Agricultural Production Systems sIMulator (APSIM)
Training Course
DATE: / Monday 5thTuesday 6th May 2014TIMES: / 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM
VENUE: / Seminar Room
EcoSciences Precinct - DuttonPark
41 Boggo Road
COURSE OVERVIEW: / This course is aimed at providing training in the use of the Agricultural Production Systems sIMulator (APSIM) focusing on the user interface. It is very 'hands on' with a mix of short presentations and tutorials relevant to research activities. Prior to the course, as an introduction to APSIM,you may wish to familiarise yourself with the followingtraining material.
The course has been designed for both beginners and more advanced users who have developed simulations and require specific technical assistance. It will focus on individual needs with tutors providing one-on-one assistance. Common issues will be summarised and presented as more formal group tutorials.
The course will normally be limited to a maximum of 14 participants and can be tailored to meet specific needs of individuals and groups. A minimum of 10 participants will be required to run the course.
COURSE REQUIREMENTS: / To successfully undertake this course you will need to have:
A Laptop PC;
A licensed copy of APSIM installed on the laptop;
For advanced users, current simulations you are working on, or background data for building simulations;
Organised all travel and accommodation associated with your training.
COURSE FEE: / $1,210 AUD (GST Inclusive)
The course fee includes any required learning materials and access to experienced APSIM users and developers.
Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea will be provided on both days.
APSIM Training Course
Registration Form
I wish to attend the 2 day APSIM Training course to be held inBrisbane on Monday 5thTuesday 6th May 2014.
Participant Details
Phone Number:
Special Dietary
- Registration deadline isMonday 28thApril 2014.
- Please complete the Participant and Payment Details, sign, scan and email to
Alternatively you can fax or mail a copy as per the contact details at the bottom of the page.
Payment Details
Please pay the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) the total sum of $1,210 AUD (GST Inclusive)to attend the APSIMTraining Course on5th and 6th May 2014
Payment Options
(tick your payment method)
(Make payable to DEEDI & mark ‘Not Negotiable’)
Card Number (please print clearly)Expiry Date
Bankcard MasterCard _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ / ______/ _ _
Visa American ExpressCard Holder’s Name Amount Paid
(as appears on the card)$1,210 AUD
Card Holder’s Signature
Office Use Only: WBS Element/Cost Collector: 7-02314-07 GL Account Code: 411120Phone
Email / +61 7 4688 1596
+61 7 4688 1193
/ Website
Address /
203 Tor Street
PO Box 102, Toowoomba
QLD 4350
AUSTRALIA / The APSIM Initiative is an unincorporated joint venture between:
The State of Queensland through its Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF);
The University of Queensland (UQ); and the
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)