Virginia & US History

Teacher Information

Coach Redman


Phone: (276) 642-5300

Quia Page:

Planning Period: 1st Period

Class Information

This course will cover Virginia and U.S. History from early exploration to the present day. Geographical, political, social, and cultural events such as colonization, the American Revolution, the Constitution, the Jacksonian Era, Civil War and Reconstruction, westward expansion, industrialization and urbanization, the Progressive Era, imperialism, the Great Depression, global conflict (i.e., Spanish American War, World War I, World War II, Korean War, Vietnam Cold War, etc.) will be explored to determine their impact on society today.

Topics Covered

1st Nine Weeks: Early America; Revolution and the New Nation; Expansion and Reform: 1801 to 1860; Civil War and Reconstruction 1860-1877; Reshaping the Nation and the Emergence of Modern America

2nd Nine Weeks: Reshaping the Nation and the Emergence of Modern America Conflict: The World at War: 1939-1945; The United States since World War II

Classroom Materials

3 ring binder (there will be handouts throughout the class so a binder is necessary)

Loose leaf paper

Writing utensil (no red ink or yellow ink)

Late Work Policy

One Day Late: 7 point deduction

Two Days Late: 14 point deduction

Three days or more late: 50 point deduction

The WCPS Missing Assignment Policy is posted in my classroom. Students are allowed three days to make up missing assignments due to absences before they become zeroes in my gradebook.

Grading Scale

I will derive my classroom assessments from projects, quizzes and tests, but I will also from time to time take daily grades on primary sources and classroom notes. Tests are counted as double weight and most projects count as 1.5 but, depending on the project, can count as much as double as well.

Classroom Expectations

Be on time to class; tardiness is not acceptable.

Come prepared to learn: bring all classroom materials to class.

Go to the bathroom before my class. I will not allow students to leave my class for the first or last fifteen minutes of class.

When I am speaking, your conversations stop. You may miss important information when you aren’t listening. Besides, I find it extremely rude if you are talking when I am.

Food and drinks are permissible until the trash becomes an issue. There is a trashcan and you are expected to use it or lose the privilege.

No sleeping in my classroom. You will lose desk privileges if you can’t pay attention. DO NOT put your head down on your desk.

Ladies, this is not a beauty parlor: do not have makeup, brushes, etc. out in my classroom.

If I see a cell phone or an iPod, it will be turned in.

Respect is essential in my classroom. Give respect to one another, yourself, and me and it will, in turn, be given to you. We may not always agree, but by respecting one another we may be able to see through our differences to come to a better understanding of our classmates.


Bring a positive attitude to class. We can accomplish so much if you’re ready and willing to learn.

Bring questions regarding the subject matter. If I can’t help you, I will find the answer or direct you to someone who can answer it.

What I ask you the first time, I can avoid paper and you the hassle of detention when we work together.


I dismiss you the bell does not. Everyone must be in their seats before I dismiss the class.

At the beginning of class, be working on your bell ringer while I take attendance.

If work is to be turned in for a grade, it needs to be in the basket before I take them up or it will be counted late.

Acknowledgement of Syllabus

Please complete the following and return to Coach Redman

By signing below, I agree to adhere to the rules and expectations set forth in this classroom. Furthermore, on my honor I pledge to not cheat in this class, which may be considered receiving or giving answers and/or sharing assignments. I agree to respect the integrity of my teacher, my classmates, and myself.


Student Signature Date


Student Printed Name


Parent/Guardian Signature Date


Parent Printed Name


Parent Email Address


Parent Phone Number