Centennial High School

2016-2017 Course Catalog

Mairi Scott-Aguirre, Principal

3505 SE 182nd Avenue, Gresham, OR 97030

Phone (503) 762-6180 Fax (503) 661-5296



Academic credit is typically earned through daily participation in classroom learning activities and satisfactory completion of required and elective course requirements. A total of 24 credits must be accumulated to earn an Oregon Standard Diploma. A total of 26 credits must be accumulated to earn a Centennial Honors diploma.


A transcript is the official record of a student’s academic history in high school. The document includes attendance, grade point average, rank in class, and grades for all courses taken in high school. All colleges, most scholarship programs, and many employers require a transcript.

Diploma Options:

Centennial High School awards five kinds of graduation certificates:

1. Oregon Standard Diploma: 24 Credits. Successful completion of all state and local graduation requirements

2. Honors Diploma: 26 Credits & a GPA of 3.5 or greater.

3. Modified diploma is an alternative certificate awarded to students who have met some, but not all, of the district’s graduation requirements. Consideration for a modified diploma is based on a student’s documented history demonstrating an inability over time to maintain grade level achievement and/or an instructional barrier which is defined as a significant physical, cognitive, or emotional barrier that impairs the student’s ability to maintain grade level achievement. Students with disabilities or students who are English Language learners will not automatically be referred for a modified diploma.

4. Extended diploma: is a document awarded to a student who has demonstrated the inability to meet the full set of academic content standards for a high school diploma with reasonable accommodations and modifications. To be eligible a student must have a documented history of an inability to maintain grade level achievement due to significant learning and instructional barriers or have a documented history of a medical condition or have a serious illness or injury that occurs after grade eight that changes the student’s ability to participate in grade level activities.

5. Certificate of Completion:

A school district shall award an alternative certificate to a student who does not satisfy the requirements for a high school diploma, modified diploma or an extended diploma. Centennial students need to meet district attendance requirements and earn 24 credits as determined appropriate by IEP team.

Upon enrollment, all students attending Centennial High School will work toward an Oregon Standard Diploma. Students who intend to pursue an alternative diploma need to contact their counselor immediately to determine the most appropriate course of study.

Using this Guide

In addition to cataloging all the opportunities offered at CHS, this Course Catalog is also designed to aid students in making a wise selection of courses at Centennial High School. Each course is described briefly under its department heading. Study this guide carefully. In making course selections, students and parents should keep in mind the following:

1.  Courses, opportunities, and policies listed in this catalog are subject to change.

2.  All ninth and tenth grade students will enroll in seven classes. Eleventh grade students are expected to be enrolled in a minimum of six classes; twelfth graders in a minimum of four classes. Athletic and Activity participants may require more. Refer to Eligibility Requirements on page 44 and see Athletic or Activities Director.

3.  Courses are divided into two types, required and elective. Required courses are those courses a student must pass to satisfy State of Oregon and Centennial School District requirements for graduation. Elective courses are designed to build skills in areas of study that meet an individual student’s needs for vocational training and college admission as well as the pursuit of personal interests.

4.  The Centennial School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, disability, marital status, sex, or age in providing education or access to benefits of education services, activities, and programs in accordance with Title VI, Title VII, Title IX and other civil rights or discrimination issues; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; and the Americans with Disabilities Act.

5.  A student who fails a required course may have the opportunity to take the course a second time at CHS if space is available.

6.  The notation College Now, designates Mount Hood Community College early college opportunities, providing the option for students to earn MHCC credit for courses taken at Centennial. The Oregon Department of Education determined that the school district may offer dual college credit courses at no cost to students that qualify for the free and reduced lunch program. Students need to contact the teacher of the course or their counselor for further information. Specific courses earned at MHCC and described in this guide are subject to change. See page 6 for College Now classes.

Diploma Types at Centennial High School

All diploma types require a complete set of credits across important academic disciplines.

Standard Diploma (default) / Honors Diploma / More Info
Total Credits Required / 24 / 26 credits and a
minimum GPA of 3.5
Second Language Required? / Not required (see Fine Arts immediately below). / Yes (at least 2 credits of the same language). / ANY student planning on attending a 4-year college should take at least 2 credits of the same foreign language
Fine Arts(FA)/ Second Language (SL)/Technology (TE) Category Requirements / Can meet the 3 credit requirement with any combination of
(FA) Fine Arts
(SL) Second Language
(TE) Technology
(CA) Career credits / Must earn .5 TE credit
Must earn 2 SL credits
Must earn .5 CA credit through Career & Tech Exploration course or see the School to Work Coordinator / The Standard Diploma requires a total of 3 credits in a combination of either Fine Arts, Second Language, Career, and/or Technology credits. The Honors Centennial Diploma separates these categories and requires some credit in each.
Elective Credits Required / 6 / 6 / Advanced science and math classes, and other classes beyond diploma minimums, can go into the elective category
Essential Skills and Personalized Learning / Must pass SBA or meet Essential Skills through alternative method and earn extended application through Career and Technical Exploration course or alternate method (see counselor) / Must pass SBA or meet Essential Skills through alternative method and earn extended application through Career and Technical Exploration course or alternate method (see counselor) / Pass Smarter Balanced Reading, Writing & Math or complete Work samples
Participation in Graduation Ceremony / Yes / Yes / Students earning an Honors Diploma may get special recognition at the graduation ceremony
Appearance of Diploma / Standard diploma / Standard diploma, Red Centennial Seal, Honors Seal / Every diploma is essentially the same – the only difference will be the seal designating diploma type

Do colleges care which diploma I earn?

Colleges and universities will mostly be looking at your grades and the difficulty of the classes that you chose throughout your high school career. Please note that students who pursue the Honors Diploma will be the most prepared for the difficulty of college classes and will be the most eligible for college admission and scholarships.

CHS Graduation Requirements

Preparing each student for advanced learning, career and positive citizenship

Course Planning Guide


Standard Diploma

Careers 0 .5 credit (CA) *

English 4 credits (LA)

Math 3 credits (MA)

Science 3 Credits (SC)

Social Studies 3 credits (SS)

Physical Ed. 1 credit (PE)

Health Ed. 1 credit (HE)

Fine Arts/SL/CTE 2.5 credits (FA)

Electives 6 credits

Total = 24

Honors Diploma

Careers 0 .5 credit (CA) *

English 4 credits (LA)

Math 4 credits (MA)

Science 4 Credits (SC)

U.S. History** 1 credit (US)

Global Studies** 1 credit (GS)

Economics** 0.5 credit (EC)

U.S Gov.** 0.5 credit (GV)

Physical Ed. 1 credit (PE)

Health Ed. 1 credit (HE)

Second Lang. 2 Credits (SL)

(2 credits of the same language)

Technology 0.5 credit (TE)

Electives 6 credits (EL)

Total = 26


*For required Career Credit and Personalized Learning opportunities please see page 5.

** Equivalent courses may be substituted with counselor approval.

Additional Requirements

Pass Smarter Balanced Reading assessment OR complete and pass two reading work-samples one of which must be:

·  Informational

Pass Smarter Balanced Writing assessment or two writing work-samples (only 1 may be narrative):

·  Expository

·  Persuasive

·  Narrative

Pass Smarter Balanced Math assessment or two math work samples from the following:

·  Algebraic Relationships

·  Statistics/Probability

·  Geometry


The following are completed in Career & Technical Exploration course, Pathways to Manufacturing course, CAL, ACE, or another course listed on page 5.

• Education Plan & Profile – Develop an education plan and build an education profile to guide learning toward student’s personal, career and post-high school goals.

• Career-Related Learning Standards – Students demonstrate knowledge and skills in:

§  Personal management

§  Problem solving

§  Communication

§  Teamwork

§  Employment foundations

§  Career development

§  Career-Related Learning Experiences – Participate in experiences that connect classroom learning with real life experiences in the workplace, community, and/or school relevant to student’s education plan

§  Extended Application – Apply and extend knowledge and skills in new and complex situation related to the student’s personal and career interests and post-high school goals.

Career Credit and Personalized Learning

Students must meet both of these requirements which can be earned in any of the following classes.

Students must adhere to all prerequisites. Students who are not admitted to a chosen class will be placed in

Technology and Careers course.

These classes are only open to JUNIORS:

ACE Students must complete 2 years to meet these requirements.

Advanced Childcare 2923B0 Fleck*

Advanced Theatre Arts 1111C0 McCarty

CAL Students must complete 2 years to meet these requirements.

Technology and Careers 0201C1 Varies

Occupational Teaching 2533A0 Fleck

These classes are open to SOPHOMORES and JUNIORS:

Accounting 1-2 0207A0 Hardin

Accounting 3-4 0207B0 Hardin

Advanced Clothing 0506B9 Hartwig

Advanced Journalism 1902B0 Stanek

Advanced Metal Projects 2412E0 Watts

Business Law 0299A9 Raeburn

Intro to Business Leadership 029670 Hardin

Business Leadership 029680 Hardin

Business Ownership Practicum 0224C0 Nesbitt

Child Care Practicum 2923C0 Klotter

Concert Band 1123A0 Wells

Concert Choir 1130D0 Cloyd

Consumer Math 206440 Petersen

Culinary I and II 249310 Hartwig

Early Childhood Education 2534C0 and 2534B0 Fleck

Fundamentals of Drama 1111B0 McCarty

Jazz Band 1126A0 Wells

Metals 3-4 2412C0 Watts

Pathways 13001A9 Schiding

Peer Tutors (World Language Dept. Only) Poirier

Speech 1-2 1092A0 Loeung

3-4 1082B0 Loeung

5-6 1082C0 Loeung

Technical Theatre 1114A0 McCarty

Yearbook 1902C0 Stanek

International Business 0223A0 Nesbitt

Business Ownership Applications 0224B0 Nesbitt

Marketing 3-4 1806A9 Nesbitt

*Teacher assignments are subject to change.

* Failure to meet the Career & Personalized Learning requirements by the end of the Junior year will result in mandatory placement in the Technology & Careers course.

Weighted Grades

Students participating in Advanced Placement (A.P.) courses will have weighted grades based on a 5.0 point scale (rather than the customary 4.0 scale, this means that, when figuring GPA an 'A' is equal to 5.0 points, a 'B' is worth 4.0 points, a 'C' is 3.0, a 'D' remains 1.0 and an F is worth 0.0

Students That Speak Multiple Languages: SLIP Test

A student who is fluent in a language other than English may demonstrated proficiency in the areas of speaking, listening, reading and may be able to earn 1-4 credits for demonstrating this language ability. Students interested in exploring this option need to meet with their CHS counselor for details.

College Now

There are multiple opportunities for college credit at Centennial High School. Please consult this guide and/or your counselor to participate in these classes: The following classes are projected to include a college opportunity.

College Now Opportunities / A.P. Opportunities
Accounting 1-2, 3-4 / A.P. Art History
Advanced Biology / A.P. Calculus
Advanced Chemistry / A.P. Language & Composition
Advanced Metal Projects / A.P. Literature & Composition
College English / A.P. Physics
Child Development / A.P. Psychology
Early Child Practicum II / A.P. Spanish
Freshman Success / A.P. Statistics
Hospitality Management III-IV / A.P. US Government
Hospitality Management V / A.P. US History
Pre-Calculus / A.P. Human Geography
Spanish 5-6 / A.P. Environmental Biology
Technology Applications
Technology and Careers (formerly CTE)
Anatomy and Physiology
Business Leadership
PROTO 1 & 2

Parents and Students:

The Course Catalog is intended to be a guide. Requirements are specific to individual graduating classes (Freshman-Senior). It is wise to check your schedule and progress with your counselor as questions or concerns arise. We encourage you to regularly monitor your progress as it relates to your class graduation requirements.

Courses and policies described in this Course Catalog are subject to revision and change. Decisions relating to whether or not a course is offered include but are not limited to: the number of students that forecast for a given course, administrative determination and availability of staffing.

Four-year Planning Guide (Standard Diploma)

9th Grade
1.0 Language Arts
1.0 Math
0.5 Tech Apps / 10th Grade
1.0 Language Arts
1.0 Math / 11th Grade
1.0 Language Arts
1.0 Math
0.5 Technology and
Careers or
course from
page 5 with
approval / 12th Grade
1.0 Language Arts
3.0 Science
3.0 Social Studies
1.0 Health Education
1.0 Physical Education
1.0 World Language
0.5 Career Education
6.0 Electives
0.5 Fine Arts or additional World Language,
Careers, or Technology

See page 3 for additional diploma options


4 Year Planner for the 24-credit (Oregon Standard) Centennial Diploma

(see counselor for an Honors Diploma planner)

Shaded areas = required courses/credit


4 Year Planner for the Centennial Honors Diploma