Tom English – Director

Ramon Carrillo – Janessa Rios - Assistant Directors

The study of music is an important part of a complete education. It engages students in individual and group activity, develops creativity, problem solving, and critical and evaluative skills. Music education helps students acquire talent in the production and performance of music, as well as an understanding of history and culture. - Former President George W. Bush

Current research indicates that the fine arts, especially, music, influences the brain and actually stimulates spatial intelligence. Students who participate in an arts program experience important learning transfers, in academic areas. - Dr. Mike Moses, former Texas Commissioner of Education

Successful organizations must have guidelines that pertain to all involved. This band handbook will attempt to cover rules, regulations, and information concerning the La Vega Band program. The success of the band program is dependent upon each member doing his or her particular task well. If one or two fall behind, the progress of the group as a whole suffers. As parents and students you must make a commitment, if our band program is to continue to be a successful organization you are proud to be associated with.

A student's education will not be complete without an appreciation for music. Music will be a vital part of your life. Through band we hope you will learn to appreciate all forms of music.


The mission of the La Vega High School Band Program is to offer the opportunity of participation to every student who has the ability and desire to do so. The combination of music and academics can be a tremendous experience in a young person's life. For many students, band can provide the most effective climate for learning lessons of personal integrity, determination, proper mental attitude, self-confidence, individual and team responsibilities and the desire to achieve high goals, which should be the basic objectives of any sound educational program. It will also serve the community by providing entertainment and establishing a common interest that will draw our citizens together in support of our various activities.


A La Vega Band member should be very proud to be a part of a very exciting, entertaining, and learning organization. This pride should be reflected at all times. Pride holds our band together. Be proud of all of the accomplishments of the members of the La Vega Bands.


"Attitude is everything!" The attitude of a La Vega Band Member should reflect the following characteristics:

1.) Wanting to work together as a group

2.) Always wanting the performance to improve

3.) Open minded to constructive criticism

4.) Striving to learn more about music

5.) Friendly to all, including members of other bands

6.) Cooperation

7.) Never giving up - Persistent

8.) Proud to be a La Vega Band Member

9.) Abides by all rules


Members of the La Vega Bands will follow all rules and regulations and do whatever it takes to keep the La Vega Bands as productive as possible. They are responsible students who take care of all equipment and uniforms. All students are responsible for all assigned instruments or equipment. All school equipment, uniforms, or instruments must be returned at the end of the school year.



The conduct of a La Vega Band Member should reflect the following characteristics:

1.)Courtesy at all times. Remember, "Courtesy pays!" “Yes, sir” or “No, sir" work much

better than "Yeah” and “Nope."

2.)Respectful to fellow band members, directors, any other visiting band members, all

teachers, and the general public.

3.)When out-of-town remember you are representing your family, school, community, state,

and yourself.

4.)When in any type of restaurant, you will be on your best behavior, be quite, eat as quickly

as possible, and make sure you clean up all the area and dispose of any trash before you

leave. Leave a good impression.

5.)Always take instruction with a good attitude and remember that we ALL learn from our


6.) Show PRIDE in being a member of the La Vega Bands.

7.) Follow all the rules and set a good example for all of the band members.



Working students are to inform their employers they are band students and should present them with a list of band rehearsals and performance dates for the upcoming month. It will be the responsibility of the band student to remind employers of upcoming rehearsals and performances so work schedules may be arranged well in advance. Students whose work will not allow them to rehearse and perform with the band may need to make a choice about band and work. Our band works on Monday nights and performs on Friday nights and Saturdays. Involvement in an activity is one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. ENJOY YOUR ACTIVITIES!


1.) No food, gum or drinks are allowed in the band hall without permission of the


2.) Students are to remain in their assigned chair during rehearsal. Permission to leave

the band room must be given by the director in charge of the rehearsal.

3.) No running or horseplay in the band room, practice field or main field.

4.) No playing of instruments other than your own without permission of a director.

Only percussionists play the percussion equipment.

5.)During Rehearsal, no one is to use a CELL or School phone without a director's

permission. Keep the cell phone in your pocket and not on the stand or your hand.

6.) You are responsible for all music checked out to you or used by you for a rehearsal

or a performance. School instruments checked out to you are your responsibility.

If you allow other students to play or use the school instrument or equipment you

are still held responsible. If other band members share the instrument, then the

person who damages the instrument will be held responsible.

7.) Students entering the rehearsal area will immediately read the television for

instructions for the day, get instrument, equipment, music and be in your

designated location, whether on the field or in the band room, before assigned

8.) All students are to listen and to obey all instructions given by the director and

participate FULLY in rehearsals. Doing homework or reading books during

rehearsals is not allowed and will not be tolerated.

9.) Instruments and equipment are to be stored in the appropriate locations. (Lockers)

Instruments are to be properly put in their cases and the cases closed and latched

while in the storage area. Marching shoes are also to be kept in the designated

storage areas.

10.) All classroom rules apply to after school rehearsals, performances, athletic events

and parades.



Students are REQUIRED to attend all rehearsals and performances. A performance includes any activity at which the band performs, such as concerts, contests, football games, pep rallies, parades, etc. Students and parents should be aware the amount of time required by band. Each student will be given 150 points daily for band classroom participation. Classroom participation involves following the directors' instruction, class rules and proper playing of your instrument. Regular rehearsal absence will be excused for type 1 absences as stated in the La Vega Student Handbook.


a.)REHEARSAL - Each student will be given 500 points for participation in each after school rehearsal. Rehearsal absence may be excused for type 1 absences as stated in the La Vega Student Handbook, and may be made up at the discretion of the Director.

b.) PERFORMANCE - FOOTBALL GAMES - Each student will be given Seven hundred and fifty, (750) points for band participation at each football game. Participation rules include: arriving on time; proper uniform dress at all times; marching correctly with the band; sitting in your assigned seat in the band section; playing your instrument in the stand; performing with the band on the field; marching off the field and back to the stands in the correct manner; being in your assigned place ready to play following half-time; following third quarter rules; proper respect and conduct in the stands; and, following the Director's instructions at all times.

Points will be deducted for students not complying with the participation rules. An absence from a Football Game Performance cannot be made-up because the football game cannot be played again and you cannot perform to the same audience. The Director must excuse band absences after school. The Director must be notified prior to the absence and receive a note signed by parents or guardian immediately following the absence.In cases of an emergency, the Director must be notified as soon as possible. If a school absence for personal leave conflicts with a performance, an absence will be excused at the discretion of the Director.

3.) CONTESTS / CONCERTS:Contests and concerts are considered the most important performance of the band.Each student will be given nine hundred and ninety nine (999) points for attendance and participation per concert or contest. An UNEXCUSED absence from a concert or contest can result in the student being dropped from band with a grade of "F". Contests will be any performance for which we receive a rating. An excused absence will be granted by the Director for serious illness of student or immediate family member, death of an immediate family member, or observance of a religious holiday. Any other excused absence from a contest will be at the discretion of the director. Observance of a religious holiday will be excused only if the Director is notified one month prior to the student absence. This will give the Director the opportunity to adjust the band's performance, if possible, for the student's absence. Only the Director will grant excused absences from a Concert. Remember any performance is more important than a practice.PARENTS MUST CONTACT the Band Director following a missed unexcused contest performance.

4.) TARDIES - Tardies during regular classroom hours and unexcused tardies too early or after school rehearsal, performance, fourth quarter of a football game or section rehearsal will result in points being deducted from your grade for each minute you are late. If a parent/you call in advancewith a reasonable excuse, then the above will be waived.

5.) PEP RALLIES, PARADES, HOMECOMING ACTIVITIES - Student involvement at pep rallies must include: attending, participating fully by playing your instrument to the best of your ability, (including flag routines), wearing your band shirts, and displaying support for all participants of the pep rally. Participation at each pep rally will be awarded 250 points. Each parade and homecoming activity will be awarded five hundred (750) points for band participation.


The band program will observe and enforce the rules of the University Interscholastic League (U.I.L.) and of the La Vega School District, governing student activities.


Grades will be based on a point system. Students are awarded points for:

Early Rehearsal7:45 to 8:10 AM 75 points per day 375 per week

Daily Classroom Participation 150 points per day 750 per week

Monday Night Rehearsal 750 points

Section Rehearsal 300 points

Football Games 999 points each

U.I.L. Contest 999 points

Invitational Marching Contest 999 points

Invitational Concert Contest 999 points

Parades 750 points

Homecoming Parade750 points

Pep assemblies or rallies 250 points

Concerts 999 points

Playing off assigned band music from memory 0 to 250 points

Marching and Playing Tests 250 points

Students who are ineligible MUST turn in a three page hand written report in order

to receive a grade to make up for the missed performance. Deadline lines must be met to get full credit.



Summer band will begin our marching season. Summer Camp will begin on August 4, 2014 with full band. Students should receive a summer band rehearsal schedule in the mail by July 22nd. If you have not received one by July 25th, please contact the Director. Beginning dates will be announced on the American Bank sign and you will receive a phone call.

Summer band is for the preparation of new music for the coming season, the practice of basic marching fundamentals and learning new marching styles. The rehearsal schedule for summer band will be set up to avoid as many student conflicts as possible.

Students and parents are reminded that summer band allows us a head start before the school year, which will make our football season a success. We realize this is vacation time, so if you must be out of town, contact the director prior to departure. We do expect and require any band student in town to attend summer band. Please arrange your work schedule to allow time for summer band rehearsals.

There will be a Parent meeting on the First Monday which is August 4th at 6:30 PM in the LVHS auditorium. Parents may order shoes; band shirts and sign up for concession stand duty


Must meet eligibility requirements.

Possess a strong dedication to the band program

Have a strong sense of rhythm for timing purposes of auxiliary routines.

Shall have a good personality and display a proper and positive attitude.

Must be dependable!

Will be prepared to work on routines or music until perfected.


Each spring, auxiliary tryouts will be held for the coming year. All Drum Major and Color Guard members will be required to tryout. Selection of the Drum Majors and Color Guard will be by qualified judges from outside the school system. The band director will select the judges with Principal approval. Alternate line members will be named for the line when possible. A point system will be used. If you know of a conflict that would keep you from a performance as an auxiliary member, then DO NOT audition for the auxiliary position. Remember you will be a part of a line depending on you being at all rehearsals, so they may perform their part of the drill properly. A member of the flag line who receives an unexcused absence from a band performance will not be allowed to audition for the flag line the next year. The auxiliary member may be dropped from the position and assigned as a playing member of the band. Auxiliary members will perform on their instruments at football games. This is to insure your success as a musician first.

a.) A student must meet the La Vega School District grade requirements for activities in order to tryout for any auxiliary.

b.) Tryouts will consist of some or all the following:

Flag Fundamentals

Attention Parade Rest

Right Shoulder ArmsPresent Arms

Drop Spins Augmented drop spins

Front to BacksSingle and double Butterflies

WindmillsGroup Routine

Marching Routine Poise and Personal Appearance


a.)Attend a camp. If the camp is held at the High School, there may be a

nominal charge to the auxiliary members to cover the cost of instructors. A

date for the camp will be set after the auxiliary line has been selected in the

spring. The camp will allow early preparation of routines for football


b.)Buy uniform, shoes, socks, "Friday Uniform" or any other supplies

approved by the Director. Auxiliary members may use fund raising

activities, if possible, to help with these expenses.

c.) Attend all rehearsals and extra practices approved by the Director.

d.) Replacing all lost or damaged equipment issued to the member.

e.)Auxiliary members should be prompt in attendance and remain until

dismissed unless prior arrangements have been made through the Unit

Instructor or Band Director.

f.)Two unexcused absences from required practices will result in an auxiliary

member being dismissed from the line. No reimbursements for auxiliary

costs will be given.

g.) The unit Sponsor will make final decisions on dress and routine

construction after consultation with the head band director.


Cooperation is the key word for the auxiliary line. An uncooperative attitude will be cause for dismissal from the line. The number of auxiliary members selected will be at the discretion of the director.


The most important position in the marching band is that of the drum major. This person is literally the leader on the field. The drum major exemplifies the spirit, dignity, and bearing of the entire band. The position is definitely leadership oriented and leadership qualities should be evident at all times. The "Command" voice should be good and the candidate should possess a good personality and should get along well with others. Dependability is vitally important and will be highly considered. A Drum Major is not of much use to the organization if they miss rehearsals or performances.