Final exam
QUESTIONS for Bachelor in Business Administration and Management Students (2017/18/1)
Youshouldpick 2 questionsatthestateexam. Forthesuccessfulstateexamyou must passbothquestions.
- Profit-maximizationonperfectlycompetitivemarkets - short-run, long-runequilibrium
- The effects of governmentpoliciesintheIS-LMmodel
- The HRM function, recruitmentselection (models, aims, policy goals)
- Performance management & reward management (definitions, aims, models)
- Economic and Monetary Union: Roadto EMU and itsfundamentalelements
- Inventory management (objectives of inventory management, inventorycost, typology of stocks, economicorderquantitymodel)
- Frameworks and concepts of financial accounting. The contents and strucure of financialstatements
- Financial statementanalysis
- Time value of money (FV, PV, NPV, perpetuity, annuity, IRR)
- Definition of Strategic Management, Strategic Management Process, Analysis of ExternalEnvironment (General Environment, IndustryEnvironment - FiveForcesModel, CompetitiveEnvironment - Strategic Group and CompetitorAnalysis) and InternalEnvironment (Resources, Capabilities, CoreCompetencies, ValueChainAnalysis)
- Business-levelStrategies (Porter's FiveStrategies), Corporate-levelStrategies (DiversificationStrategies)
- AcquisitionStrategy (Reasons and Drawbacks, Types), International Strategy (Incentives and Risks, International Business-level and Corporate-levelStrategies, International EntryModes
- Leadership (definition, functions, theories, roles)
- Marketing inthe 21th Century. ConsumerBehavior
- The Marketing Mix
- Whatdoes "control" and "controlling" mean? The basicelements of a controlsystem, theboundaries of management controlling. Organizationalgoals, corporate- and business unit strategies.
- Types of responsibilitycenters (expensecenters, revenuecenters, investmentcenters, profit centers) Transferpricing.
- Doing business: forms and function of business organisations
- Taxation of business activities
- The relationship of law and ethics. Global business ethicsissuesnowadays
- Risk and return (portfoliorisk, beta, diversification, MarkowitzPortfolioTheory, CAPM)
- History and Sructure of the European Union
- Assessingtheglobalmanager's environment: Poltical, Economic, Legal,
Technological. Managinginterdependence: SocialResponsibility and Ethics
- The culturalcontext of global management.
- Formulating and implementingstrategyforinternational and global