HHS Band Boosters

Monday, October 6, 2014

HHS Band Room

Call to Order: Call to order made at 7:04 pm.

Secretary Report:

Minutes approved.

Vice President Report:

Treasurer Report:

95% collection of dues. Some partial assists are left to be made.

Budget monthly report discussion: How do we let people know if they are getting close to the end of their payments or money in their student account? Information is sent out periodically and as needed for payment schedules. We have paid for the use of the washers/dryers to the athletic department in the past and it was discussed to do this again. Louise will find out what we have paid in the past.

Claire to find out whom to make the check out to.

Director’s Reports: (Daniel Upton, Claire Leeper, HHS Marching Band Co-Directors)

Thank you from Claire to parents for their support.

Daniel is sending weekly calendar through email. Discussion of how this is very helpful for students and families alike.

Saturday , 10/11/14– 1:00 all students to report for SVMI

POC on the 18th !

Itinerary’s will continue to be sent out each week from Mr. Upton.

PRISM concert was a huge success.

8th graders had a wonderful time last week and felt really welcome.


Motion made to do a 25.00 gift card for Taylor who put together the program.

Committee Reports:

Concessions – Jamie Labarge, Chair

Kettle Corn – Need to get additional people. Looking at doing on Friday evening.

Uniforms – Sharon King, Lynn McGranahan, Chairs

Need some additional uniforms (tux and dresses). Talk of how to get these supplies and when this would happen.

Transportation – Hector Bosh, Marty Doss, Co-Chairs

We have utilized the shelving system very well. Lights have been added. Generator up and running. May need to purchase outside holder for the generator. Looking at $250 – $300 for this addition. Good relationship with the driver. Has not accepted anything from us. Look at getting a plaque with the kids picture to hang at Beam Brothers. General discussion of getting more organized with the instruments.

New Business:

Fund Raising: Basketball game from JMU last year brought in $285.00. Booster members that were present looked at dates available to do another fundraiser through JMU.

Jan Eckert has done a pinterest board for fundraising options. Amanda P. is also interested in fundraising.

Exposure Manager: Remember to go on to the site and order your pictures! Mrs. Leeper had sent out the information.

Volunteer Coordinator: to help with families to set up times for meals, etc.

Michelle Cavoto will coordinate.

Fruit Sales will be coming out next week.

Jackie Williams Lifka sent letter to the DNR. Was put in the paper. A copy is included in the Secretary Notebook.

Kudos to band for their success this past weekend. Thank you to band parents for what they are doing for the students.

Meeting ended at 8:26 p.m.

Next Meeting:

Monday, November 3, 7:00 p.m.