March 12, 2007

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The Board of Directors of Coos Bay Public Schools met on March 12, 2007, in the Community Room at Milner Crest Education Center, 1255 Hemlock Avenue, Coos Bay, Oregon, for their regular monthly meeting. Chairman Don Blom called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Board and guests recited the Pledge of Allegiance, led by several Madison Elementary School students.

Board members present: Tom Bennett Kathy Murray

Don Blom Donna Opitz

David Ford Andy Post

Wally Hazen

Board members absent: None

Others present included: Superintendent Karen Gray, Attorney David Dorsey, Rod Danielson, Duella Scott-Hull, Mary Bjornerud, Jon Mishra, Jennifer Haliski, Bryan Trendell, Gael Berhow, Dale Inskeep, Linda Vickrey, Travis Howard, Arlene Roblan, Joel Smallwood, Ann Marineau, Teri Jones, Trevor Edd, Debbie Slyter, Billie Chestnut, Kate O’Donnell, Ken Labrousse, Kristina DelaCruz, Ellen Field, Hank Fields, Vicki Rissback, Tiki Woodward, Korryna Kohl, and Tim Eckley.


Deb Larsen, MHS teacher and forensics coach, honored John Whitty with an award for his 50 years in the legal field and his dedication to the community and to the forensics team at Marshfield. John and his wife raised their children in Coos Bay, and they all went to Marshfield. He said, “Kids can go from Marshfield to anywhere in the world.” He also said to the forensics team, “Don’t ever sell yourself short. You can do anything.”


As there were no corrections to the Consent Agenda items, Chairman Blom declared the following items approved as submitted:

· Minutes of the February 12, 2007, Board Executive Session.

· Minutes of the February 12, 2007, Regular Board Meeting.

· Retirement request submitted by Nancy Tedder, Millicoma Principal.

· Resignations submitted by certified staff members Matthew Crouch and Ilene Laugen.


· Highlighted School – Madison Elementary School: Principal Arlene Roblan announced that the three elementary principals will be honored in Salem with an award for their Healthy Kids Learn Better programs. She commented, “It’s everyone’s work and support, especially the kids, who are making healthy choices.” Several Madison students shared what they have learned and how they are using what they’ve learned in order to make healthy choices. Mrs. Roblan introduced the students and the staff from Madison who were at the meeting. Chairman Blom thanked the kids for their impressive presentation.

Mrs. Roblan then shared information about the Share Bear Snack Pack Program, a program of Oregon Coast Community Action. They became a partner in providing food for kids who need it for the weekend. It started with 50 students and has grown to 100. Mrs. Roblan said the food comes from surplus gathered for hurricane victims. It’s a wonderful program. They use the free and reduced meals list as well as personal knowledge to provide food for these kids.

· CBEA Business: There was no report from CBEA as Lynda Sanders was in Salem.

· OSEA Business: Greg Stambaugh and Linda Smith were in Salem for OSEA’s Legislative Education Day. Debbie Slyter and Billie Chestnut asked Kate O’Donnell to draw winning tickets for their annual scholarship fund raffle, which earned about $1,200 for scholarships for children or grandchildren of members in the district. Winners were announced, and they thanked everyone for supporting their efforts.

· MHS Activities Report: Kate O’Donnell reported on events and activities at Marshfield, highlighting the first day of the 3rd trimester, a great forensics tournament, dance, chess tournament, and spring sports.

· MHS Accreditation Report: Marshfield Principal Travis Howard reported that the report from the Northwest Association of Accredited Schools had rated Marshfield as Approved – with NO comment – for the 2006-07 school year. Numerous high schools received comments about excessive teacher loads in the last few years. The NAAS used newly-adopted excessive load ratios this year. The NAAS utilized a survey this year rather than an on-site visit. Travis said they look forward to their on-site visit next year.

· Resource Link Charter Revision: Linda Vickrey said a K-4 piece has been added with three or four students in a classroom at Blossom Gulch. The charter was revised to include these grades and submitted to the Board for first reading. Linda said they are looking at target population. They sent out fliers earlier in the year and had an open house with some good responses. This revision will be presented for second reading/approval at the April Board meeting.

Food Services: Tim Watson-Williams updated the Board on his attendance at the annual food services conference in Seaside. There were training sessions on commodities, summer food programs, etc. He also reported that the staff at Marshfield had their annual occupation safety visit and passed. The next Farmers Marker will be at Millicoma on the 18th of May.


Stacy Dunn from the Western Academy of Theater and TV spoke about the opportunities being provided by the Academy to those who may not otherwise be in theatre. She provided free passes to the Board for their opening engagement at the Egyptian Theatre in May. She said this is a great opportunity in our community.


· Board Member Activity/Committee Reports: Individual Board members shared information regarding school visits, committee meetings, etc., during the previous month. Chairman Don Blom announced that Dr. Karen Gray had received the Educational Excellence award for this region from the University of Oregon College of Education Alumni Association. Arnie Roblan nominated Dr. Gray

· OSBA Spring Regional: All Board members indicated they would attend the OSBA Spring Regional meeting March 20 in Bandon.

· Summary of the Superintendent Evaluation: Don Blom reported that board members spent sufficient time on the evaluation tool and the evaluation of the superintendent. Don said she received an excellent evaluation, and he shared some of the comments.

· Senior Awards Dessert: – Kathy Murray will represent the Board at the May 30 Senior Awards Dessert at Marshfield.

· Marshfield Graduation: Don Blom will be the speaker at this year’s graduation.


· Revised CBSD Scholarship Committee Bylaws: The revisions to the Bylaws were reviewed for a second reading. Kathy Murray moved the Board adopt the revisions. Tom Bennett seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.

· Licensed Staff Contract Renewals/Extensions: The Board was provided a list of contract renewals and extensions for 2007-08. Donna Opitz moved approval, seconded by Kathy Murray. The motion passed unanimously.

· Approve ESD Contract Services for 2007-08: South Coast ESD agrees to provide Coos Bay School District Life Skills services and the OSAS financial software package for $487,733 next year. Supt. Gray said that, when the District last checked on the cost of providing the services, it was about $1.5 million. Tom Bennett made a motion to approve the Contract Services for 2007-08. Wally Hazen seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.

· Request for Unpaid Leave of Absence: Teacher Anne Craig submitted a request for a one-year unpaid leave of absence to reevaluate her career goals and to deal with some health issues. Tom Bennett said it sounds like she wants to get back her vitality, and he made the motion to approve the one-year unpaid leave. David Ford seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.

· Resignation of Chief Administrative Officer: Chairman Don Blom announced that the Board received a letter of resignation from Supt. Karen Gray. She has accepted the superintendent’s position in the Parkrose School District in Portland. Don said she’d been very good to work with and that her presence would certainly be missed. David Ford moved that the Board accept her resignation. Don Blom seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.

Don Blom appointed Kathy Murray to chair a superintendent search committee and appointed David Ford and Donna Opitz to be on that committee with Kathy.


· Rod Danielson, Business Manager:

· Financial Report: Rod said the district is doing well on the expenditure side. As of the end of February, the district has received 78% of its total revenue and has spent 58% of the projected expenditures for the year.

· Energy Savings Projects Update: Rod said he, Karen, and Joel have been working with representatives from McKinstry on the energy savings projects. Rod provided a short history of the energy-savings program, with guaranteed savings, that was started about a year ago. McKinstry has put together a list of about 38 projects we could do. One project that will be done is replacing/retrofitting all lights in every building of the district. Rod and Joel reviewed other projects on the list. All projects must be cost neutral and PCB-free. Dave Ford made a motion that the Board support the efforts of McKinstry along with the district. Andy Post seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.

· Nike Update: Rod reminded the Board about Nike’s contract with the District to use the Marshfield name along with Steve Prefontaine’s name. It was unknown what those commission those sales may bring to Coos Bay Schools. Rod reported that it is working quite well. To date, we have received over $142,000. No decision has been made regarding spending this money, but they are considering replacing the reader board below the Harding Bldg.

· Karen Gray – Superintendent::

· Proposed 2007-08 Calendar: The Superintendent asked the Board to review the proposed calendar for next year. It includes two additional days of professional development

· Boys & Girls Club Leadership Conference: Being one of the 21 members of the Boys & Girls Club Board, Karen said she attended their Leadership Conference in Seattle recently.

There was no further business, so the meeting was adjourned at 9:29 p.m.


Don Blom Mary Bjornerud

Board Chairman Board/Superintendent Secretary