World History Unit 9 Review Sheet Online Review On My SharePoint Site

Gandhi practiced a form of nonviolent protest of injustice called ______

______First European colony in Africa to become independent after World War II.

______African Independence movements were inspired by this U.S. event

______Anti-colonial guerrilla movement in Kenya from 1952-1956. Calling themselves the Land and Freedom Party, they began as a protest movement.

______Cause of the violence in India after Independence was achieved.

______Country created out of part of India for Muslims

______East African Nation where a white minority took land from the Kikuyu & Massai

______From 1948-1991, the white minority of South Africa used force to oppress the black majority by forcing them into segregated homelands and denying them equality.

______Gandhi’s right hand man who became the first Hindu Prime Minister of India

______Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was the leader of

______”Great Soul.” Title the people gave to Mohandas Gandhi

______Indian protest demonstration of British taxation

______Kind of African colony where resistance to Black majority rule occurred.

______Last country in Africa to be ruled by a Black majority.

The people who are at the greatest risk of harm by ISIS, the Taliban, and Al Qaeda are people from the ______, ______minorities, and ______.

______Leader of ANC; first democratically elected leader of South Africa; in prison from 1962-1990

______Leader of India’s independence movement, believed in nonviolent civil disobedience

______Leading nationalist and Prime Minister of the Gold Coast until its independence in 1957. Later he became first Prime Minister then President of Ghana.

______Led the Mau Mau revolt and became first prime minister of Kenya; president of Kenya from 1964-1978

______Who said: “Live simply, so that others can simply live.”

______location of the British massacre of peaceful Indian protesters: men, women & children.

______Muslim leader in the Indian independence movement who became first Prime Minister of Pakistan

______and ______only African nations to remain independent from European Colonial rule.

______Site of the 1980’s student protest movement in South Africa

______South African political group led the fight against Apartheid. They won the majority of legislative seats in the 1994 election and continue to lead the government of South Africa.

______and ______nations in Civil War because of ISIS

______Symbol of Indian Independence and the National Congress Party

Reasons the United States is concerned about the situation in Pakistan:

threat of ______war between Pakistan and ______

growing influence of the ______and ______in Pakistan

danger of leaking of nuclear information from Pakistan to ______groups.

______East Pakistan became an independent nation in 1971 called

______United States troops are currently engaged in fighting Al Qaeda & the Taliban in

______organizer of Black Consciousness Movement in South Africa who was beaten to death by the police was

______Anglican bishop who led the international opposition to Apartheid & Truth & Reconciliation Commission

______leader of Democracy movement in Myanmar, under house arrest, Noble Prize winner

______radical anti-Western militant group devoted to establishing an independent Islamic state

______Because of this event the Jewish people sought a nation of their own in Israel

One of the strengths of ISIS is their ability to recruit soldiers from other ______

______Arab nationalism began under the leadership of this Egyptian President

______founder of the PLO

______, ______, ______territory won by Israel in the 6 Day War

______Where were 52 Americans held hostage for 444 days?

______What group will suffer the most if the Taliban return to power in Afghanistan?

Know the location of the following nations on maps of Asia and Africa:

·  Afghanistan

·  Bangladesh

·  Ghana

·  India

·  Iran

·  Iraq

·  Kenya

·  Pakistan

·  South Africa

·  Syria