Soccer $40 fee ($20 for new Jersey)
Soccer Varsity(Grades7–8)
Cadets(Grades3-4) / Volleyball
Volleyball(Girls,Grades5-8)$25 fee($25forfull uniform)
Cheerleading (Year-Round) - $180
Cheer (Girls, Grades K-8)
Varsity Basketball(Grades7 –8) - TBA
Junior VarsityBasketball(Grades5–6) - TBA / CadetBasketball(Grades 3-4) Feb start: Fee = TBA
Bowling ( Pre-K to 8) - $5/$7 per week
VarsityBaseball(Gr 7 – 8) TBAVarsitySoftball(Gr7– 8) TBA
Junior VarsityBaseball(Gr5 –6) TBA
Junior VarsitySoftball (Gr 5 –6) TBA / Cadet Track: feeTBA(Grades4 –8)
Subnovice trackfee TBA(Grades K–3)

Eligibility- Each participantmustbeastudent atPresentationBVM,or if notattendingPresentation, a registeredCatholicwithinthe Parish.YoucannotparticipatewiththePresentation teamifyouare participatingin thatsamesportwiththeschoolyouattend.

Members of neighboring parishes who do not have a CYO or offer a certain sport, may request to play with Presentation BVM CYO.

It isexpected thatall boys/girlsinthePresentationBVMCYOAthleticProgramconductthemselvesas gentleman/ladiesatallpractices,gamesand activitiesin which theyparticipate, includingactivities prior toand afteranyevent.SincetheCYOProgramisnotjustsports,participationinothersocial, religious,andservice oriented activities providedbyCYOareconsideredmandatorybythe AthleticStaff, as permittedbyfamily obligations.It issuggestedthat playersreceivephysical exams (as needed)from their doctor.

Questions: ChrisBreen,Athletic Director 267-338-6243


I herebygrantmy child(ren)permissiontoparticipateinthePresentationAthleticPrograms checkedabove.

_/ /20

(Parent/Guardian’s Signature) (Date)

FamilyName: Date:_ AmountPaid:

Registration Received by:
Check# / Cash


Parent Name Address


Player1 Grade Shirt Size

School DOB

Player2 Grade Shirt Size

School DOB

Player3 Grade Shirt Size

School DOB

Medicalor physical restrictions (e.g. asthma/allergies):

Parent / Phone
Email / Cell phone / TextY/N
Parent / Phone
Email / Cell phone / TextY/N
Player / Email
Cell phone / TextY/N
Player / Email
Cell phone / TextY/N

If listed above,I herebygrantthe coachpermissiontocommunicatedirectly,viaemail,call,or text, withmy children regarding PresentationBVMCYOAthleticPrograms.

_/ /20

(Parent/Guardian’s Signature) (Date)

I herebygrantpermissionfor photosof mychildrentobepostedonthePresentationBVMCYOWebsite or otherCYOcommunication(bulletins, etc.)

_/ /20

(Parent/Guardian’s Signature) (Date)