Math 1330, Chapter 2, Section 2

All of the following have something in common

All are functions that are POLYNOMIALS…there are real number coefficients and the exponents of x are whole numbers (in the text, “nonnegative integers”). When you graph these you start somewhere and draw a smooth line with no loops or back tracking (remember each is a function) and your pencil never leaves the paper while sketching…it’s one continuous line that you draw…and there are no sharp corners (called “cusps”).

The first function has degree zero (horizontal line)…next to it is a function of degree 1 (a line with a non zero slope)…next is a parabola, aka quadratic, aka polynomial of degree 2, and last is a polynomial of degree 7. The highest power of x in the summands is written first in line and is called the “degree” of the polynomial. The term with the highest power is called the “leading term”. The number multiplier in the leading term is called the “leading coefficient”.

I want you to become comfortable graphing polynomials without calculating any points at all.

The first thing to learn is about the behavior of the graph at the extreme x values.

If the degree of the polynomial is even (2, 4, 6, ….) then

Both endpoints point up if the leading coefficient is positive


Both endpoint point down if the leading coefficient is negative


If the degree of the polynomial is odd (1,3, 5, …) then

If the leading coefficient is positive it’s left down and right up


If the leading coefficient is negative, it’s left up and right down


Graphs that are “like ” are graphs that have higher even numbers as exponents and no middle terms…these are flatter at the turn around point than , though. The same holds true for and higher odd powers.

Check outEnd behavior is:

And End behavior is:

Next we’ll be able to tell where the graph is and is not once we get the graph in factored form:

Let’s look at

What’s the leading term?

What’s the end behavior?

What’s the last term?is it a constant? is it times a power of x?

What’s the y intercept?

What are the x intercepts? aka “critical points”

Put them on an axis and let’s do some analysis

Pick four test points around the “crits” and figure out where the curves of the polynomial go using these TP to get the sign of the y value (+ above x axis,  below x axis)

TP one < 5

What is the excluded area?

5 < TP 2 < 2

What is the excluded area?

What can we use for 2 < TP3 < 1?

What is the excluded area?

What about TP4 > 1

What is the excluded area?

Now we can know something of the shape. Note that we really don’t know where the turn around points are nor what the x at the turn around is. We find those later, in Cal I, using derivatives.

Note, too, that each factor in the above polynomial was a linear factor: power of 1.

Each factor, then, at the zero, acted like a line…and if we restricted our vision to a tiny circle right at the intercept it would look like a line, too. Let me sketch in the “zoom” process I’m talking about…we’ll come back to this idea soon.

Suppose we have a polynomial like this one?

Leading term and end behavior?

Zero’s and y intercept?

Excluded region analysis?

Pick the three test points and let’s look at what’s supposed to happen…it will look odd until we realize exactly what that “(” term is doing to the numbers. “Zoom” in on it and note that it’s acting – locally only – like a parabola.

Now let’s look at one with a cubic term, a quadratic term and a linear term:

Leading term and end behavior?

y intercept?

last term?constant?

Zeros and behavior of factors?

On another note – not explicitly discussed in your book:

The degree can tell you the maximum number of turn arounds that your polynomial might have…you get a maximum of one fewer than the degree. So if you have a polynomial of degree 7, you’ll have 6 or fewer turn arounds. If you’re looking at a graph that has four turnarounds you’ll have to write a polynomial with at least an in it.

Let’s look at


none – all I guaranteed is 2 or less…none is less.

Now let’s do some graphing from the functional expression and then we’ll do it backwards:

Let’s look at

Leading term and end behavior:

Zeros and y intercept

Factor analysis

Test points and excluded regions

Let’s look at another:

Factor it:

Leading term and end behavior:

Zeros and y intercept

Factor analysis

Test points and excluded regions

Now let’s work backwards:

End behavior? Power, positive or negative leading term?

Zeros and y intercept? Factors?

Powers on factors?

Suggested polynomial:

Check turn arounds.

One last one – backwards