Gan: Revivim, 1983; 256 pp.)

  1. Y. Hoffman, The Book of Isaiah [Heb.], Olam Hatanch vol.

10, (Ramat- Gan: Revivim, 1986; 280 pp.)

  1. Y. Hoffman, Jeremiah, Introduction and Commentary [Heb.]Mikra Leyisra'el, editors M. Ahituv, M. Greenberg, vols. 1-2 (Tel-Aviv – Jerusalem: Am Oved – Magnes Press, 2001; 911 pp.)

In Print:

  1. Y. Hoffman, Micah Introduction and Commentary, edited by S. Ahituv, (Tel-Aviv – Jerusalem: Am Oved – Magnes Press, 350 ?? pp)

(3) Others:

  1. Y. Hoffman -Y. Amit, Exile and Restoration [Heb.], (Even-Yehuda: Reches Publishers, 1990; 200 pp.)
  2. Y. Hoffman, The World of the Bible for Young readers, (Massada, Ramat-Gan, Israel; New-York:Viking-Kestrel, 1989; 96 pp. )

(4) Editor:

11. Y. Hoffman (chief editor), The Israeli Encyclopedia of the Bible

vols. I-III [Heb.] (Ramat- Gan: Massada, 1989; 872 pp.)

12. Y. Hoffman -H. Graf Reventlow (eds.), Justice and

Righteousness JSOT Supplement Series 137 (Sheffield: Sheffield University Press, 1992; 258 pp.)

13. H. Graf Reventlow- Y. Hoffman – B. Uffenheimer (eds.),

Politics and Theopolitics in The Bible and Post biblical Literature, JSOT Supplement Series 171, (Sheffield: Sheffield University Press, 1994, 216 pp. )

14. Y. Hoffman - F. Polak (eds.), Or leyacob, In Memory of Jacob

Licht, [282 pp. Heb.; 60 pp. English] (Jerusalem: Bialik Institute, 1997)

15. Y. Hoffman (edt.), Teuda vol. 15-16, A selection of Articles in

Jewish Studies, [Heb.] (Tel-Aviv: The School of Jewish Studies, 2001; 722 pp.)

14. H. G. Reventlow - Y. Hoffman (edts.), Creation in Jewish and

Christian Tradition,(Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, JSOTS 319, 2002, 356 pp.)

15. H. G. Reventlow - Y. Hoffman (eds.), The Problem of Evil and

itsSymbols in Jewish and Christian Tradition, (London-New York: T & T Clark International, 2004, 216 pp.)

16. H. G. Reventlow - Y. Hoffman (eds.), Religious Responses to

Political Crisies in Jewish and Christian Tradition, (New York – London: T & T Clark, 2008, 175 pp.)

In Print:

17 H. G. Reventlow - Y. Hoffman (eds.), The Decalogue in Hebrew

and Christian Tradition, (New York – London: T & T Clark 2010?)

B. Sections in Books:

  1. Y . Hoffman, The Forth Book of The Psalms(Psalms 90-106)

[Heb.], in: Psalms vol. 2, Olam Hatanach, (Tel-Aviv: Davidson-Atai, 1995)

2. Y. Hoffman, “The Book of Job in the Bible”, in: M. Perry-

Lehmann (ed.), There Was a Man in the Land of Uz, William

Blake's Illustrations to the Book of Job (Jerusalem: The Israel Museum, 1992), 11-21

3. Y. Hoffman, History of Israel in the Biblical period, in: E. Bar-

Nabi (ed.), A Historical Atlas of the Jewish People, (Hacheute Literature, 1992), 2-33 [French edition: Les Juifs: Une Histoire Universelle, Hachette Litterature, 1992[

In print:

4. Y. Hoffman, Biblical Wisdom Literature, in: Z. Talshir (ed.),

Biblical .. (Jerusalem: Yad Ben Zvi, 2010?, ?? pp.)

C. Selected Articles


1. Y. Hoffman, “Did Amos Regard himself as a Nabi?” VT 27

(1977), 209-212

2. Y. Hoffman, “On Jeremiah 2:30”, ZAW 89 (1977), 209-212

3. Y. Hoffman, “The Use of Equivocal Words in the First Speech of

Eliphaz”, VT 30 (1980), 114- 119

4. Y. Hoffman, “The Day of The Lord as a Concept and a Term”,

ZAW 93 (1981), 37-50

5. Y. Hoffman, “The Relations Between The Prologue and the

Speech-Cycles in the Book of Job”, VT 31 (1981),160-170

6Y. Hoffman, “From Oracle to Prophecy: The Growth, Crystallization and Disintegration of a Biblical Gattung”, Journal of NorthwestSemitic Languages 10 (1983), 75-81

7Y. Hoffman, “The Root q`r`b as a Legal Term”, Journal of NorthwestSemitic Languages 10 (1983),67-73

8Y. Hoffman, “Irony in The Book of Job”, Emanuel 17 (1983-4), 7-21) [ A Spanish version: “La ironia en el Libro de Job“, Selecciones deTeologia 99 (1986), 231-238

9Y. Hoffman, “The Technique of Quotation and Citation as anInterpretive Device”, Creative Biblical Exegesis ed. B. Uffenheimer- H. G.Reventlow, (Sheffield: Sheffield University Press, 1988), 71-80

10Y. Hoffman, “A North Israelite Typological Myth and a JudeanHistorical Tradition: The Exodus in Hosea and Amos”, VT 39 (1989), 169-182

11Y. Hoffman, “Ancient Near Eastern Literary Conventions as Guides to the Restoration of the Book of Job”, ZAW 103 (1991), 399-411

  1. Y. Hoffman, “The Creativity of Theodicy”, in: Justice and

Righteousness, editors: H.Graf Reventlow - Y.Hoffman, JSOT

Supplement Series 137, (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1992) 117-130

  1. Y. Hoffman, “Reflections on the Relationship Between

Theopolitics,Prophecy and Historiography”, in: Politics and Theopolitics in the Bible, JSOT Supplement Series 171 eds: H. Graf Reventlow and Y Hoffman, (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1994, 85-99)

  1. Y. Hoffman, “The Concept of Other Gods in euteronomisticWritings”, Israel Oriental Studies 14, editors: I. Alon, I.Gruenwald, I. Singer, (Leiden: Brill, 1994, 103-118)

15. Y. Hoffman, “Isn't The Bride Too Beautiful?” JSOT 63,

(1994), 103-119

16. Y. Hoffman, “The Deuteronomist and the Exile”, Pomegranates

andgolden Bells: Studies in Biblical Jewish and Near Eastern Ritual, Law and Literature in Honor of J. Milgrom edited by : D.P. Wright, D.N. Freedman, A. Hurvitz. (Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 1995), 659-675

17. Y. Hoffman, “Etiology, Historicity and the Redaction of the

Book of Jeremiah”, VT 46 (1996), 179-189

18. Y. Hoffman, “Prophecy and Soothsaying”, tehillah le-Moshe,

Biblical and Judaic Studies in Honor of Moshe Greenberg. Editors: A. Eichler, M. Tigay, M. Cogan, (Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 1997), 221-243

19. Y. Hoffman, “Eschatology in the Book of Jeremiah”, Eschatology in the Bible, Ancient Jewish Literature and Christian Thinking, ed. by B. H. Graf Reventlow (Sheffield, Sheffield Academic Press 1997) 75-97

20. Y. Hoffman, “The Biblical Tradition of the Ten Lost Tribes”, In:

A. Oppenheimer (ed.),Sino-Judaica An International Colloquium, Nanjing , 11-19 , October 1996 (Tel-Aviv: TAU University 1999), 73-80.

21. Y. Hoffman, “The Deuteronomistic Concept of the Herem”,

ZAW 111 (1999), 196-210

22. Y. Hoffman, “Psalm 29:7”, Textus XIX (1998) 81-85.

23. Y. Hoffman, “The Exodus: Tradition and Reality, The Status of

the Exodus Tradition in Ancient Israel”, Jerusalem Studies in Egyptology ed. by Irene Shirun-Grumach, Aegypten und Altes Testament (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 1998), 193-202.

24. Y. Hoffman, “History and Ideology: The Case of Jeremiah 44”,

TheJournal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society 28 (2001), 45-54

25. Y. Hoffman, “The First Creation Story”, in: G. Reventlow - Y.

Hoffman(Eds), Creation in Jewish and Christian Tradition, (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, JSOTS 319, 2002), 45-66

26. Y. Hoffman, “The Fasts in The Book of Zechariah and the

Fashioningof the National Memory”, in: O. Liphshitz , J. Blenkinsopp (eds.), Judah and the Judeans in the Neo-Babylonian Period, (WinonaLake, Indiana: Eisenbrouns, 2003), 169-218.

27. Y. Hoffman, “Jeremiah 50-51 and the Concept of Evil in the

Hebrew Bible”, in: 17. Y. Hoffman - H. G. Reventlow -(eds.), The Problem of Evil and its Symbols in Jewish and Christian Tradition, (London-New York: T & T Clark International, 2004), 14-28

28. Y. Hoffman, The Book of Job as a Trial: A Perspective from a

Comparison to Some Relevant Ancient Near Eastern Texts, in: T Krüger et alia (eds.), Das Buch Hiob und seine Interpretationen, Zürich, 2007, 21-32

29. Y. Hoffman, The Wondering Lament, Micah 1:10-16, in: M.

Cogan and D. Kahn eds.), Treasures on Camels' Humps, Historical and Literary Studies from the Ancient Near East Presented to Israel Eph'al (Jerusalem: The HebrewUniversity Magnes Press, 2008), 86-98

30. Y. Hoffman, Patterns of Religious Responses to National Crisis

in the Hebrew Bible, and Some Methodological Reflections, in: Y. Hoffman - H. G. Reventlow -(eds.), Religious Responses to Political Crises in Jewish and Christian Tradition (London-New York: T & T Clark International, 2008), 18-35

In Print:

31.. Y. Hoffman, The Biblical Status of the Decalogue, in: G. H.

Reventlow – Y. Hoffman (eds.), The Decalogue in Jewish and Christian Traditon, New York – London, T & T Clark, 2010, xxx


32. Y. Hoffman, “The Prophecies on Edom in the Book of Ezekiel”,

Beth Mikra 35 (1968), 118-126

33. Y. Hoffman, “The Structure and Significance of Ez. 20”, Beth

Mikra 63 (1972), 473- 489

34. Y. Hoffman, “Structure and Significance in the Vineyard

Parable, Is. 5:1-7’’, in: J. Licht- G. Brin (eds.), Hazvi Israel(Tel-Aviv: Tel-AvivUniversity, 1976), 69-82).

35.Y. Hoffman, “Freedom and Determinism in the Book of

Ezekiel”, in: E. Hamenachem (ed.), Hagut Bamikra, (Tel-Aviv: Don, 1976), 79-89

36. Y. Hoffman, “The Use of Two 'Opening Formulae' in the

PropheticLiterature”, Tarbiz 46 (1977), 157-180

37. Y. Hoffman, “The Terms Aharit hayamin and bayom hahu and

their Eschatological Context”, Beth Mikra 71(1978), 435-444

38. Y. Hoffman, “Between Conventionality and Strategy: On

Repetition in Biblical Literature”, Hasifrut 28 (1979), 89-99

39. Y. Hoffman, “Pseudepigraphical Exigencies in Deuteronomy”,

Shenaton 5-6 (1981-2), 41-54

40. Y. Hoffman, “Prophetic Call and Prophetic Consciousness”,

Tarbiz 53 (1984), 169-186

41. Y. Hoffman, “The Language of the Priestly Document and the

Date of its Composition”, Teuda 4 (1986), 13-22

42. Y. Hoffman, “The Transition from Despair to Hope in the

Lament Psalms”, Tarbiz 55 (1986), 161-172

43. Y. Hoffman, “Psalm 104”, E. Tov and M. Fishbane (eds.),

ShaareiTalmon (Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns, 1992, 13*-24*)

44. Y. Hoffman, “On the Editorial Methods in the Book of

Jeremiah”, A. Kasher and A. Oppenheimer (eds.), Dor le-Dor (Jerusalem: Bialik Institute, 1995), 57-72

45. Y. Hoffman,”The Messiah in the Qumranic Literature”, Beth

Mikra 143 (1995), 396-401

46. Y. Hoffman, “Biblical Wisdom: Between Conservatism and

Rebelliousness”, in: The Wise and Wisdom, The President of Israel’s Study Group in the Bible, (Jerusalem: The Presidential Residence, 1995), 13-23

  1. Y. Hoffman, "And I Knew that it was the Word of God" (Jer. 32:8), Beth Mikra 150 (1997) 198-210
  2. Y. Hoffman, “Literature and Ideology in Jeremiah 40:1- 43:7”, M. Garsiel, A. Frish, S. Vargon, J. Kugel (editors), Studies in Bible and Exegesis, vol. 5, Ramat-Gan 2000, pp. 103 - 126

49. Y. Hoffman, “ The Exodus: History and Myth”, BASHAR 9 (2000), pp. 2-5

50. Y. Hoffman, “On the Media and Bereavement in the Bible”, Kesher 28 (2000), 3-7

51. Y. Hoffman, “The Fasts in Zecharia 8”, Homage to Shmuel, S. Ahituv Jubelee Book , edited by S. Sivan, A. Hurvitz, (Beer Sheva: Ben Gurion University Press, 2001), 112-145

52. Y. Hoffman, “On Prophecy and Prophets: Num. 11: 16-29”, in: Fifty Years of Dead Sea Scrolls Research edited by G. Brin, B. Nitzan (Jerusalem: Yad Ben-Zvi, 2001), 13-22

53. Y. Hoffman, “The Study of Biblical Historiography: History, Myth and Politics”, L. I. Levine, A. Mazar (edts.), The Controversy over the Historicity of the Bible (Jerusalem: Yad Ben-Zvi, 2001), 26- 33

54. Y. Hoffman, “The Law as a Literary Shaping Device”, Beth Mikra 168 (2002), 2-10

55. Y. Hoffman, “Jeremiah’s Prophecy on Babylon (Jer. 50-51) and

theBiblical Concept of Evil”, in: Y. Hoffman - H. G. Reventlow -(eds.), The Problem of Evil and its Symbols in Jewish and Christian Tradition, (T&T Clark International, London – New York, 2004), pp. 14-28

56. Y. Hoffman, “Micah the Moratites Prophesied During the

Reign of Hezekiah King of Judah” (Jer. 26:18), in: N. Wazana et alia (eds.), S. Japhet Jubilee Book, (Jerusalem: Magnes Press, The Hebrew University), 287-398 [Hebrew].

57. Y. Hoffman, “The Heretic Believer”, in: Michael's Book, in honor of Michael Bahat, edited by Avi Sagi, [Heb.] (Even-Yehuda: Reches, 2007), 53-64

58. Y. Hoffman, "The Identity of 'Their King' who 'will pass before them' (Micah 3:13)", Beth Mikra 53 (2008) 83-104

59. Y. Hoffman, Solomon's Prayer 1Kgs 8 and Jeremiah's TempleSermon, Jer. 7, in: S. Vargon et alia (eds.), Studies in Bible and Exegesis vol. 9 presented to M. Garsiel, (Ramat-Gan: Bar Ilan University Press, 2009, 167-198),

D. Entries in Encyclopedias (Hebrew)

1. Zephaniah, Encyclopaedia Biblica (Jerusalem: Bialik Institute, 1971), 753-759

2- 46: Aaron, Adoption, Amos, Ancient Versions, Azazel, Bible, Biblical Research, Calendar, Canonization, Commandment, Census, Deluge, Determinism and Freedom, Deuteronomy, Eschatology, Exodus (the Book), Exodus, Festivals, Genesis, God, Habakuk, Haggai, Hormah, Hosea, Interest, Jeremiah, Jesaiah, Job, Joel, Joseph, Joshua, Karet, Law, Leviticus, Magic, Maleachi, Manna, Messiah, Moses, Myth, Nahum, Numbers, Obadiah, Patriarchs, Pentateuch, phylactery, Priest, Priesthood, Prophecy, Proverbs, Psalms, Purity and Impurity, Reward and Punishment, Sabbat, Sacrifice, Sinai, Temple, The Day of the Lord, The Servant of The Lord, The Ten Commandments, The Tower of Babel, Wisdom, Year, Zechariah, Zephaniah, in: Y. Hoffman (ed.), The Israeli Encyclopedia of the Bible vols. I-III (Ramat- Gan: Massada, 1989)

D. Reviews and varia


1. Y. Hoffman, Testing in the Hebrew Scriptures [Review on: J.

Licht, Testing in the Hebrew Scriptures ands in Post Biblical Judaism, Jerusalem: Magnes 1973],Emanuel 4 (1974), 18-23)

2. Y. Hoffman, “On T. Schneider, Judges, (Berit Olam), Collegville

MN: Liturgical Press, 2000”, Journal of Hebrew Scriptures vol. 3 (2000-2001) [

3. Y. Hoffman, “on: Carolyn J. Sharp, PROPHECY AND IDEOLOGY

INJEREMIA Struggles for Authority in the Deutero-Jeremianic Prose, Old Testament Studies edited by David J. Reimer, T & T Clark, London. New York, 2003”, in: Journal of Hebrew Scriptures, 2004

4. Y. Hoffman, “on: M. Sweeney & E. Ben-Zvi, The Changing Face

of Form Criticism for the Twenty-First Century, Grand Rapids- Cambridge: Eerdmans, 2003”, in: RBL, 2004

5. Y. Hoffman, “on: The Faith of Abraham in the Light of

InterpretationThroughout the Ages, Edited by M. Hallamish, H. Kasher, Y. Silman, (Ramat Gan: BarIlanUniversity Press, 2002)”, Hebrew Studies Vol. XLV (2004), 313-318


6.Y. Hoffman, “on J. Licht, Testing in the Hebrew Scriptures”

Jerusalem: Magnes Press, Emanuel 4, (1974) pp. 18-23

7. Y. Hoffman, “The Bible –a Junction of Cultures”, Sevivot

34(1995) pp. 88-98

8. Y. Hoffman, “Biblical Studies Between Traditional and

CriticalApproach”, Hed Hachinuch 71 (1997), pp. 20-23

9. Y. Hoffman, “Biblical Resarch -- Between Historical Truth and

National Myth”, Al Haperek 18 (2001), pp. 47-53

10. Y. Hoffman, “From Moses to Moses”: On M. Weinfeld, The

Decalogue and the Recitation of “Shema”: The Development of the Confession, Tel-Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 2001, in: Haaretz Sefarim, March 2002

11. Y. Hoffman, “on: Ziony Zevit, THE RELISGIONS OF ANCIENT

ISRAEL, A Synthesis of Parallactic Approaches, London and New York, Continuum, 2001”, Zion 68 (2003), 105-111

12. Y. Hoffman, “The Tale of Two Tablets”, on: Y. Shavit and M.

Eran,The War of the Tables, Tel-Aviv: Am Oved 2003 in: Haaretz Books, February 6th, 2004

13. Y. Hoffman, "Who Composed the Bible? A Whole Nation

Has Composed it", Review on: A. Rofe, Introduction to the Bible [Hebrew], Ha'aretz Books, October 11 2006

  1. Y. Hoffman, "Open the Ears of your Humble Servant to the

Book", Reveiw on: S. Ahituv, Haktav Vehamiktav, Handbook of Ancient Inscriptions from the Land of Israel and the Kingdoms Beyond the Jordan,, Jerusalem: The Bialik Institute [Hebrew], in: S. Japhet (ed.), Shnaton XVII (Jerusalem: Magness Press, 2007), 355-360

  1. Y. Hoffman, "On Foundlings, Susapinnus, Ancestral Spirits,

Pins, Nails and Jacob's Heel", Review on: M. Malul, Society, Law and Custom in the Land of Israel in Biblical Times (Ramat-Gan: BarIlanUniversity Press, 2006), Cathedra 128 (2008), 171-176.