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Minutes of meeting of Council held on 26th February 2014.


Cllr E Bebbington Cllr C Popley

Cllr G Docherty Cllr R Popley

Cllr R Ewing Cllr C Radford

Cllr B Gilmour Cllr M Roberts

Cllr D Horn (Vice-Chairman) Cllr J Savage

Cllr J Lennie Cllr J Tassell (Chairman)

Cllr B Perkins Cllr G Timson

Cllr C Poole

Mrs B Snape – Clerk to the Council

Mrs B Blood – RFO/Assistant Clerk

PC Phil Martindale – Shepshed Police

Members of the Public

Richard Rush – Echo


The Chairman led Council in Prayers.


None received.


PC Martindale advised the meeting of the latest crime statistics.

Members had been circulated with a response to the questions raised at previous meetings where there was no Police in attendance.

If a representative from the Police is unable to attend a Council meeting, a request has been made for crime statistics to be forwarded to the Clerk.

The following matters were discussed:-

Parking As car parking tends to fall under the remit of CBC, Street Wardens have been addressing some of the problems and tickets have been issued accordingly.

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Sheltered Housing If the Police are called to incidents at a sheltered housing complex this is reported back to a central core data base which is shared with both CBC and the Police.

Cannabis Factory Unfortunately, no arrests were made over the cannabis factory – the line of enquiry has been exhausted and closed down.

Anti-social behaviour Reports of anti-social behaviour have been received outside of ASDA. This will be monitored by the Police, however, any such incidents should be reported when occurring.

If any ASB is reported in sheltered housing, an incremental approach is applied with varying levels. Any incidents are monitored in close liaison with CBC.

Parking on grass verges Vehicles parking on pavements or grass verges can only be dealt with by enforcement if they are causing an obstruction.

Crime Prevention The Chairman enquired whether STC can assist with any crime prevention. PC Martindale agreed to consider the enquiry and report back through the Clerk.

Recently 3 victims of crime have been eligible for PRIDE alarms, however, do not appear to have been offered one. PC Martindale made reference to the First Contact Scheme and agreed to furnish the Clerk with information. He also agreed to pursue the PRIDE alarm enquiry.

PC Martindale was thanked for his attendance and left the meeting.


Cllr C Poole – CBC, SVC, Food Bank & Community Plan

Cllr J Lennie – CBC, Community Plan & Passion

Cllr E Bebbington – CBC, Lions & Twinning

Cllr B Gilmour – CAB & Newcroft School

Cllr R Popley – CBC, SVC & Christchurch

Cllr C Popley – Christchurch

Cllr C Radford – LCC, CBC, SVC, Food Bank & Glenmore Centre

Cllr G Docherty – Glenmore Centre

Cllr D Horn – Glenmore Centre & Food Bank

Cllr G Timson – SVC, Food Bank & Community Plan

Cllr R Ewing – Glenmore Centre

Cllr B Perkins – Twinning & Christchurch

Cllr J Tassell – Food Bank & Glenmore Centre

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The minutes of the previous meeting were approved and signed as a true record.


None received.


The report was moved by Cllr C Radford, seconded by Cllr G Docherty.

Cllr R Popley noted that his name had been omitted as declaring an interest in CBC.

1898a) Ingles FC – Response from Sileby Parish Council Members had been circulated with a copy of the above correspondence advising that Sileby Town FC lease their pitch from Sileby PC and they do all their own maintenance. Following a discussion, it was RESOLVED to obtain further information:-

a) How much rent do Sileby FC pay for use of the pitch

b) Has any problems been encountered since the erection of the railings

c) Request more detailed information from Ingles FC to include a scaled site plan

The above information to be obtained prior to a site meeting with Ingles FC.

The Chairman of Council agreed to circulate to Councillors photographs of a football pitch with railings which she had taking during a visit to Thurmaston.

1898c) Food Bank in Shepshed At present food is still being stored in Anne Glasper’s garage and also at a garage in Loughborough which belongs to Jane Hopper (SSCB). Generous donations of food are being received via ASDA and Churches Together.

There are still some issues with the Youth Centre which need to be addressed before housing the Food Bank. Insurance is currently being applied for.

1898e) Shepshed BMX Track A date for the official launch/open day is still to be confirmed.

1899 Dog Control Subcommittee Problems are being experienced with dog owners not disposing of bagged dog faeces correctly.

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Cllr M Roberts wished to declare an interest in Shepshed Hind Leys.

1901b) Planning related issues Cllr C Radford reported that STC would not be able to be involved with S106/CBC at the pre-planning stage.

With reference to Cllr C Radford’s request for the planning application for 66 dwellings on Iveshead Road to go back to the planning committee – this was not permitted as it was in relation to tree screening.

P/13/2467/2 Site for the erection of 3 dwellings with associated access, parking & landscaping AT land between 64 & 66 Brick Kiln Lane Reference was made to a recent media report relating to sink holes under new developments. RESOLVED that this article be forwarded to CBC’s Planning Department for attention.

It was noted that professional people tend to ignore the knowledge of local residents.

The report was confirmed and adopted.


The report was moved by Cllr D Horn, seconded by Cllr C Radford.

1930, 1921c) Shepshed Show – Launch Event The organisers of the above event were congratulated on an excellent performance.

1931e) Financial Support for SVC It was reported that CBC has agreed to a grant towards the Shepshed Volunteer Centre.

P/14/0127/2 Change of use from retail to residential flat at ground floor & alteration to front elevation AT 31 Britannia Street It was disappointing to learn that LCC’s Highways did not have any objection to the above application.

1935a) Visit to Brick Works Those members who attended the visit to the Brick Works were most impressed.

A letter of thanks is to be sent to Tim Barnett and enquire whether it would be possible to arrange an afternoon visit sometime in the future.

It was reported that AE Burgess – Waste Transfer, Treatment & Recycling Facility at Ingleberry Road has been approved and a liaison group will be formed.

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The report was confirmed and adopted.


The following planning applications had been received and it was RESOLVED not to forward any comment to CBC’s Planning Department:-

P/13/2520/2 Retention of and alterations to boundary fence AT 1 Cheviot Drive

P/13/2009/2 Erection of 4 dwellings AT Land adj 64 Brick Kiln Lane

P/13/2096/2 Replacement of 3 UPVC windows with wooden windows to rear of dwelling (Listed Building Consent) AT 32 Queen Street

P/14/0062/2 Retention of an outbuilding to rear of dwelling AT 25 The Lant

P/14/0225/2 Request for Scoping Opinion for Sustainable Urban Extension on Land West of Loughborough AT Land West of Loughborough

P/14/0205/2 Erection of first floor extension to side and single storey extension to front of dwelling AT 21 Cumbrian Way

P/13/2337/2 Retention of 2.43m high fencing AT SIP (Industrial Products) Ltd 5 Gelders Hall Road


a) Brian Mee Associates Ltd – Contract Renewal Price RESOLVED to approve and accept a contract price increase of 2% for 2013/14 period which equates to £24381.48 + VAT

b) Anne Glasper – Shepshed Open Gardens RESOLVED to seek more information on the exact request made to STC from the Open Gardens, maybe the Town Council could cover the cost of an advertisement in the Shepshed Eye.

c) CBC – Parish Precept, Financial Year 2014/15 Members had been circulated with a copy of the above detailed correspondence relating to the Parish Precept for 2014/15. It noted that the total requirement for 2014/15 = £317158, this is arrived at by a total amount of precept to be charged to Council Tax Payers = £293,508 plus a grant of £23,650.

As the Precept has been presented in a different format by CBC this year it would appear that the Town Council was of the opinion that the figure requested should have equated to a zero % increase. However, upon receipt of a Supplementary Report of Cabinet (24th February 2014) it would appear that Shepshed’s precept actually equates to a 1.5% increase.

Following a debate it was RESOLVED to write to CBC noting the Town Council’s disquiet at the misleading way the Precept had been presented this year.

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Cllr R Popley wished it recording that he abstained from any voting on the above.

d) CBC Local Plan Site Allocations & Development Management Policies Development Plan Document (Allocations & Policies Plan) – Options Consultation (February 2014) It was RESOLVED to forward the following comment in response to the above document:-

Page 30/31 Employment Site Allocations 2 sites in Shepshed have been identified of which both are greenfields, however, Loughborough has only 1 site which is a brownfield.

Page 15 Potential Green Infrastructure Policies There is no protection for valuable agricultural land as it is all being built on

A request is made that local resident/Town Councillors be listened to on what they would like from a developer

Page 10 Potential Housing Policies 4) Halls of residence/houses in multiple occupation – Loughborough University prefers its students to be accommodated on campus otherwise valuable land is being used. Students are not liable for Council Tax.

Page 16 & 17 Table 8 Potential Climate Change & Pollution Policies Tree screening needs to be longer that the current 5 years.

Again, local knowledge needs to be listened to when it comes to development and flood risks.

Page 17 & 18 Potential Heritage Assets Policies 2) Listed buildings and their settings – Local knowledge should be listened to e.g. The Britannia Inn Public House was recently demolished without any form of consultation.

3) Protection of historic landscapes, parks and gardens and their settings – This should apply to both Garendon Park Estates and Blackbrook

Table 10 Potential Infrastructure Policies Provision and contributions (CIL, S106) legally a Parish/Town Council will receive 15% as CIL

Page 24 Table 11 Options for Housing Site Allocations Options Land off Fairway Road Shepshed 280 dwellings

Shepshed does not need or warrant any more land being allocated for development. Infrastructure, education, health and industry should be a priority for Shepshed.

Chairman ………………………………………………………….. Date ……………………………………………