Home Learning Ideas December 2012

Happy December! / 4
Take Time for
Real Reading
Every Day! / 5
Round these numbers to the nearest 10 and nearest 100:
1,677 / 6
Write a kind note to thank the person who drives you to school.
Deliver the note! / 7
Read a comic strip from the newspaper to a friend or family member. Tell them why it’s funny!
Write a Riddle
Write four sentences that give clues about something having to do with Winter. See if anyone can guess what it is! / 11
Write a Short Story!
Choose a picture from a Christmas card and write a short story to go with it. / 12
Draw a picture of a character from a book or TV show. Write 4 interesting sentences to describe the character. / 13
Answer these questions:
_____ dimes equal 80 ¢
_____pennies in 2 nickels
_____nickels in 4 dimes
8 nickels equal ______cents / 14
Find a picture book at the library or at your house. After reading the book write a new ending and share it with a friend or family member.
Write a holiday themed math word problem. Have a friend or family member solve the problem. / 18
Play a board game instead of watching TV today! / 19
Draw a picture of a make believe animal. Label 6 of its parts. Remember to use color to make it more interesting! / 20
Draw a map of your house! Be detailed and colorful.
Include a title, key, and compass rose. / 21
Write down all of the coin combinations that equal 50¢.
For example, 1 quarter, 2 dimes and 1 nickel.
Before you fall asleep take a minute to think about all of the wonderful things you are!
(A brother, sister, artist, helper, etc) / 25

Enjoy friends and family! / 26
Draw a large picture of yourself. Gather scraps of wrapping paper and ribbon to design clothes to glue on. Write a story about where you could go in your new clothes. / 27
Write a thank you note to someone who did something nice for you.
/ 28
Compare & Contrast
Talk to a friend or find a book about traditions. Describe the similarities and differences between your traditions and one different tradition.
Rounded Numbers / Winter Riddle
Holiday Math Problem

Christmas Card Story


Map of Your House

Picture of You in Wrapping Paper Clothes