Minutes of the Billinghay Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 7 October 2013 at the Village Hall, Ringmoor Close, Billinghay

Present: Cllr. Liles (WL) in the Chair, Councillors Locke (KL), Miller (RM), Cozens (KC), Harper (SJH), Chatten (RC), Richards (TR), Lamb (PL), Long (GL) and Kirk (CK)

District Councillors Ogden (GO)

Parish Clerk /RFO: C Willingham

Minutes Secretary: Lou Hird

1 Member of the Public attended

Public Session

The meeting was attended by a representative of the football club who gave details of the progress they were making and also raised two other topics, these being:

·  The headstone on the grave of a former secretary of the football club who had given many years of service to both the club and other village organisations disappeared some time ago. The football club is trying to raise money to replace the stone. Other organisations are also interested in helping to raise money for the replacement. The Clerk explained that current local authority regulations meant that the Parish did not meet the criteria to enable them to make any donation for this purpose. Councillors felt that they would personally be able to support fundraising activities for the purpose in other ways. It was agreed that the fundraising effort would receive publicity through the Newsletter and the Council position would be clearly stated.

·  There were problems with the football pitches as a minority of dog owners who walked their dogs on the Playing Fields is not removing excrement. It was agreed to highlight the problem in the Newsletter.

86 Chairman's remarks

WL welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked KL & KC for representing the village at the NKDC event and all councillors for attending the Neighbourhood Plan Meeting.

87 Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from District Cllr Powell & County Councillor Bradwell

88 Declarations of interest in items on the agenda:

SJH - Burial Matters TR/PL/RM & CK - Fitzwilliam Place Notice Board

KC/WL - Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony

89 Notes of 2 September to accept as Minutes

It was proposed by CK, seconded by RM and carried unanimously that the notes for meeting on the 2 September 2013 be accepted as a true record.

90 Clerks report: Matters arising from previous notes and updates

·  The Clerk reiterated the position regarding donations for the replacement headstone as it was defined as “personal” in the regulations.

·  The position regarding the defibrillator had changed as the cost was now likely to be £1500. The Medical Centre had agreed that it could be located on the wall of the Medical Centre and expressed their surprise that it would cost that much. CW was seeking clarification as to the best and most economical method of proceeding and would report back. Item to be included on the next agenda.

·  The facility to make payments by BACS was almost in place and confirmation that the Office can use this method was awaited from the Bank.

·  No progress had yet been made regarding the trimming of trees in the Churchyard.

·  The Arnold Baker Local Council reference book had been ordered and the Clerk would let Councillors know when it was available.

91 Planning Matters:

a. Applications

13/1012/HOUS 139 High Street - Extension - No comments

13/1088/HOUS 17 Fen Road - Oil Tank Replacement - No comments

b. Ongoing

13/0816/FUL Haws Farm Mill Lane - replacement of chicken huts

c. Withdrawn

13/0961/FUL - Convenience Store

d. Approved

13/0927/HOUS 2 Shire Close - erection of 2 storey extension.

At this stage the Chair asked for Councillors to fulfil their role as part of the Planning Committee and review applications on line. Any comments could then be sent by email to other members.

92 Neighbourhood Plan

WL commented that whilst she was pleased with the positive response from the Councillors she was disappointed with the number of residents displaying an interest. It seemed that despite the efforts in advertising the event, they had not succeeded in attracting the interest required. It was vital that the Plan received the support of the residents and the main feedback from those who attended was “make better what we have got” before trying to develop further.

The travel questionnaire planned for distribution shortly received approval from residents from other areas also. It was agreed that this should be discussed at the next Cluster meeting when Nina Lightfoot would attend.

93. Co-option of Councillor

Only one application had been received and this was from Simon Key. It was proposed by SJH, seconded by GL and carried unanimously that he be co-opted onto the Council. He was welcomed by the Chair.

94. Financial Matters

a) Cheques for payment – List circulated prior to meeting - see attached Appendix

b) To discuss request for donation for memorial in the cemetery - this was discussed in the Public Session and further in the Clerk’s notes.

c) Handyman - It was agreed that there numerous small jobs around the village requiring attention but not on a regular basis that would warrant the Council actually employing someone. A far better option was deemed to be the use of a handyman on an ad hoc basis using own tools and having own insurance. Eventually it was proposed by RM, seconded by RC and carried unanimously that the handyman job be incorporated in with the Gravediggers work. This would resolve the problem re equipment and Insurance. Accounts for the work could be submitted in the normal way. It was also agreed that the position would be reviewed at the Annual Finance meeting each November.

d) Christmas Tree Lighting Arrangements - it was agreed that the arrangements would follow the pattern of previous years. The Clerk was asked to arrange for the supply the Christmas Tree and the various requisite personnel (e.g. Vicar, Organist etc) In addition, the users of the Community Rooms for that night needed to be asked if the facilities can be shared.

The Women’s British Legion had offered to do the teas, coffees and biscuits and it was proposed by RM, seconded by TR and carried unanimously that the Council donate £50 to them and they will supply the tea, coffee etc. It was also suggested that the local Co-op be approached for possible donation for consumption on the night.

e) It was proposed by RC, seconded by RM and carried unanimously that the Council purchase a Poppy Wreath for War Memorial each year with the proviso that the decision is reviewed when the cost exceeds £25.

f) A revised design had been produced for the Ashes Area path. The Contractor who had been awarded the work had produced a revised estimate reducing the cost by £500. It was proposed by PL, seconded by RM and carried unanimously that the work be awarded to the same contractor on the new basis and quote. It was also proposed by RC, seconded by PL and carried unanimously that an interim payment of £750 be made for materials etc.

g) It was suggested that extra Notice Boards be placed at Fitzwilliam Place Mosaic Corner) and Fen Road (outside School Entrance) as these were thought to be places where notices would be seen and read. The Village Hall Committee supported the Fitzwilliam Place Board and had indicated that they were willing to contribute to the cost. The Clerk was asked to clarify the ownership of the land, ensure that Highways were happy with the locations. In addition she agreed to make enquiries regarding possible grants.

95. Correspondence

The following items were discussed:

·  NKDC had written asking the Council to apply for a litter picking grant as in previous years. The Clerk was requested to progress the application.

·  A request had been received from the Wish upon a Star Charity to display a banner in the Market Place advertising a charity event in Woodhall Spa on the 23rd November. It was agreed that provided the banner did not interfere with other facilities on the Market Place, then it would be acceptable.

96. Highways Matters

Parking at Children's Centre/School had caused concern to several residents worried about the safety of their children. County Councillor Bradwell was now investigating the situation. Highways had been asked to monitor the parking and this was an ongoing review. The Parish Council await the outcome of the investigations and it will be placed on next month’s agenda.

Two requests had been received to extend yellow lines because of parking issues. These were:

·  On the High Street where there are already yellow lines outside the building in question but not quite as far on the opposite side of the road. Councillors considered the request but did not support same.

·  On Victoria Street where a large van had been parking opposite an entrance to a drive. This impeded the resident’s vehicle from exiting their drive. It was t understood that only one vehicle was causing the problem and that this could be resolved by discussion between the parties involved.

97. Police

WL had issued a report from the recent Police Panel prior to the meeting and this outlined the current priorities for policing in the area.

She mentioned the apparent lack of Neighbourhood Watch Groups in the village compared with other parishes in the Cluster Group. It was agreed that the Council should promote the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme and include an article in the next Newsletter.

98. Burial & Allotment Matters

Multi Ashes Burials have been discussed with the gravedigger and procedures agreed.

The block area that was used for soil had deteriorated and was now considered an eyesore. It was agreed to decide upon action at the next meeting.

99. Policy

a) Risk Assessment

The office has put together a template for most of the work but need Councillor’s involvement to complete the exercise and set an ongoing assessment in place. Councillors were asked to spare some of their time to go through the template and allocate responsibilities.

b) Budget requirements for expenditure on projects next year

Councillors were asked prior to the meeting to identify any expenditure that might be required in the coming year outside the normal spending profile. The following items were mentioned:

·  Grass cutting on Skirth Banks

·  Work on the Old Cemetery

·  Contributions to a Firework party

·  Speed Indicator Device Purchase

·  First World War Anniversary Events - Councillors were requested to think of possible ideas for such events.

100. Reports from Councillors and future agenda items: info only

KL had issued a Patient Panel Report prior to the meeting setting out changes in procedure at the Medical centre.

KC advised that the problems she had reported in Brunswick Square were still ongoing.

CK reported a fallen headstone in the cemetery and members of the Burial Committee agreed to inspect and check on safety of others.

GL reported a parking issue on the corner of King Street and the High Street.

SJH mentioned a willow tree that was overhanging in King Street and the Clerk agreed to approach Highways to see if they could contact the owner to remedy the situation.

SJH mentioned a similar problem in Skirth Road and GL one in Victoria Street where the tree was kept trimmed but not to a sufficient height.

SJH also reported a horse being exercised on the Playing Field which had left a “deposit” left behind. It was agreed that if identified, it should be pointed out to the rider that the fields were not a bridleway and horses were not allowed to exercise there.

WL requested that new Name Badges be obtained for Councillors to wear at meetings with other Organisations. The Clerk was asked to investigate.

WL advised that Welbourn Parish Council were at a more advance stage with their Neighbourhood Plan and had invited Billinghay Councillors to their next meeting on Saturday 26th October. WL requested that Councillors wishing to be involved contact her so she can advise Welbourn for catering purposes.

TR reminded everyone of the Remembrance Day Parade and Service.

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